Every Mind Matters Newsletter



Find out who will be our keynote speaker for this year


Learn how we are supporting more kids and youth


Explore our efforts to build engagement

with our programs


Explore who has recently joined us

Dear Psychology,

Welcome summer! As we soak up the sunshine and enjoy the beautiful weather, we invite you to take a moment to read our latest Newsletter edition, bursting with exciting news and updates. 

Don't forget this June, every $1 donated to us via CanadaHelps enters us for a chance to WIN $20,000. Donate now!

and help us to nurture resilience and support the mental well-being of kids and youth across Canada.

Have a fantastic, fun-filled summer!


Check out our staffing updates

19th Annual Breakfast for Champions:

Tuesday October 24th, 2023

Thank you to our Breakfast for Champions Sponsors for your support

and commitment to nurturing resilience in children and youth.

Presenting Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Mr. & Mrs. George & Leanne Lewis

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Michael and Honor de Pencier Foundation

Corporate Friend Sponsor

Print Sponsor

Design Sponsor

National Indigenous Month and Pride Month:

Supporting more kids and youth with our programs

Our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI) Modules are now available: In 2021-2022, we undertook a thorough review of all of our program guides and training from an Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) lens to ensure our resources continued to be inclusive and reflective of the diverse experiences of the children and youth we support. We recently launched two supplementary EDI modules that can be used after taking a Kids Have Stress Too! (KHST!) or Stress Lessons (SL) training or purchasing a guide to enhance these programs.

Partnership with Payukotayno: In October 2022 we had the opportunity to bring our KHST! and Stress Lessons training to Moose Factory in partnership with Payukotayno James and Hudsons Bay Family Services. We visited this community with a Two-Eyed Seeing approach, meaning, there was open dialogue and SMSKPC trainers learned from the community members as well about cultural approaches to dealing with stress. To read our acknowledgement at this training click here.

If you didn't have the chance to watch our Wellness Webinar "Fostering a connection with your LGBTQ2+ youth" hosted by Dr. Nicolás Francisco Narvaez Linares please do so. During the presentation, you will learn the essential vocabulary when speaking about LGBTQ2+ issues and microaggressions experienced by LGBTQ2+ youth. In addition, tips and tricks to help you initiate and feel comfortable talking about their most common issues, and discussing sensitive topics.

Expanding the reach of our programs

A big thank you to Dr. Nicole Racine and Desiree Jones for their insightful presentation about our new online Make the Connection program for parent and caregivers at the Expanding Horizons National Institute Conference 2023, and for sharing your expertise with the attendees. For more information on the Make the Connection program, visit our website here.

We were so happy to be part of the Ministry of Education, Saskatchewan’s Provincial Mental Health and Well-Being Symposium 2023. Workshop attendees were able to learn about our Kids Have Stress Too! and Stress Lessons programs and how educators in Saskatchewan can access our resources for free thanks to our participation in the Saskatchewan Roughrider Foundation’s Game Changer Playbook.

Welcome back!

We're excited to announce the support of Ontario Trillium Foundation to help us engage childcaring stakeholders outside of the classroom, expanding the delivery of our critical programs to more children and youth in the Greater Toronto Area.

We are thrilled to have the continued support of CIBC to enable more at-risk youth the opportunity to attend our 8-week intensive Stress Busters program.

What's New

We are thrilled to announce the well-deserved promotions for Siobhan and Pamela. Siobhan Laverdiere is now our Director, Program and Partnerships and Pamela Sariyannis is now our Manager, Programs and Partnerships. Both have been instrumental in advancing our offerings and extending our partnerships giving us the ability to be one step closer to ensuring every child in Canada can thrive.

Also Pamela and Siobhan recently trained in Plan to Protect®! Deepening our commitment to protect the children and youth we support, Plan to Protect® provides the HIGHEST STANDARD of abuse prevention and protection for organizations like ours.

We are excited to announce that Lanaya LaRose has accepted the contract position of RBC Stress Lessons Ambassador! Through generous funding from RBC Foundation, she will be helping us to adapt our Stress Lessons Grade 9-12 program into a peer-to-peer model so that students can support other students in learning about stress and coping skills. 

Congratulations to our summer student Djulia Bozic! Thanks to Canada Summer Job grants we are providing Djulia an opportunity to make a difference with the mental well-being of children and a chance to work with a charitable organization that uses psychological science to help children build a solid foundation of mental health. We look forward to working with you!

When you invest in Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada you invest in a brighter future for our children and youth ensuring they have every opportunity to thrive.


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We want to hear from you: How can we best support you in nurturing resilience in the kids in your life? Please contact us with your feedback and suggestions.

Strong Minds Strong Kids Psychology Canada

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