Sharing news from June / early July, 2023
One Health Happenings
One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate changes and contributing to sustainable development. The One Health paradigm forges co-equal, all-inclusive collaborations between animal, plant, environmental and human health arenas, i.e. chemical, engineering and social scientists, dentists, nurses, agricultural/horticulturalists and food producers, wildlife and environmental health specialists and many other related disciplines that fall under its purview. The reader can review a compilation of organizations that are actively working to advance the One Health paradigm shift and many additional organizations and individuals that declare support for the concept.
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One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared monthly
by the
A U.S. based non-profit organization working globally to 'connect' One Health Stakeholders, to 'create' teams and networks that work together across disciplines to 'educate' about One Health and One Health issues.
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May 10, 2023
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), namely Brunei Darussalam, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Republic of Indonesia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the Republic of the Philippines, the Republic of Singapore, the Kingdom of Thailand, and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, on the occasion of the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia, on 10 – 11 May 2023; NOTING the devastating and multidimensional impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases including zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance (AMR), growing impact and other challenges related to climate change on human lives and livelihoods, and the need to strengthen health systems to be resilient and responsive, as envisioned in ASEAN Blueprint………
June 28, 2023
“LOGin is a feature interview series regularly organized by the FAO Liaison Office in Geneva (LOG). Through LOGin, we meet with FAO’s core leadership and discuss a corporate initiative. This month, we met Maria Helena Semedo, FAO Deputy Director-General, to learn more about FAO’s One Health Initiatives.”
This second annual report summarizes the activities and results achieved by the One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) during the year 2022, according to the updated work plan agreed by the Quadripartite Partners in 2021. The report highlights main outputs and deliverables produced by OHHLEP over the calendar year 2022.
World Medical Journal (WMJ) article
WMJ Vol 69, Num 2, June 2023, pp. 18-27.
Authored by Craig Carter, Bruce Kaplan, Laura Kahn and the One Health Initiative pro bono Team. WMJ is the official journal of the World Medical Association. (Is a pdf so give it a moment to open)
One Health called for in
June 2023
Authors: Dhrubaa Ghosh, Pranav Bhardwaj, and Pankhuri Jain
Think20 (T20) is an official Engagement Group of the G20. It serves as an “idea bank” for the G20 by bringing together think tanks and high-level experts to discuss policy issues relevant to the G20. T20 recommendations are synthesised into policy briefs and presented to G20 working groups, ministerial meetings, and leaders’ summit to help the G20 deliver concrete policy measures. In 2023 T20 met in India. This policy paper is one of many generated from T20-India 2023.
“A ‘one health’ (OH) approach with cross-sectoral collaboration is, therefore, essential to ensure sustained action across the human-animal-environmental interface. Under the OH approach, the G20 nations should formalise a collaborative ….. structure, with representatives from health, agriculture, animal husbandry, water and sanitation, and climate sectors. The G20 must also foster research and development efforts on this front. Stringent regulatory frameworks must be developed across the value chain of antimicrobials, and national action plans must formulate ……. strategies….(comprehensive and sentinel) to inform policies and infection prevention and control responses. Social scientists and communication specialists must be engaged to identify key factors hampering behavioural change while mobilising communities towards the development of stewardship interventions.”
Dorset LEP seeks to establish the One Health Enterprise Network (OHEN) to foster a thriving One Health Business Cluster and Nucleus. Over 300 companies working in the One Health space have been identified, so far. OHEN will be seeking strategic partners in the region from industry, Government, and academia. The One Health Nucleus (OHN) will be the cluster’s One Health-focused knowledge exchange and innovator support programme. The OHN aims to:
Showcase existing and new One Health companies as well as highlighting the complementary work of government and government agencies, universities, and RTOs through an annual showcase conference, social media page, and a published and widely promoted One Health Prospectus.
Connect businesses with mentors, private funders (VCs / Angels), public funders, academia, government, and multiple agencies working in innovation development, and the business incubation and support space.
Grow the connection of One Health businesses with one another, and with the wider support and supply chains, through the development of a One Health partnership facilitated by the programme, led by the entrepreneurs themselves, to accelerate sustainable One Health business growth.
The OHEN / OHN will not duplicate the activity of other agencies or convening organisations, but will work in partnership or signpost, as appropriate, building bridges between One Health businesses and the support they need, through sharing network contacts and providing a knowledgeable, proactive introductory service. Their One Health 2023 conference (see Events below) will launch this process on the 13th July 2023.
Belfast, Ireland, UK. In partnership with Kainos, a software company that develops information technology solutions for businesses and organisations in the public, healthcare and financial services sectors. Leading online DigiHealth accelerator is an online programme for Health Innovators. Cost - $0, 10 Companies funded per year. Looking for companies in Ireland in Healthcare, Animal Health, Animal Care, HealthTech. The 10-week Animal and Human Health Lean Launch Programme allows the participant to rapidly test whether there is a market for Animal and Human Health Innovation products or services based on your research from the comfort of your work/home.
