March 7, 2025

The bi-weekly newsletter of

Barrington Congregational Church, United Church of Christ


Office Hours: Open Mon - Fri, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm.

Closed on Federal and State Holidays or where otherwise noted.

Fri, Mar 7

World Day of Prayer

6 – 8 pm    Outside use of Fellowship Hall

Sat, Mar 8

9 am- 6 pm    Outside use of Fellowship Hall

9- 11 am   SNEUCC Super Saturday Live Stream, Library

Sun, Mar 9

Daylight Saving Time Begins

8:45 am    Faith Formation Meeting, Library

10 am    Worship Service & Church School

11 am    Coffee Hour, Fellowship Hall

11:30 am    Confirmation Class, Library

Mon, Mar 10

10 am Bereavement Group, Library

5 pm    BIP Meeting, Library

6 pm    Youth Group, Fellowship Hall & Rm 9

Tue, Mar 11

10 am Staff Meeting, Dale's Office

Wed, Mar 12

7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal, Vestry

Thurs, Mar 13

8:30 am Coffee Chat, Plant City in Barrington Center

6:30 pm Hameho Garden Club Meeting, Fellowship Hall

Sun, Mar 16

10 am    Worship Service & Church School

11 am    Coffee Hour, Fellowship Hall

Mon, Mar 17

St. Patrick's Day

6:30– 9 pm BIP Spring Forum Event, Fellowship Hall

Tue, Mar 18

10 am Staff Meeting, Dale's Office

10:30 am Book Group, Library

7 pm Deacons Meeting, Library

Wed, Mar 19

7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal, Vestry

Thurs, Mar 20

8:30 am Coffee Chat, Plant City in Barrington Center

1:30 pm Women of Faith Reading Group, Library

Sun, Mar 23

8:45 am Church School Team Meeting, Library

10 am    Worship Service & Church School

11 am    Coffee Hour, Fellowship Hall

For the complete church calendar visit

Send calendar information to

News & Updates

Spring Forward This Weekend!

Don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour before bed on Saturday, March 8th. The official time change will take place at 2 am on Sunday, March 9th, moving the clock ahead to 3am.

SNEUCC Super Saturday Streaming at BCCUCC

SNEUCC Super Saturday is on Saturday, March 8th. All are welcome to gather in the church library on Saturday from 9 am – 11 am to live stream the opening remarks and Rev. Barber's keynote speech. Helen, Nancy, and Trinki will also provide tea, coffee and pastries, but donations toward this are welcome. For more information and to let us know you're coming, contact Trinki at (401) 447-4742, Nancy at (401) 408-4417, or Helen at (401) 573-9820.

Sundays of Lent

Join Rev. Dale and Rev. Racquel throughout the Sundays of Lent as we mark the season with a theological inquiry into God’s Covenantal relationship with the church, with the congregation, how that may inform our time of transition, and our hopes for the future. There will be an interactive time of contemplation and action in response to the reflection as we live through the liminal time of Lent in remembrance of the past, awareness of the present, and vision for the future!

Holy Week & Easter Sunday Services

April 13th, 10am - Palm Sunday Service & Lenten Lollapalooza

April 17th, 7pm - Maundy Thursday, Service of Tenebrae and Communion

April 20th, 5:45am - Easter Sunday Sunrise Service at Osamequin Point

April 20th, 10am - Easter Sunday Service

'From the River's Edge' with Racquel

Don't miss the latest Pastors' blog, "Lent and Leave-Taking", by Rev. Racquel Ray!

The season of Lent draws us into six weeks of spiritual preparation for the celebration of Easter. Within the six weeks, the Lectionary guides us through the Old Testament readings on God’s Covenants and Promises with and to Israel. We read about the prophetic future of a Messiah and the story of Jesus’ life, ministry, torture, and death. In the background of the deep dive into the scriptural past and present, we are always awaiting the future and what the Kingdom of God may reveal in the Good News of the Gospel and the Resurrection of the Savior.

This year, as we proceed through the weeks of Lent, we are also preparing to say good-bye to a beloved minister... Read More

Mushrooms and More with the Hameho Garden Club

Hameho Garden Club welcomes church members and the community to their Thursday, March 13th meeting, "Mushrooms and More", at 6:30 in Fellowship Hall. Come learn about the mushrooms and other fungi of Rhode Island! As an integral part of the ecosystem, fungi affect the soil and growth of plants and provide food. Deana Thomas, the President of the RI Mycological Society, will share her vast knowledge of these strange, wonderful, transient fungi and which of them are edible. She will also describe a community program that documents and protects fungi.

News from the Conference & Council

SNEUCC Leadership Calls for Economic Boycott for Lent

The Executive Team of the Southern New England Conference is encouraging everyone to observe Lent by participating in an economic boycott of those institutions that have cancelled their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiatives.

Lent, which begins Ash Wednesday, is traditionally the time when Christians fast from something, or give something up, as they enter into a season of reflection leading up to Easter. READ MORE

5 Things to Know and Share

Keep up with our Conference (the Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ), you can read the latest edition of the newsletter "5 Things to Know and Share" and sign up to have future editions sent right to your inbox.

Click on this link to see the archive of all of the different SNEUCC newsletters - and subscribe to any that are of interest to you.

