LAMPa’s work connects Lutherans to lawmakers. But our mission also connects Lutherans to each other and our neighbors here and around the globe. It connects faith to public life. Acts of service to works of justice. Thoughts and prayers, to action.
This Eastertide, we invite you to lean with us into that work of connecting with the launch of statewide service and justice networks. Join LAMPa and your neighbors around the Commonwealth who are living into their baptismal call to serve in the way of Jesus and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth.
We’re starting with noontime virtual gatherings around four areas in which our ministries have a depth of experience or excitement to grow and where Lutherans are expressing energy for making a difference.
(Follow the links above to register.)
These initial virtual gatherings will start at noon on Wednesdays in April. We will survey to determine best days, times and frequency for meetings moving forward. The networks are not just about meetings. They're about ongoing connection and community, grounded in the hope of Easter.
Our hope is for these networks to be spaces for learning and mutual support, for sharing stories, ideas, inspiration and information about grants and other resources. In a time of division in our public life, they will offer opportunity for building bridges and organizing for faithful action . You can help shape our public witness to better reflect the beauty, diversity and needs of our neighbors and our common home.
Of course, our call to love our neighbor extends beyond neat categories, and so does LAMPa's work. You can sign up for a network or let us know where else God is leading you (
and/or your congregation!) to act in love
Join us and share the news as we strive to be
Church together in Pennsylvania for the sake of the world God loves!