Linda Sheldon
Welcome Summer!

What an amazing Spring we had. I was off-line a lot the last two months to take time camping in the local deserts, taking in the beauty of fields of desert wildflowers. This year Mother Nature provided a lot of rain and put on an amazing display of local beauty. Such a rare sight for us.

The hills behind our house are still green - very unusual for this time of year - but there is change in the air. Time to welcome summer!!

June brings the Summer Solstice with an abundance of sunshine and the ripening of fruits and vegetables. The season is so alive and vibrant with sweet and succulent produce and the crops of greens that make incredible salads. It is a time to lighten our intake and lighten our soul. Play outside, have fun, enjoy the long evening light and food cooked over an outdoor flame.

Many may find the times challenging. Worry of the future may creep into your thoughts. Wondering where you should be, what you should do, or who you are may come to mind. In these trying times of worry or doubt I find it best to bring my thoughts and attention to the present moment. Where are you right now? Chances are you are safe, comfortable and secure right now. If you can manage to stay in the present, loving and appreciating what is there for you, the direction or answers will naturally arise.... Not because you are trying to figure it out but because you have released the thoughts and desires to the Universe and have moved into the listening and allowing mode.

So as we go through this summer, take some time to be present and appreciate the beauty around you. Sometimes it may seem like you really have to hunt to find the beauty or positive things that life has to offer. But with practice, you will find the beauty truly is all around you!

Enjoy the Summer!
Sending you Love & Light!

As always - Reiki sessions, personal counseling and Human Design analysis and training are offered to help you balance and gracefully navigate life.