It is to be noted that the current open Inquiries can be found by the following link:


New Inquiries –




Inquiries Conducted –


· 14 June 2023– Mr Rodney Blythe pleaded guilty to a charge issued by HRNSW Stewards pursuant to AHRR 190 (1), (2) & (4) following a report from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that Morphine and Oripavine were detected in the post-race urine sample taken from KEAYANG DOMINO following its win in race 1, the EUGOWRA FLOOD DISASTER RELIEF PACE (1720 metres) conducted at Young on Friday, 2 December 2022.


The reserve portion and control solution were confirmed by Racing Analytical Services Limited in Victoria.


In respect of that charge, Stewards determined that a conviction would be recorded, however, Stewards did not impose a penalty on Mr Blythe as they were satisfied that the detection of Morphine and Oripavine had resulted from environmental contamination.


The subject horse was disqualified under the provisions of AHRR 195.


· 20 June 2023– Mr Michael Doltoff pleaded guilty to a charge issued by HRNSW Stewards pursuant to AHRR 190 (1), (2) & (4) following a report from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that Phenylbutazone, oxyphenbutazone and gamma-hydroxyphenylbutazone were detected in the post-race blood sample taken from AUSTRALIANA following its win in race 6, the DRAG BINGO @ CLUB PACEWAY JULY 9 PACE (1720 metres) conducted at Penrith on Thursday 23 June 2022.


The ‘B’ sample was confirmed by Racing Analytical Services Limited in Victoria.


Penalty submissions were provided on behalf of Mr Doltoff by his legal representative Mr Wayne Pasterfield and the Inquiry was adjourned to allow HRNSW Stewards to give consideration to the matter of penalty.


· 20 June 2023– Mr Nathan Xuereb at the resumption of the inquiry into the running and handling of FIFTEEN ACES in Race 3 at Menangle on Saturday 22 April 2023 pleaded not guilty to charges issued by HRNSW Stewards pursuant to AHRR 147 (1), (2) & (4) and 149 (1). Written and oral evidence was tendered by Dr Derek Major on behalf of Mr Xuereb and verbal submissions were provided by Mr Xuereb and his solicitor Mr Hammond.


Further, Mr Xuereb pleaded guilty to a charge pursuant to AHRR 231 (2) in that he did misconduct himself at the Penrith Harness Racing Club meeting on Thursday 11 May 2023. Mr Hammond provided verbal submissions in respect of penalty.


The Inquiry into both matters was adjourned to allow HRNSW Stewards to give consideration to the further evidence and submissions.


The stand down applied to FIFTEEN ACES in accordance with AHRR183 (a) was removed.


·  21 June 2023– Mr Bill Lesslie pleaded guilty to a charge issued by HRNSW Stewards pursuant to AHRR 193 (1) & (9) following an investigation that was commenced after HRNSW Stewards observed Mr Lesslie stomach tubing WHY NOTT at his registered training establishment on Thursday 7 July 2022.


The horse WHY NOTT Was engaged to race at Dubbo the following day and was subsequently withdrawn from that race by order of the Stewards.


Mr Lesslie was disqualified for a period of 15 months to commence from 27 July 2022, the date upon which he was stood down.  


Appeal Decisions –


· 5 June 2023– Mr Jack Callaghan appealed the decision of HRNSW Stewards to suspend his driver’s licence for a period of 14 days after he was found guilty of a charge issued pursuant to AHRR 163(1)(a)(iii) when driving the horse ALTA ORLANDO in Race 7 at Goulburn on Sunday 28 May 2023. By decision of the NSW Harness Racing Appeal Panel the appeal was dismissed and the suspension of 14 days was confirmed.

· 15 June 2023– Mr Les Enks appealed the decision of HRNSW Stewards to disqualify him for a period of 3 years after he pleaded guilty to a charge issued pursuant to AHRR 190(1), (2) & (4) following a report from the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory (ARFL) that Total Plasma Carbon Dioxide above the prescribed threshold was detected in the pre-race blood sample taken from NEVILLE SHANNON prior to it running in race 4, the TUMBY PARK RON WHITTON MEMORIAL (1609 metres) conducted at Tamworth on Friday 20 January 2023. 

By decision of the NSW Harness Racing Appeal Panel, the appeal was upheld and a period of disqualification of 2 years and 6 months to commence from 6 February 2023, the date upon which he was stood down pursuant to AHRR 183, was imposed.

· 16 June 2023– Mr Jack Callaghan appealed the decision of HRNSW Stewards to suspend his driver’s licence for a period of 10 days after he was found guilty of a charge issued pursuant to AHRR 163(1)(a)(iii) when driving the horse STELLAS DELIGHT in Race 5 at Newcastle on Monday 5 June 2023. By decision of the NSW Harness Racing Appeal Panel the appeal was dismissed and the suspension of 10 days was confirmed.


Integrity Information –


· During the month of June 2023, HRNSW Integrity department obtained 821 Race day samples.


As per normal HRNSW procedure all samples have been submitted for analysis.

Integrity Notices –


·     8 June 2023 – Trainer Stood Down- Mr Greg Fleming. (original notice at

·     8 June 2023 2023 – Mr Leigh Davis- Inquiry Concluded. (original notice at

·     9 June 2023 – May 2023 Integrity Updates & Information. (original notice at

·     14 June 2023 – Mr Rodney Blythe- Inquiry Conducted. (original notice at

·     15 June 2023 – Arrival Times Elevated TCO2 Levels as at 15/06/2023. (original notice at

·     26 June 2023 – Mr Bill Lesslie- Inquiry Conducted. (original notice at

·     30 June 2023 – Arrival Times Elevated TCO2 Levels as at 30/06/2023. (original notice at