Modena, Italy. Hosted by COST Actions, financed by the European Union. One Health Drugs aims to coordinate the discovery of drugs that stop vector-borne infections (Leishmaniasis, Trypanosomiasis, others) in both human and veterinary settings according to the principles of the optimal profile for both organisms, increasing quality and reducing environmental impact. These infections are transmitted by vectors (mosquitos, ticks, etc.) and existing therapy is often inadequate. As a major impact, the release of antiparasitic drugs in water and soil are causing devastating effects on ecosystems. The COST Action is the ideal platform aiming at the integration and generation of synergies among drug R&D experts from the chemical / biological / human / veterinary and earth science within academies, SMEs, industries, governments. The platform encompasses pre-clinical drug discovery, animal studies, and drug delivery. Strategies such as bioinformatics, PROTAC, nanotechnology will be enhanced. The integrated multidisciplinary efforts of this COST Action will reduce the impact of antiparasitic drugs on the environment through the coordinated action of researchers and stakeholders (governmental bodies, industries/SME, patients' association).
“One Health is a critical field studying the environment, the transmission of diseases and how those two things impact the health of animals and humans. The initiative will have a far-reaching impact, helping secure the food supply, economic prosperity and human health of West Texas for generations to come.”
Many national and subnational governments, government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and intergovernmental organizations have recognized the need for a One Health approach. To clarify this evolving policy landscape, the One Health Commission has begun compiling National One Health Strategic Action Plans. This compilation is a global One Health community effort. Please help us make this webpage a tool for showing colleagues and policymakers how much this 'interconnected' way of thinking is being implemented globally. Please let us know of any countries that have formally adopted a National One Health Strategic Action Plan that is not yet included here.
One Health Tool for Human Health Clinicians
Using evidence-based and peer-reviewed data, this tool helps clinicians and their patients understand and uncover environmental contributors to individual health and well-being. Each of the letters in ‘HEALTH’ stands for a category that clinicians can assess: Human, Environment, Animal, Location, Travel, Habits. The prompts in each category consider zoonotic and vector-borne diseases, preventative strategies, encounters with animals, environmental toxins such as mold and algae, and travel related risk factors. This tool, can help clinicians talk with their patients about environmental health and encourage them to consider these often overlooked health impacts. Each prompt is backed by evidence and peer-reviewed articles that clinicians can access via the Invisible Education Initiative website.
April 27-29, 2023 Hybrid Event
Historically, our publication ‘systems’ have contributed to pushing us into disciplinary silos. The growing move to Open Access publishing is a way to overcome this ‘systems’ challenge and has been leading the way for some time. This Frontiers Community Summit highlighted the accelerator effect of open science – and the critical need for quality, to ensure society is enabled by science and can take the right decisions. Frontiers’ publishing and technology experts provided an update on the global transition to open science – and demonstrated Frontiers’ laser focus on quality across all stages of the publishing process.
Throughout 2021, countries in Central America have been working with TEPHINET, the U.S. CDC’s One Health Office and Central America Regional (CAR) office, and the Executive Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of Health of Central America and the Dominican Republic (SE-COMISCA) to implement a One Health approach to address zoonotic disease threats in the region.
One Health Sustainable Food Production Research Project, Wageningen University and Research
A global one-health approach will be needed for effective global change adaptation, climate change mitigation and the control of biodiversity loss. To safeguard the inter-related health of humans, animals, and plants within sustainable ecosystems, a systems approach will be needed. The operationalization of Nature-Based-Solution (NBS)-driven One Health asks for the multi-actor approach (MAA), which involves a multidisciplinary/multisectoral team composed of farmers, farmers’ associations, academic, government, public and private institutions that exploit social innovations to reach sustainable change in public awareness, policies and practices to allow the implementation of sustainable food production practices.
Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. At Comparative Anatomy Exchange Day, graduate and professional students across Tufts gain hands-on experience and teach each other what they’re learning about human and animal anatomy.
New Journal - Call for Papers
This new open access, peer-reviewed International Journal of Infectious Diseases (IJID) will be published monthly online by the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) promoting original research and perspectives related to One Health. It will feature updates, commentaries, and scholarly work from key leaders, visionaries, and organizations using a One Health approach with the aim of advancing scientific knowledge related to the connections between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment and serving as a platform for the presentation and discussion of scholarly one-health information. The scope of IJID OH traverses domains of human, clinical and veterinary diagnostics, disease surveillance, epidemiology, public health responses, innovations and interventions. The Call for Papers is open.
Blogs / Commentaries / Editorials / Opinions / Popular Media
July 3, 2023
Author: Shania Shayal Prasad In: FBC News (Fiji)
“The Ministry of Health is taking a One Health approach to manage the leptospirosis outbreak in Kadavu……Leptospirosis is caused by bacteria that are found in the urine of infected animals, such as rodents, dogs, and livestock.”
June 2023
Authors: Osofsky SA, Lieberman S, Walzer C, Lee HL, Neme LA,
In: The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 7, Issue 6
"How long will governments ignore the science that is in front of them? It is past time for basic, pragmatic action. A global taboo is needed, whereby humanity agrees to leave bats alone, not fear them or try to chase them away or cull them, but to let them have the habitats they need and live undisturbed by humans. We cannot put a figure on how much risk would be mitigated by such a change in human behaviour, but preventing pandemics at the source is the most equitable way to benefit all of humanity. Given what is known, leaving bats alone would definitely reduce the risk of another zoonotic pandemic. As others have pointed out, no one intervention will prevent the next pandemic. But focusing resources solely on efforts to address pandemics once they have already been unleashed, as most so-called prevention plans currently do, naively ignores the fact that humanity’s broken relationship with wild nature is how things got to this point in the first place. "
July 1, 2023
Dr. Neil Vora, a physician with Conservation International, joins Ali Rogin to discuss the global health concerns posed by an increasing number of interactions between humans and bats. This audio interview of Dr. Neil Vora is transcripted by Ali Rogin and Andrew Corkery On PBS News Weekend.
