July 13, 2023

Dear friends,

The past couple of weeks have seen so many climate-change related extremes unfolding across the globe. From the continuing wildfires in Canada to the devastating floods in Vermont and New York to the news that the planet has hit the hottest overall temperature ever recorded, the distressing climate events are unfolding at a pace that is hard to absorb. Here in Maine, though we have avoided the worst of the floods and fires, an uncannily wet summer is wreaking havoc on crops and highlighting our tenuous food system.

In times like these, those of us from the Judeo-Christian traditions may find resonance in the biblical stories of old — the plagues and floods, famines and fires. Yet these times feel unprecedented, in need of new stories (or the re-visioning of the ancient stories) to make meaning and find purpose in our work for a livable future. With this in mind, The BTS Center is pleased to offer opportunities for gathering around ritual and story together.

This summer, we hope you'll join us for the next two sessions of our first Summer Fiction Book Club — an opportunity to gather online and discuss works of fiction that offer stories related to the climate crisis in different ways. In August, we'll offer another installment of our Wonder and Wander Farm Series at Tir na nOg Farm in Pownal, Maine, which will center on the Celtic feast of Lughnasadh, bringing the ancient stories into the modern context of a working farm.

And finally, we're eagerly anticipating Convocation 2023, taking place in person this year at Maple Hill Inn and Conference Center in Hallowell, Maine. We hope you'll join us for two days of talks, meals, contemplative practice, music, and spiritual exploration — opportunities for finding the resonance of our various traditions for these uncertain times. We know that an in-person Convocation is not accessible for all in our community, so if you are interested in an Online Companion program for Convocation, we ask you to please fill out this survey by July 26. Your input will allow us to craft an online offering that is most aligned with the needs and desires of our community.

We look forward to seeing you at one or many of our programs this summer and fall, as we create new stories for this challenging present together.

With best wishes,

The BTS Center Team

Join us for these Upcoming Programs!

Summer Fiction Book Club

  • Thursdays: July 20 and August 24
  • 11.00am - 12.15pm (Eastern) • Online
  • July 20: discussing How Beautiful We Were by Imbolo Mbue
  • August 24: discussing The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson
  • One novel each month — read before and come to discuss!

Wonder and Wander at Tir na nOg Farm

  • Saturday, August 5 and Friday, October 27 • 9.30am - 4pm (Eastern)
  • In person at Tir na nOg Farm in Pownal, Maine

Convocation 2023

  • Thursday & Friday, September 28 & 29
  • In person at Maple Hill Inn and Conference Center (Hallowell, Maine)
  • Confirmed speakers include Victoria Loorz, author of Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us Into the Sacred; and John Bear Mitchell, citizen of the Penobscot Nation from Indian Island in Maine, musician, storyteller, and lecturer in Wabanaki Studies and Multicultural Studies at the University of Maine.
  • Our Convocation musician is Rev. Liz Fulmer, a queer pastor, recording artist, and musical storyteller serving Grandview Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
  • A preliminary Convocation schedule, presenter bios, and other details are now available at Check back regularly for more!

Please take our Convocation Online Companions Survey!

We are grateful that throughout the Covid pandemic we were able to continue the tradition of Convocation, held annually since 1905, by gathering online. We worked hard to make three consecutive online Convocations special for participants who attended the sessions via Zoom. This year, we will gather for an in-person Convocation.

We realize, though, that those of you who live some distance from Maine may not be able to travel to attend Convocation. With this in mind, we are considering offering an Online Companions track, curated by Peterson Toscano, producer of The BTS Center’s Climate Changed podcast.

If you would consider being part of an online Convocation community, please complete the following questionnaire by Wednesday, July 26.

This questionnaire should take you no more than 3-4 minutes, and your responses will be incredibly valuable to us in creating the most meaningful experience for you and other participants.

What we're reading, listening to, and pondering:

  • We're attending Earth Hospice Rites, hosted by Radical Joy for Hard Times and including our own Rev. Alison Cornish

  • We're delighting in time with friends and family and community, reminding us of the centrality of relationship in all we do

The BTS Center | 207.774.5212 | |

 Our mission is to catalyze spiritual imagination with enduring wisdom for transformative faith leadership. We offer theologically grounded programs of continuing education and spiritual formation, including workshops and retreats, learning cohorts, public conversations, and projects of applied research.
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