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Dear Susan, 

On Wednesday, March 20th, the County Administrator’s Office will conduct a First District Listening Session to hear community concerns and inputs around the state of rental housing in unincorporated areas of Sonoma County, particularly the First District. Please view the flyer below for more information, and we hope to see you there!

It is with a heavy heart that I write in remembrance of Val Robichaud, Editor and Publisher of the Sonoma Valley Sun, who passed away last month on February 16th. Val began as a reporter for the Sun in 2009 before taking over and, in addition to his work, was a cherished friend and community member to so many of us in the Sonoma Valley. As I’ve read more and more tributes to Val over the last few weeks, it warms my heart to discover how his humor, his thoughtfulness, and his dedication to this community touched so many of us. I will miss him.

Local independent newspapers like the Sun are an invaluable resource to communities like Sonoma and at the Sun, Val was a one man show. The Sonoma Valley can feel like a world unto its own, a precious jewel distinct from the surrounding region with its own stories, idiosyncrasies, and interests. Val and the Sun were able to shine a light – pun very much intended – on this special place, and keep us all informed on complex local topics, as well as entertained and inspired with slice of life portraits of our Valley.

In 2014, almost two years into my tenure as Supervisor, I began writing a regular column for the Sun – the Board Walk – on topics of importance to the First District. When I am out and about at public events and community meetings, I regularly speak with members of the community who want to discuss what they’ve been reading in my column. Not all public officials have a space like the Sun to keep the community informed and to spark dialogue and discussion. I am so grateful to Val for giving me that space to write about whatever was on my mind, be that evergreen issues I often return to, like roads, parks, and development, or major, life-altering events that have impacted our Valley, like the 2017 fires and the COVID-19 pandemic.

I want to share my appreciation for Anna Lowe Pier and Larry Barnett for keeping the Sun up-and-running online at this moment, and a thank you to all the writers that have contributed to the Sun over the years. We all know Val is an irreplaceable force, and regardless of what the Sun looks like in the future, his legacy will surely live on.

There will be a celebration of life honoring Val on June 1st at the Sonoma Community Center’s Secret Garden, 276 East Napa Street, Sonoma. I hope to see you there to celebrate and remember this wonderful member of our community who will be sorely missed.

Supervisor Gorin invites you to participate in the all-Spanish Charla Comunitaria happening Thursday March 28 from 6-7p via zoom and Facebook live: Charla Comunitaria Sonoma (details below).  


TOPIC: Emergency Preparedness: what to do during an earthquake

Representatives from different organizations join us:

  • Sonoma County Department of Emergency Management (DEM) will talk to us about the various emergency alerts and what to do during an evacuation
  • Sonoma Valley Fire Department will explain the timeline and procedures during an earthquake evacuation
  • COAD will share their role in disasters and potential resources following an earthquake
  • Springs Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) Emergency Preparedness Ad Hoc will tell us about the existing emergency preparedness supplies and plans to increase
  • Learn about evacuation zones with the Springs Map Your Neighborhood (MYN) Group
  • Additionally, the Sonoma Valley Community Health Center is hosting an Earthquake Simulation event, hear all the details


To Participate:


Facebook: Charla Comunitaria Sonoma



Meeting ID: 993 3380 7169

Passcode: 211864



Dial: 1-669-900-9128

Meeting ID: 993 3380 7169

Passcode: 211864

Buckelew Programs’ Suicide Prevention Program and the Felton Institute are proud to announce our Youth Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group that will be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month from 4:30-5:30pm. This support group is for youth aged 14-24 who have recently lost someone to suicide.

To join, please refer to the flyer or follow the link here for our short intake form.

Intake Form

California Public Utilities Commission - The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will hold two virtual public forums on March 19, 2024 at 2pm and 6pm for customers of AT&T to provide input into the company’s two proposals to remove its obligation to provide voice services in its service territories. 

WHAT: The public forums will begin with a brief overview of AT&T’s proposals, then parties to the proceeding may provide brief overviews, and then public comments will be heard. At least one representative from AT&T will be available to answer questions about individual customer bills or service.

You can also make your voice heard in the proceedings, and read the comments of others, on our online Docket Card comment section for the proceedings at for Application of AT&T California to Withdraw its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation; or for Application of AT&T California for Relief from its Carrier of Last Resort Obligation.

Find more information at the links below.

March 19 @ 2pm
March 19 @ 6pm

I was thrilled to present a Gold Resolution recognizing Janice Blalock, my longtime appointee to the Commission on the Status of Women, for her invaluable contributions – and even more delighted to do so on the day that we proclaimed Women’s History Month in Sonoma County! Janice is leaving big shoes to fill, and I can’t thank her enough for the years of dedication and good work she accomplished on the Commission.

Springs MAC - Join the Springs Municipal Advisory Council on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 10th at 6:30pm.

Springs MAC

North Sonoma Valley MAC - Join the NSV MAC on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 19th at 5:30pm.


Sonoma Valley Community Advisory Committee - The Sonoma Valley Community Advisory Commission advises on local planning projects in the Sonoma Valley, and hears informational items on other areas of interest. Join the SVCAC on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 24th at 6:30pm.

SVCAC Website

Susan Gorin, 1st District Supervisor
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