June, 2023
Authors: Richard Seifman, Claude Forthomme
The New Global Financing Pact Summit, just finished in Paris, usefully addressed a range of issues confronting developing countries yet failed to consider the One Health approach to improve labor productivity, missing out on a major pathway to worker safety and good health.
June 2023
Author: Sabine Iva Franklin In: Lancet Planetary Health, Vol 7, No 6.
“Most infectious disease outbreaks in humans begin with zoonotic transmission. However, the mandate on how to address animal health epidemics is not robust, unless it involves livestock or there is crossover to humans. We are currently facing the largest outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza virus, which is concerning because, although it is not easily transmitted to and between people, of 868 cases of H5N1 in the past 26 years, 457 (53%) people died. The concept of One Health calls for a collaborative and unified approach to integrate animal, planetary, and human health. But is the current strategy to the avian influenza epidemic following this approach, or are we waiting for a zoonotic big leap before action is judged worthwhile?”
June, 2023
Author: Maureen Murray In: Knowable Magazine
Rodents surviving poisoning are more likely to carry disease. Good pest control needs to take such things into account. Using a holistic approach known as One Health, the research summarized in this article studied how rats interact with people, wildlife and the environment to better understand public health risks from rats and improve their management. All aspects of health and the interconnections between the health of people, animals and the environment are scrutinized. Academic and public interest in One Health has increased dramatically since the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly because it can help to find win-win outcomes that protect both the environment and human well-being at the same time.
June, 2023
Author: Md. Jahedul Islam In: The Daily Observer (Bangladesh)
“We need to work as a community of practice where individuals from diverse organizations with various views and expertise will come together to have a collective objective in order to overcome the difficulties associated with implementing One Health in Bangladesh. The One Health dream may become a reality through stakeholder cooperation, organizational coordination, monitoring, and central government oversight. Despite the fact that problems may be global, regional solutions are equired.”
June 18, 2023
Author: Richard Seifman In: IMPAKTER
Two important subjects not often linked and paraphrasing Tina Turner about emotions, “…neither are secondhand issues”. The opportunity to integrate them comes up this fall at the United Nations General Assembly at the High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.
March 1, 2023
News Video by Miles O’Brien, Will Toubman
On: PBS News Hour
“Climate change worsens a drought that triggers a megafire, which wipes out a habitat, causing a rodent rumble, a (Nipah) virus super-spreader, a nuanced link, to be sure, but not new…….The historical evidence linking the climate to zoonotic disease is growing.”
February 16, 2023
In October 2022 the U.S. released its National Biodefense Strategy, NBS-22. “Although the document notes that one of the lessons of the pandemic is that threats originating anywhere are threats everywhere, it frames threats as largely external to the United States. NBS-22 focuses primarily on bioterrorism and laboratory accidents, neglecting threats posed by routine practices of animal use and production inside the United States. NBS-22 references zoonotic disease but assures readers that no new legal authorities or institutional innovations are needed. Although the US is not alone in failing to confront these risks, its failure to comprehensively address them echoes across the globe.”
Hot Off the Press!! (Last 90 days - see also older Publications list below in Library Section)
One Health for All: Advancing Human and Ecosystem Health in Cities by Integrating an Environmental Justice Lens, Murray H, Buckley J, Byers KA, Fake K, Lehrer EW, Magle SB, Stone C, Tuten H, Schell CJ, Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 2022 53:1, 403-426
A one-health review on brucellosis in the United States, Pinn-Woodcock, T., Frye, E., Guarino, C., Franklin-Guild, R., Newman, A. P., Bennett, J., & Goodrich, E. L. (2023). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 261(4), 451-462. Retrieved Jun 13, 2023, from
New Books / Reports
Eds., Slack, V, Nadal D, Yasobant S, Cliquet F, Ahmad W, Pushpakumara, Ghosh S,
Sixty per cent of human deaths caused by dog-mediated rabies occur in Asia. The number of animals, especially dogs, who die of rabies is uncalculated. To work towards the global target of eliminating dog-mediated human rabies deaths, the rabies community is applying the One Health approach by jointly focusing on humans and dogs. Written by a multidisciplinary group of scholars and rabies control programme specialists.
Authors: Mary Ann Ottinger, Cullen Geiselman
This book brings together the two powerful conceptual frameworks of One Health and the Exposome to comprehensively examine the myriad of biological, environmental, social, and cultural challenges impacting the interrelated health of humans, wildlife, and ecosystems. The Exposome is more specifically oriented to human health and considers cumulative environmental exposures affecting individuals, communities, and populations. This book will provide the broadened and integrative view that considers a more holistic approach needed to confront the complex issues facing us today and will be a valuable and cutting-edge resource for researchers and practitioners in medicine, public health, animal science, wildlife and field biology, and for any reader looking to better understand the relationships among human health and the environment. Paperback ISBN: 9780323898737 eBook ISBN: 9780323885973
The Covid-19 pandemic has spotlighted the relationship between human, animal, and environmental health. One Health is being increasingly adopted as the leading approach to address these interconnected health challenges. However, multiple barriers must be overcome to enable animal health to fully play its part in this unified approach to combat global health threats. These include the inequitable division of funding, resources, and decision-making power between the sectors at global, national, and local levels. (Is a pdf so give it a moment to open)
Special Frontiers in Public Health Research Topic -
Planetary Health Section
Edited by Christina Pettan-Brewer, this series includes 20 articles.
