Friday e-BLAST

Join us for Worship on
Sunday at 10:30am

Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Church Workday
Your WUMC Trustees would like to announce a Church Workday scheduled for
 Thursday May 25th starting at 9:00am, with a rain date of June 8th. Donuts & coffee will be on hand in the morning. Cold bottled water will be available. Pizza and refreshments will be supplied at lunchtime. 
The following are scheduled activities for our workday:
-freshen mulch in all garden areas. Mulch will be delivered May 23rd. 
-freshen mulch around base of approximately 30 trees on our property.
-spray or pull weeds in garden areas or base of trees as we work in mulch. 
-apply a scoop of tree fertilizer around the base of each tree.

This is a church landscape beautification event for the benefit of our neighbors, community, and congregation. We appreciate any and all help. It is a weekday and if you are not available during the day, we may still need help that evening and could accommodate your help if you'll let us know your availability. Bring work gloves, a hat to keep the sun off, and suntan lotion. If you can bring a hard rake, it would be helpful but of course not mandatory. We are also looking for a couple of extra wheelbarrows for moving mulch. If you have one, we can pick it up in our trailer for the day and return it to you that afternoon. Contact the Church office to sign up.
Contact Jerry Robinson or Steve Crandall with any questions.  Thank you so much. 
VBS at Zion Lutheran Church
June 5-7, 6-8PM

This year, multiple ages will have the opportunity to participate together as a "family tribe." You'll travel back into Bible times - without setting foot outside our community. Each day, your family members can become part of history as they see, hear, touch and even taste what it was like to live in a Bible-times city!

Registration is available for all family members age 3 and up, so even grandma can join the fun!

]On June 1st, B&B Bible Study will begin a new daily devotional entitled Truth For Life by Alistair Begg. 

Please join us during this time of fellowship, Bible study and breakfast at Dales, 7:30am on Thursdays. Books are available, $16.

Please email or bring in a photo to the church office by May 31st.

We will recognize all graduates on June 4th.
Walk To Emmaus Spiritual Retreats (not a physical walk.) It is a 3 ½ retreat designed to bring you closer to God and revive your soul.
Men’s walk – June 22-25 at Bryan Wesley UMC
Women’s Walk – July 13-16 at Maumee UMC
If interested, please contact Pastor Teresa or anyone who has already been on an Emmaus Walk.

“Take me out to the Ball Game!” Join us for a night at the Mud Hens on Tuesday, June 20th. The game starts at 7:05 pm.
Registration is open until June 4th. Click the button below to register or call the church office.

End of the School Year Celebration 

Sunday, May 28th
6:30 PM- 8:00 PM

Grades 7-12

Bring a friend and celebrate the end of the school year!

RSVP to or call the church office.

Join us for WUMC’s first Ice Cream Tour!

We will be going to several different ice cream shops to enjoy a sweet treat while getting to know each other.

6:30 PM
Friday Funny
Office Hours are typically Tuesday through Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm but may vary. Please call ahead.
Email Us / 419.878.3645 / 7115 Waterville Monclova Rd. Waterville, OH 43566
We offer several worship opportunities: