Meet The Graduate Chairs

Greetings Angelina,

We would like to welcome you once again and provide a brief introduction of our Graduate Chairs for the School of Natural Sciences. Additionally, the registration form for Graduate Orientation Week (GROW) is OPEN - please fill out the form at the end of this email by July 28th, 2023.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with your Graduate Chair and feel free to reach out to them!

The Graduate Group Chair is responsible for supervising graduate study in their Graduate Group, which includes:

  • Planning and carrying out graduate student recruitment,
  • Ensuring that each graduate student is assigned a Faculty Advisor and mentor,
  • Monitoring the progress of graduate students through the program,
  • Assessing resource needs and administration of the group’s budget,
  • Determining both graduate course offerings each semester & curriculum changes.

You will find their education, awards, and research interests. Additionally, you will also find a link to their website for in-depth information on their research. 

Applied Mathematics Graduate Chair
  • Ph.D., 2002 — University of California, San Diego
  • B.S., 1995 — Columbia University

  • 2010 — Best Paper Award, International Association of Engineers

Research Interests: 
  • Large-scale optimization
  • Scientific computation and numerical analysis
  • Compressed sensing and signal processing
  • Computational biology
  • Global optimization

Roummel Marcia

Link to Website
Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Chair
Associate Professor
Christine Isborn

Link to Website
  • Postdoctoral fellowship, 2009-2012 — Stanford University
  • Ph.D., 2009 — University of Washington
  • M.S., 2005 — University of Washington
  • B.S., 2001 — University of San Francisco

Research Interests: 
Developing and applying electronic structure theory, molecular dynamics and QM/MM methods to the modeling of:
  • electronic excited states,
  • photochemistry,
  • energy and electron transfer and
  • solvation.

Physics Graduate Chair


  • Ph.D., 2009 — Department of Physics, The University of Chicago
  • M.S., 2003 — Department of Physics, National Taiwan University
  • B.S., 2001 — National Taiwan University

Research Interests: 

  • Theoretical Condensed Matter
  • AMO Physics

Curriculum Vita: 


Associate Professor

Chih-Chun Chien


Link to Website
Quantitative and Systems Biology Graduate Chair 
Associate Professor
Fred Wolf

Link to Website


  • Associate Investigator, The Gallo Center, UCSF 2005-2011
  • Postdoc, UCSF 1999-2005
  • B.S. in Biology, 1988 — University of Michigan
  • Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology, 1998 — University of California, Berkeley

Research Interests: 

Genetic and neural circuit coding mechanisms of simple behaviors in Drosophila.

Graduate Orientation Week (GROW) is required for all incoming graduate students. Please complete the below registration form no later than Friday, July 28th, 2023.

Graduate Orientation Week Registration Form
Graduate Division GROW Website
SNS Graduate Programs GROW Website
IMPORTANT: Please be sure to start checking your UC Merced email in the MyUCMerced Portal.
Want to learn more about the School of Natural Sciences Graduate Programs?