Streams of Awareness


May 19, 2023


This is just an extra thought for the week…there will still be a devotional on “Construction” on Monday. 

It  s just a simple kitchen tool that most of you have tucked away and grab when you need it.   A sweet friend gave me a Christmas favor a few years back and each time I use I think of her and it makes me smile. Because probably to her, it was just a little something.  To me it continues to carry a spark of love and friendship.  

I  was purposely in  Sur La Tab kitchen shop on a hunt for something else when I spotted these spatulas; they have a lemon tree on one side and an orange tree on another and thought they look so fresh and might be something you wouldn’t necessarily  seldom grab for yourself; so I gave them to my daughters  for a Mothers’ day favor at lunch and included the following sentiment to go with em, Because just giving them a spatula on Mothers Day seemed a little insignificant. After all it is because of them that I get to celebrate the day.  


"It I just a little spatula, a gift you probably wouldn’t choose, 

But it comes in kind of handy when the time  has come to use.

I tried to think of how to find a meaning that just might stick,

But all I kept coming up with was brownie batter to lick. 

So enjoy this little kitchen tool and use it often as you need,

And  let it be a reminder to you that you are loved indeed.   

S  serve

P  purpose

A  attitude

T  thoughtfulness

U unselfish

L Love

A  AND Grace ( I know this is cheating….but) 

Serve God in little ways.

Scrape your bowl of life with purpose.

Stir in an attitude of Thankfulness.  

Unselfishly love others. 

AND fill your heart with God’s grace."

And I send this  note to you as a reminder that sometimes it is the little things that you do or give or say  that make a difference and can spark  a quick smile of appreciation to the heart of recipient….and you may never know how that little thing made a difference…oh but God does.  

Mine is just a red spatula that sits in my kitchen drawer, but each time I see it and use it, it is a reminder to me to be thankful for the little things in my life and to not forget to engage in the little things for others.  I don’t know if my daughters will find any of this to be true….but maybe just maybe when they pull it out and use it it will be a reminder to them of the words and thoughts written above.  I love them to pieces…!  

Praise God wherever you are or whatever situation he has allowed you to be in...for his Glory will shine through!

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