One Health is applied in practice in Latin American and Caribbean countries every day, especially in less developed and impoverished rural and urban areas where there is a lack of professional and medical resources. For example, local communities have worked together with institutions through grassroot movements in the prevention and control of rabies, leishmaniosis, Chagas disease, hanseniasis, borreliosis and co-infections, parasitic diseases, and other neglected and emerging infectious diseases. In Latin American and Caribbean countries, practice is likely to precede conceptual understanding of scientific approaches. These bottom-up community approaches are applied to disease prevention and control and will be discussed in this Research Topic.
January 2023
“The reality is that One Health will be delivered in countries, not by concordats between multilateral organisations, but by taking a fundamentally different approach to the natural world, one in which we are as concerned about the welfare of non-human animals and the environment as we are about humans. In its truest sense, One Health is a call for ecological, not merely health, equity.” Articles include:
By Ndemic Creations in collaboration with infectious disease experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN). Leading disease outbreak experts have come together to show gamers everywhere how to spot and stop a pandemic. The popular simulation transports players into a global public health outbreak similar to the COVID-19 pandemic and provides expert commentary comparing decisions made by gamers to real-life scenarios.
Video in Environmental Health News
October 11, 2022 By Catherine F. Wise, Ph.D.
Have you heard about "One environmental health"? It's a subset of "One Health," the concept that the health of animals, humans and the environment are interconnected. One environmental health focuses on how toxic chemicals impact that shared health.
Neglected One Health Issues
In this review, we use a One Health framework (human, animal, and environmental health) to explain the epidemiology, demonstrate key knowledge gaps in infection prevention policy, and explore improvements to control Gram-positive pathogens in the healthcare environment. The authors advocate for novel infection prevention and control programs, founded on the pillars of One Health, to reduce Gram-positive hospital-associated pathogen transmission.
A One Health Issue (loss of biodiversity) 'In' the News
When hundreds of birds were found dead along Mexico’s Pacific coast earlier this year, experts immediately suspected avian flu. Mexico’s Agriculture Department said Thursday that tests on the dead birds revealed they had died of starvation, not flu, demonstrating the devastating effects of warming climate on sea birds.
See also: Keune H, Payyappallimana U, Morand S, Rüegg S, (2022).
One Health and Biodiversity. In I. Visseren-Hamakers & M. Kok (Eds.), Transforming Biodiversity Governance (Chapter 5, pp. 93-114). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Help the world find out about it. Be sure it is included on the Online One Health Opportunities Bulletin Board.
One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) News
As the interdisciplinary approach to tackling global health problems continues to evolve, the importance of economists, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, among other social scientists, is increasingly being recognized. The OHSS Initiative must not only assist in the generation of new research but also provide the structure for the distribution of scholarly work, networking opportunities, and collaboration with other One Health and social science organizations. The One Health Social Sciences Initiative has been active behind the scenes building new working groups and a foundation to serve all social scientists involved in One Health. OHSS leaders are establishing additional new small working groups focusing on achieving these objectives. The upcoming groups are Grants and Funding, Membership and Mentoring, New Horizons, Special Publications, and Webinars and Presentations.
Meanwhile, the existing Food Safety and Food Security (OHSS-FSFS) working group, established late in 2021, is successfully presenting webinars, completing research, and forming new international partnerships. A full description of each OHSS working group will be provided soon including additional opportunities for getting involved.
International Student
One Health Alliance
ISOHA Contact Information! For memberships, projects, and partnerships, please contact ISOHA at this address.
ISOHA Overview Document, Membership Information, and Resources
(WhatsApp group only for Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral students who are interested in One Health to discuss One Health issues, share information, and collaborate.)
July 10-11, 2023
Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA. Hosted by Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine. The Interact Symposium is targeted to scientists, public health and industry experts, clinicians, and other stakeholders engaged in research and application of technologies at the interface of human and veterinary medicine. It will showcase a remarkable lineup of speakers, including distinguished individuals such as the Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture, NIH Program Director, Presidents of the AAVMC, the Director of the Center for Biosecurity at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the CEO of One-Health Solutions, among other esteemed industry colleagues and highly respected academic investigators.
July 13, 2023
8:30 am - 15:00 pom BST
Dorset, England, UK. Hosted by Dorset LEP. Aim - to build a One Health Enterprise Network (OHEN) to support an emerging One Health (corporate) Business Cluster. Attendees will have the chance to meet with other One Health professionals, learn about new research and initiatives, enterprise partnering opportunities, and share ideas for improving global health. This is a must-attend event for One Health focused researchers, policymakers, Govt, and businesses, and anyone who is interested in improving the health of people, animals, plants and the environment. See the Program. See previous One Health Conferences led by OHEN in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. If your work/business is in health (in all its forms), foodtech, environmental science, academia, green investment, Govt, or strategic planning - Register today (free) to save your spot!
July 17, 2023 Summit
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Global Health Summit
Denver, Colorado, USA, at the annual AVMA Convention. Hosted by the AVMA Committee on International Veterinary Affairs. Speakers will summarize how and why biodiversity impacts infectious diseases and global pandemics, and which diseases are of paramount concern to global animal and human health. Speakers will also discuss international surveillance methods for identifying and forecasting emergent pathogens, and why an integrative approach is difficult but necessary to mitigate the costs of these destructive outbreaks.
