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Prepare Your Heart for Worship

Join us in reflecting on this coming Sunday's message through original artwork, poems, journal prompts, and prayers. Click here for this week's Lenten devotions and get a sneak-peek at the sermon. May you feel God's presence even more closely as we journey through Lent.

Enrich Our Community's Experience of Holy Week

From Palm Sunday through the celebration of Resurrection, we expect 800 members of our community to join us in worship. Can you help with greeting, ushering, serving communion, or setting up Easter breakfast? There are slots available for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, or any of our four (!) Easter services. Sign up here to do your part in helping our community receive Christ during this holiest of weeks.

We believe God is present in the prayers we lift up for one another. To add a name to the prayer concerns bookmark, published each week in the bulletin, please email prayer@hbumc.org. If your prayer concern is confidential, and you want only to share with the pastors, please indicate so in your email. We will keep names on the prayer bookmark for one month, unless otherwise requested. Please hold these places and people in your hearts this week:


Doug Gill

Gilbert Hay 

Phil Templeton 


Tom Lindley 

Gladys Rose 

Nancy Stamey 

Dick & Theresa Stevens 

Our Government Leaders 

Those Affected by Natural Disasters 

Our In-Crowd Members 

Peace in Palestine, Israel, and Ukraine


Pastors David, Molly, Laura, and Sarah

District Superintendent Brady

Bishop Shelton

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Let the men feed you this Wednesday, March 20 from 5-6:30 in the Fellowship Hall! Don't miss our Chicken Pickin' fundraiser; all donations will support local missions. Please register to attend and select a meal: 1) BBQ chicken, mac 'n' cheese, green beans, and cookie, or 2) Nathan's Hot Dog with fixings, chips, and cookie. Tea and lemonade provided by Chick-fil-A and Dave Butts. Registration required--deadline today! Click here to RSVP. Donations will be collected at the door (cash, check, credit card, or Venmo).

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