Take Action

The Southern New England Conference website now features a Take Action page, where users can contact legislators, get updates on current issues, find prayers for congregational use, access resources on various issues, and connect with local partners for working on witness and care. The page can be accessed at

End Christian Nationalism Conference

The Rhode Island State Council of Churches is pleased to host Amanda Tyler, Executive Director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, as the featured speaker in this conference on March 22nd as they work to end Christian Nationalism in Rhode Island and beyond. Find out more about this event or register here.

Give Thanks | Get Involved | Give Back

Coffee for Crossroads RI

Join us once again to support our friends at Crossroads RI to fill the pantry shelves. This year, we're partnering with Crossroads to aid in "Coffee for Crossroads". As we begin the Lenten season, we invite you to bring your coffee offering to church: Coffee makers, Cans of Coffee, K-Cups, Bags of Coffee, filters, new cups, or even tea! We will be collecting these caffeinated (and decaffeinated) offerings on March 9th and March 16th during the Sunday morning worship service or during our coffee hour that follows. Donations may also be dropped off at the church office from 9:30am - 1:30 pm (M-F). What better way to show love for our Rhode Island neighbors than by sharing our blessed beans and brew-able blessings!

CWS Kit Grants from the UCC

UCC Global Hope is offering $250 matching grants to congregations that assemble CWS Kits! To take advantage of this grant that can help support families in need, we need your help! We would love for someone to take the lead and build a team for this great opportunity to double our impact and ensure families facing hardship receive essential supplies, support and love. For more information about the kits or to volunteer to lead or join a team at BCCUCC, contact the BCCUCC church office or visit

Your Donations Make a Difference

It's easy to make a donation online. Simply go to the donation page on our website at and click on 'Donate Now' under the option. Be sure to click on the drop-down box in to choose where you'd like your donation to go - options include Deacons Fund, Memorial Gift, Pledge, Gift etc. Thank you for your financial support of BCCUCC!

Join the Chancel Team

The Chancel Team is seeking new members! You will get to assist others in honoring loved ones with flower donations in their memory (and the time commitment is quite reasonable!). Please speak with Beth Buckley at coffee hour or call at 247-0324 if you would like to learn more about this fulfilling opportunity to serve.

Upcoming BCCUCC Group Gatherings

Bereavement Group (Monthly)

We extend a warm and welcome invitation to anyone who has lost a loved one. This monthly support group is open to all. The next bereavement support group gathering will be on Monday, March 10th at 10 am in the church library. For more information, contact Betsy Brenner at / 245-8031, or Aubrey Atwater at / 392-1909.

Youth Group

The next Youth Group meeting will be on Monday, March 10th from 6 - 7 pm. There will be NO Youth Group on March 17th (St Patrick's Day).

For more information, contact Rev. Racquel Ray at or (401) 246-0111 x 104.

Book Group (Monthly)

The Book Group will next meet on Tuesday, March 18th, in the Church Library at 10:30 am. We will be discussing Colored Television by Danzy Senna. All are welcome to join! For more info about the group, contact Helen Schall at 

Knitting for Others Group (Monthly)

The Knitting for Others Group will meet both in person and via zoom on the first Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 1st from 6:30 - 9 pm. All knitters and crocheters are invited to join in! For more information on the group or for the Zoom info to participate virtually, contact Nancy Arena at

Veterans Coffee & Conversation at Atria (Monthly)

Rev. Racquel invites you to join her for coffee and donuts with the Veterans at Atria Bay Spring Village. We meet once per month for coffee and conversation - and donuts! The stories and living history are profoundly sacred. Please email Rev. Racquel at or (401) 246-0111 x 104 for more information and dates for upcoming group gatherings.

Recurring Weekly Groups

Choir Rehearsals (Weekly)

If you enjoy singing, why not join the church choir - no audition needed! Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 pm in the Vestry. To learn more, pop in for a rehearsal or speak with our music director Matthew Marion after church. You can also email Matthew at

Coffee Chat (Weekly)

Join Rev. Racquel and friends on Thursday mornings at 8:30 am at Plant City in the Barrington Shopping Center to connect for conversation and companionship. Contact Rev. Racquel for more information at

Resources & Reminders

Inclement Weather Protocol Reminder

Living in New England we know that the weather can be very unpredictable. Should there be a chance bad weather or poor travel conditions leading to morning worship or church school to be cancelled, we will keep you informed via email, through the RI Broadcasters website, our Facebook page, or through the local news broadcasting stations and websites.

Sunday morning services are available online for anyone who can't make it in person. To see our service live on Sundays at 10 am, visit our Facebook page or our YouTube channel. Recordings will also be added to our website shortly after morning service has concluded.

2024-2025 Church Calendar

Our church calendar can be viewed at Please notify the office at or 246-0111 with any meeting/event information etc. so the calendar can be kept up to date. Thank you!

Don't miss out!

View our latest bulletins, announcements, video streams and more through the following channels:

Connect with Us

Rev. Dale Azevedo Senior Minister (401) 246-0111 x 103

Rev. Racquel Ray Associate Minister for Congregational Life (401) 246-0111 x 104

Sara Bagwell Office Administrator (401) 246-0111 x 101

Pat Stoddard Financial Secretary (401) 246-0111 x 102

Andrea Bullard Faith Formation Director (401) 246-0111 x 107

Matthew Marion Music Director


Church Office Hours: Open Monday – Friday, 9:30 am – 1:30 pm.

Closed on Federal and State holidays.

Building Security: The Education building remains locked at all times, even when the office is open. Please ring the bell for entry and we'll be happy to let you in - or use the code on the keypad if you have it.

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