July 29-August 4, 2023 Conference
August 28-30, 2023
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Hosted by the World Association of Echinococcosis, the I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Zurich University, International Higher School of Medicine Department of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance and the Kyrgyz Research Institute of Veterinary Science named after A.Duisheev. Intended for physicians, veterinarians, biologists, parasitologists, pharmacologists, infectious diseases specialists, surgeons, epidemiologists, public health practitioners, laboratory specialists, economists, and all who are involved and/or interested in Echinococcosis. The incidence in this region of the globe of echinococcosis in humans is amongst the highest in the world. This conference will be a leading scientific event that will bring experts and professionals in the field from all over the World to this region.
September 28, 2023
World Rabies Day
World Rabies Day, coordinated by the Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC) has been commemorated every year on September 28 – the anniversary of the death of Louis Pasteur – since 2007. World Rabies Day aims to raise awareness and advocate for rabies elimination globally. It is designed to be inclusive, uniting people, organizations, and stakeholders across all sectors against rabies – because together we can eliminate rabies! With this concept of inclusivity, togetherness and unity in mind, the theme for this year’s World Rabies Day is: Rabies: All for 1, One Health for All.
October 2-6, 2023 Conference
Mostaganem, Algeria. Hosted by the International Students One Health Alliance (ISOHA) and the Algerian Veterinary Space Foundation, this groundbreaking event will address critical health issues at the intersection of human, animal, and environmental health in the Mediterranean region. With its rich cultural heritage, diverse ecosystems, and complex health challenges, the Mediterranean region provides a compelling backdrop for this significant gathering of professionals, researchers, policymakers, and students to engage in thought-provoking discussions, exchange knowledge, foster collaboration, and drive positive change towards a healthier and more sustainable future for the Mediterranean region. Registration and Abstract submission now open,
October 17-19-2023 Conference
London, England. Hosted by Disease Models & Mechanisms, a monthly peer-reviewed Open Access biomedical journal published by The Company of Biologists.
Infectious diseases have exerted strong selective evolutionary pressure on humans and other hosts throughout history. There is growing appreciation of the use of evolutionary analyses to gain insight into the critical interactions between pathogen and host that lead to disease, tolerance or resolution for SARS-CoV-2, tuberculosis, HIV, malaria and other infectious diseases. This meeting will provide a unique opportunity to bring together leading experts in infectious diseases, host-pathogen interactions and evolutionary biology to examine new insights into infectious diseases, including pathogen evolution and emergence, and their treatment. Participants will include evolutionary biologists, immunologists, virologists, researchers studying microbial pathogenesis, human geneticists and clinicians, a diverse group who might normally not encounter each other in field-specific meetings.
October 18-22, 2023 Conference
From Evidence to Action
Chicago, Illinois, Descussions include:
- Global Health: Diversity, Inclusion, Decolonization and Human Rights; Information/Communication/Technologies Solutions in Global Health including Modeling; Planetary Health including Climate Change; Security/Emerging Infection Preparedness, Surveillance and Response(s); Other
- One Health: The Interconnection between People, Animals, Plants and Their Shared Environment
November 13, 2023 Conference
09:00 CET - 17:45 CET, 3:00AM - 11:45AM Eastern
Luxembourg. Hosted by the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Food Safety. Recent epidemics and pandemics have made it unmistakably clear that human, animal, plant and environmental health cannot be dealt with separately, but need to be addressed in a ‘One Health’ approach. Their interdependencies need to be better acknowledged and require work at the interfaces in a multisectoral, transdisciplinary and an integrated approach. All sessions will be web-streamed and presentations will be published after the event. Agenda and registration details available soon.
Save the Date!!
April 21-23, 2024 Hybrid Symposium
Galvaston, Texas, USA. Hosted by the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)-Galveston Chief Research Office, UTMB One Health, and the Galveston National Lab and Institute for Human Infections and Immunity. The Symposium will be unique in that food productions experts will be centrally featured to identify common ground from which new interdisciplinary research partnerships might arise and lead to better food resilience. Lectures from the beef, dairy, egg & poultry, pork, aquaculture, fresh produce, and processed food industries will be featured. Other research topics will include emerging infectious diseases (viral, bacterial, and other), and the environmental, social, and public communication factors that impact Food Security. In person with Live Streaming option for Plenaries.
September 20-24, 2024
Cape Town, South Africa. Overseen by the Global One Health Community (formerly the One Health Platform Foundation), a Conference Scientific Program Committee and a Local Program Committee are planning / organizing the next World One Health Congress. Previous Congresses were conducted in 2011 (Melbourne), 2013 (Bangkok), 2015 (Amsterdam), 2016 (Melbourne), 2018 (Saskatoon) and 2020 (Scotland-Virtual).
Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)
These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!
Track the progress of One Health since 2001
Check out more past One Health Events on the Commission's
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July 8, 2023 Webinar
Hosted by the International Alliance against Health Risks of Wildlife Trade in honor of World Zoonosis Day, July 6, presented by Pro Wildlife, a non-profit association based in Germany which is concerned with wildlife and wildlife protection. Currently, their project: “A Transnational African Zoonosis Education campaign: Raising awareness for wildlife trade-linked health risks”, funded by the Alliance, is being implemented. The broad-based campaign aims to change behaviour towards wildlife with the goal of reducing the risks of zoonotic spill overs in four relevant African countries – Liberia, Nigeria, Cameroon and Zambia – by creating public awareness on the ground for human health risks, linked to wildlife trade, and promoting the One Health approach. By using a wide range of communication tools the project aims to discourage hunting, trade and wildlife consumption, to suggest alternatives, and motivate responsible government agencies to initiate necessary actions. See archived webinars hosted by the Alliance.
July 6, 2023 Hybrid Conference
Early Diagnosis and Prevention of Animal Origin Summer Diseases of Public Health Importance
13th National Conference on One Health
New Delhi, India. Hosted by the Millenium India Education Foundation (MIEF)
July 5, 2023 WHO EPI-WIN Webinar
This webinar provides an understanding of the One Health approach proposed to countries, as well as the available tools and how they are used in the 6 regions of WHO. Showcasing examples from national users, it illustrate concrete and operational implementation of the One Health approach to improve preparedness for zoonotic diseases in countries. Interpretation for this webinar will be available in French and Spanish. It can be viewed post-event on the EPI-WIN YouTube channel. See archived EPI-WIN webinars.
July 5-7, 2023 Hybrid Forum
Lyon, France. The One Sustainable Health for all Forum was launched in July, 2021, in Lyon. It brings together more than fifty professional and civil society organizations working across the globe on a holistic approach to health that takes into account human, animal and environmental health. Its main goal is to further a country based operational approach defined by the principles of One Sustainable Health. This 3-day, multisite, international event will bring together high-level political and technical stakeholders from different countries (Bangladesh, Brazil, Lebanon, Senegal) to discuss recommendations drafted by six international working groups and map out the path in budgets, programs, and projects at country-level towards the integration of a One Sustainable Health approach. Watch the recordings/replay More information:
June 30, 2023 Webinar
Event hosted by R-Ladies Rome
Dr. Laura Kahn discussed research findings for her upcoming book, "One Health and the Politics of Coronaviruses," shedding light on the crucial aspects of public health. She examined coronaviruses through the lens of the One Health perspective and gave an insightful discussion on the often overlooked fundamentals that shape public health policies and the global implications that follow.
June 28, 2023 Webinar
The Quadripartite Joint Secretariat for AMR has developed this report as a joint initiative to assist in directing and catalysing scientific interest and financial investments for the priority research agenda across sectors for countries and funding bodies. The research agenda also serves as a guide to mitigate One Health AMR that will help policymakers, researchers, and a multidisciplinary scientific community work together on solutions to prevent and mitigate AMR within the One Health approach.
June 28, 2023
One Health at the Bioethics Summer School 2023
Tutzin, Germany. The Summer School is hosted by FernUniversität in Hagen, the universities of Zagreb (Croatia), Sofia (Bulgaria), Rethymno (Greece/Crete), Thessaloniki (Greece) and Linz (Austria) and the Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing (APB) with support from the German Academic Exchange Serive (DAAD). Dr. Andreas Pappas, former President of ISOHA, introduced the concept of One Health to a new audience.
June 26, 2023 Webinar
Hosted by eCornell and supported by the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Public and Ecosystem Health, the Cornell Center for Pandemic Prevention and Response, and Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability. Moderated by award-winning science writer David Quammen, with an opening statement by Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove (WHO) and hosted by Dr. Raina Plowright (Cornell), this panel-style webinar with ten global and cross-disciplinary experts, offered a summary of the key strategies for pandemic prevention including the fundamental drivers of pandemics, the strategies we can take to prevent them, and the current policy opportunities for primary pandemic prevention. More information,
June 19-21, 2023 Hybrid Conference
One Health EJP Stakeholder Conference
Brussels, Belgium. Hosted by the One Health European Joint Programme (One Health EJP). This conference welcomed high-level speakers from key organisations and One Health EJP members to share their insights on One Health in Europe. Discussions focused on what is currently being done and what we can expect from future European One Health initiatives to address the complex challenges that our societies face. The conference provided the opportunity to reflect on the future of One Health, focusing on Europe, and shared the solutions and impact that the One Health EJP has achieved.
June 17-28, 2023 Hybrid Conference
Dublin, Ireland. Crypto-infections, which include tick-borne bacterial pathogens and others, are well recognised as a significant burden of disease in both human and animal hosts. However, much remains to be done to further diagnose, understand the underlying pathogenesis, and optimally treat these infections. This conference brought together a wide range of scientists, both in human and veterinary medicine and in other disciplines dealing with these infections, to share their current knowledge of these infections and to develop a ‘blueprint’ to progress our study of these infections. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.
June 15-17, Conference
2nd Conference of the World Society for Virology (WSV 2023)
Riga, Latvia. Hosted by Riga Stradiņš University, Latvia. The WSV2023 scientific program included special symposia on pandemic threats and preparedness, as well as sessions on different disciplines of virology. More information,
Note: A special issue of WSV official Elsevier journal “Virology”, published by Science Direct, is currently accepting submissions with the same theme as of WSV2023: “One Health - One World - One Virology". See previous Science Direct publications on this title.
June 15, 2023 Webinar
The USAID Infectious Disease Detection and Surveillance (IDDS) project’s latest webinar featured global perspectives on community-based surveillance (CBS) within pandemic preparedness and response efforts, highlighting Mali’s approaches to integrating CBS into the health system, and elaborating on implementation realities at the community level in Senegal. CBS is used for early detection of potentially epidemic diseases through reporting by community members. It enables the systematic detection and reporting of events of public health significance at the source. With the One Health approach, community workers affiliated with human, animal, and environmental sectors look for and report events in their respective communities.
June 13, 2023 Webinar
Hosted by the International Alliance Against Health Risks of Wildlife Trade. Dr. François Diaz, the Scientific Coordinator for Wildlife and Bees at the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) provided a global overview of WOAH’s activities on wildlife health and wildlife trade in general. Dr. François Diaz introduced to the Alliance the “Guidelines for reducing the risk of disease spillover events at markets selling wildlife and along the wildlife supply chain”, and eventually the future WOAH activities on wildlife trade.
June 8, 2023 Webinar
Conversation Series on One Health - Hosted by the
One Health Trust
Fungal diseases cause more than 1.5 million deaths per year - yet they are overlooked and understudied in the context of policy, research, and innovation. In this webinar, experts discussed the growing threat of fungal infections, the challenges we face with their diagnosis and treatment, and opportunities to bring them to the forefront of the public health agenda. Recording Available,
June 7, 2023 Webinar
Hosted by the OHC's One Health Social Sciences-Food Safety, Food Security Working Group in honor of World Food Safety Day 2023. Speakers: Professor Cesar Gavidia, Dr.Sadiq Surajo and Dr. Belal Abdelfattah.
June 5, 2023
Juan Health Conversations - Episode 2
Discussed the role of communities and individuals in the conservation and sustainability of our environment through our fellows from the social science and environmental sector. Recording Available,
June 1-2, 2023 Conference
Hosted by Khazar University One Health Azerbaijan. Scientists, young researchers, students, various societies and representatives from all over the world were invited to participate. Purpose: bring together relevant experts and institutions operating at the local, national and global levels to achieve healthy people, animals, plants and the environment, to enhance collaborations and explore the One Health solutions in Azerbaijan.
May 20, 2023 Webinar
Hosted by the International Veterinary Student Association-India (IVSA-India) and the Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC). India accounts for more than a third of the global rabies burden, and sustainability is critical to any rabies elimination efforts. Engaging with Indian veterinary students presents the perfect opportunity to meaningfully address this One Health challenge.
May 20, 2023 Webinar (in Arabic)
Hosted by One Health Alliance, Jordan
Brucellosis is one of the most common zoonotic diseases (those that can be transmitted between humans and animals) in the Middle East. Guest speaker Dr. Fahd Al-Jamhan discussed brucellosis in camels, how it is transmitted to humans from camels, and ways to prevent it.
Special Issue of the Global Bioethics Journal
Guest edited by Christina Richie and Cheryl Macpherson. Submissions may help to contextualize and distinguish between global and local health regarding a given issue, policy, or practice; and to describe ethically significant connections between individuals, populations, non-human living things, planet Earth, and perhaps our solar system. This special issue welcomes theoretical, normative, empirical, and methodological work covering a variety of ethical positions with which to reflect on and facilitate new critically engaged ways of thinking about One Health and Planetary Health topics with a global bioethics orientation. Published by Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Submission deadline September 1, 2023.
Special Issue of Virology
Virology is the Official journal of the World Society of Virology. It is a hybrid journal so you can publish your paper without any fee.
One Earth provides a home for high-quality research and perspectives that significantly advance our ability to better understand and address today’s sustainability challenges. Monthly thematic issues are published that aspire to break down barriers between the natural, social and applied sciences and the humanities, stimulate the cross-pollination of ideas, and encourage transformative research. While disciplinary studies will certainly be considered, submissions with cross-disciplinary interests are particularly encouraged. Studies conducted at all spatial, temporal, and socio-political scales will be considered, but all submissions must offer a significant conceptual advance.
Special Issue of CABI One Health
This special issue, initiated by an Innovate-UK-KTN One Health microbiome event, explores common challenges and discusses how the research and commercial community can work together in microbiome research and innovation. This includes learning about advances being made in innovation across different sectors while understanding common challenges and potential solutions. Guest edited by Matthew Ryan, Pedro Carvalho, Gabriela Juarez Martine. Submission deadline October 31, 2023 |
Assistant Professorships Available
Zurich, Switzerland. The One Health Institute (OHI) is a newly founded institute at the University of Zurich, which will hold initially three professorships in One Health with respective focus areas in epidemiology, evolution and digitization, and with research interests in zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance or metabolism. Zurich offers an excellent academic environment with the opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration with groups at the University of Zurich, the University Hospitals and the nearby ETH Zurich. Submit your electronic application for these positions by July 9, 2023. Applications by mail or e-mail will not be considered. For more information:
International Consultant- One Health
Strengthening the environmental dimensions of the One-Health in the West Asia region. 5 month duration, Home based. Requirements:
- Advanced degree (master’s or higher) in environmental sciences, natural sciences, public Health, sustainable land management, ecosystem and environment Health, natural resources management, or another relevant field.(Required)
- A minimum of 7 years of work experience in natural resource management, environment management, wildlife and protected area management and One Health or any other relevant field. (Required)
- Thorough understanding of One Health approaches, One Health Joint Plan of Action, and other related aspects. (Required)
- Previous experience in policy gap analysis and review, multi-stakeholder engagement and drafting technical reports. (Required)
- Excellent communication and ability to moderate workshops involving senior-level officers/stakeholders. (Desirable)
Postdocs, Fellowships
University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston (UTMB)
UTMB is world-famous for its excellence in emerging infectious disease research and training. We are looking for new team members who have a passion to protect the world against today’s and tomorrow’s emerging infectious disease threats. Opportunities for:
Contact Professor Greg Gray at if you have any questions.
Bathurst, Australia, Charles Sturt University. An exciting opportunity to enhance and develop skills in One Health epidemiology, focusing on viral diseases of significance to agriculture and health.
Library (Articles more than 6 months old)
One Health for All: Advancing Human and Ecosystem Health in Cities by Integrating an Environmental Justice Lens, Murray H, Buckley J, Byers KA, Fake K, Lehrer EW, Magle SB, Stone C, Tuten H, Schell CJ, Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 2022 53:1, 403-426
May 31 2023:
- 2nd One Health Workshop: aiming at tackling the emergence of zoonotic disease
- Conference: One Health for All, All for One Health
- CO-OP 4 CBD Call for experts
- Launch of the WWF report 'onze natuur is goud waard'/'une nature qui vaut de l'or'
- June 31, 2023
- Stratégie Biodiversité 360 Public Consultation
- VEE celebrates 30th anniversary
- IPBES -10 Invasive Alien Species Primer
- Guidebook on National Biodiversity Platforms
- Belgian Focal Point for CBD: Political Monitoring
- Upcoming Biodiversa+ call for research announced
- EU Roadmap to 2030 for Research and Innovation on Nature-based solutions
- Addressing the degradation of ecosystems through scenario-making
- Biodiversa+ is hiring!
June 2023:
- Jutras Lab awarded $1.2 million to create rapid and accurate Lyme disease testing
- Virginia Tech researchers conduct proof-of-concept study on mosquito scent preferences
- Grassroots philanthropy effort will fund Virginia Tech white-tailed deer research
- Keep ticks at bay and protect yourself with landscape modifications
- June 2023
- Domestic Violence and The Link
- The Link in the Legislatures
- Animal Sexual Abuse and the Link
- Child Maltreatment and The Link
- Veterinary Medicine and The Link
- Law Enforcement and The Link
- Criminal Justice and The Link
- The Link in the Literature
- The Link in the News
- Link Training Opportunities
- Registration open for the One Health EJP Conference 2023: Collaborating to face future One Health challenges in Europe.
- The Workshop on Institutionalisation of One Health
- Register now for the Dissemination Webinar on “New Tools for Detection and Surveillance.”
- Registration is open for the One Health EJP Final Meeting
- One Heath EJP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) is now available.
June 5, 2023 A resolution for global medical oxygen access; Mitigating Chagas Disease
June 14, 2023 Fungal infections in the spotlight; Domesticated animal ownership & malaria
June 21, 2023 Skin-to-skin contact and neonatal sepsis; Gender and zoonoses exposure
June 26, 2023 Hospital-associated antibiotic-resistant infections; Excess deaths during COVID-19 lockdowns
July 3, 2023 Malnutrition contributes to mortalities from drug-resistant infections.
- Research and policy
- Opportunities
- Events
- Read, Watch, Listen
- The Health of Texas Cattle: An Evolving Focus at West Texas A&M
- President of Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences Signs Agreement with UTMB Administrators
- Hiring opportunities
- SARS-CoV-2 in a Hanoi Hippopotamus
- Five Mongolian Scholars Receive Advanced One Health-Oriented,
- Environmental Health Research Training in the United States
Hosted by One Health Trust (formerly CDDEP)
This podcast series brings forward the latest ideas to improve the health of our planet and its people. Our world faces many urgent challenges, from pandemics and decreasing biodiversity to pollution and melting polar ice caps, among others. This podcast series highlights solutions to these problems from the scientists and experts working to make a difference.
June 20, 2023
When a team in remote Sierra Leone was fighting Lassa Fever, they had set up a clinic with diagnostic testing and communications with the outside world. A team of experts had been trained in how to detect and diagnose viral hemorrhagic fevers. When Ebola hit they had the expertise and some of the equipment and infrastructure needed to help people understand what was happening as the deadly and frightening virus started to spread across borders. Virologist Robert Garry had helped set up the Lassa Fever team in west Africa and helped the world understand what was going on with Ebola. Such preparations also helped when COVID-19 started spreading around the world in 2020. In this episode of One World, One Health, Dr. Garry explains how preparedness matters in fighting global threats.
June 27, 2023
Hindsight is 20-20 – it’s an old saying and never more true than when looking back at an epidemic. But sometimes looking backward can help people think more clearly when planning ahead. Dr. Sabine Franklin went to west Africa to talk to people about the Ebola epidemic (2014-2016) that killed 11,000 people, most of them in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. She’s found that people don’t always apply lessons learned to diseases. In this podcast she describes where she sees the world falling short, and how she thinks things could be turned around in time using the One Health approach to help us all better handle the next pandemic.
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Thank you for reading One Health Happenings.
And a Special Thank You to One Health Commission's Sponsors!
Without you we could not do the Commission's global work to
'connect, create, and educate' for One Health.
Prepared by Blair Budd, Caitlin Holly and Cheryl Stroud
with support from OHC part-time staff, Ayinka - A. Brown and Neil Vezeau
The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the official position of the One Health Commission.
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