Last Day of School

And just like that, we have reached the end of another school year. We hope you and your students have a great summer and we look forward to seeing you again in August! Click here to see photos from the last day of school celebrations from around the district. Below is a video message from Interim Superintendent Dr. Grover as she reflects on her time with the district and the work she is planning for the summer and upcoming school year.

Dr. Grover's end of the year message

New Administrator for the 2023-24 School Year

We are pleased to announce the hiring of another administrator at CRCSD. Please help us welcome this new staff member to the district!

Stephanie Van Hemert - Grant Elementary

Stephanie Van Hemert has been named the Principal at Grant Elementary School, effective July 1st, 2023, pending board approval. Van Hemert has served as Principal at Prairie Edge in the College Community School District for the last five years and was previously a Building Facilitator, special education teacher, coach, and activity sponsor. “I am excited to join the Grant Elementary team! The past couple of weeks have been filled with hearing great things about the Grant students, staff, and community. It is my honor to support them and their continued progress."

Community Outreach Project

Thank you to UnityPoint for partnering with CRCSD staff to help provide free hygiene kits to approximately 75 students at Franklin Middle School, McKinley STEAM Academy, Arthur Elementary, Erskine Elementary, and Johnson STEAM Academy. We know our students appreciate the items. We also know that students' needs don't disappear on the last day of school, and our staff are committed to their work of supporting all of our families in the community. Thank you to Ben Ethier, engagement specialist at Franklin Middle School, for his help coordinating this community outreach project. 

Summer Meal Locations

CRCSD will once again offer students free meals over the summer. These meals help ensure kids can still get the nutritious food they may need even when school is closed. The meals are only available for children 18 years of age and younger and must be consumed on-site. There will be no grab-and-go or adult meal options available this summer due to federal regulation changes. Breakfast will be served from 8:00 am - 9:00 am, and lunch will be served from 11:30 am -12:30 pm. A menu is available on Nutrislice. For more information and to see the full schedule of meal sites.

Summer meal sites

School Sport's Physical Form

In March, the Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) updated its pre-participation examination procedures for high school and middle school student-athletes. A physical examination (is required) by a licensed health care provider and is still required in order to participate in all school sports or other identified sanctioned activities. At the physical exam, please have the physician complete this CRCSD Medical Eligibility Form. CRCSD does not need or require a copy of the physical exam form. The Medical Eligibility form must then be uploaded to the school's electronic athletics/activities system or turned in to the school office.  

CRCSD medical eligibility form

Annual Verification Starts July 1st

Mark your calendars! The online Annual Registration Verification for the 2023-2024 school year will open on July 1st.

The Annual Registration Verification process lets us know that your child will be attending a school in the CRCSD for the upcoming school year. It must be completed by all CRCSD families every year before the start of the new school year. 

  • Update family/student contact information to ensure you receive timely communication from the district and in case of emergencies. 
  • Update consent forms for field trips, photo release, and technology use.
  • Update eligibility for reduced school fees.

The Annual Registration Verification will be available online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal starting July 1st. 

For help with your account

Newsletter Will Take a Short Summer Break

This will be the last edition of the district’s Future Ready Today Newsletter for this school year. We plan to start the newsletter back up in early August! Remember, we keep all past editions of the district newsletter on our website

Summer Reading Programs

Looking for a way to help keep your students learning all summer long? Check out this list of summer reading programs from around the area. These programs are designed to help encourage Pre-K – 11th grade students to stay engaged in their education outside of the classroom. All programs are free and open to all students. If your students are struggling to find something to read, we have also included a list of recommended age-appropriate books.

Learn more

A Glimpse Around CRCSD

Congratulations to the Washington High School Girls’ golf team on placing 2nd at the state golf tournament. 

Congratulations to the Washington High School Girls’ tennis team and coaches on their 1st place finish at the state competition. 

The kindergartners at Cleveland Elementary School visited the Cedar Rapids Police Department this week. They learned how to have a safe summer and how to call 911. 

Johnson STEAM Academy held its first post-pandemic STEAM Expo on Wednesday afternoon. The expo allowed students to share their learning with the community through a STEAM lens. 

Arthur Elementary School held a Career Day on Thursday. Students had the opportunity to learn about different careers, including law enforcement, architecture, meteorology, and gymnastics. 

Taft Middle School held a Semester Awards Assembly to congratulate students on their success this year. Pictures are some of the 99th percentile awards winners.


District Calendar for current year

District Calendar for 2023-24 school year

Jefferson High School

Activities Calendar

Kennedy High School

Activities Calendar

Washington High School

Activities Calendar

Useful Resources

Learn more about

breakfast and lunch

meals here.

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Non-Discrimination Policy

It is the policy of the Cedar Rapids Community School District not to discriminate in educational programs and/or activities on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, gender identity, socioeconomic status, national origin, religion, disability, age (except for permitting/prohibiting students to engage in certain activities) or genetic information and in employment opportunities on the basis of age, race, creed, color, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, disability or genetic information. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy, please contact Jessica Luna, Diretor Culture/Climate Transformation, Educational Leadership and Support Center, 2500 Edgewood Rd NW, Cedar Rapids, IA, (319) 558-2000.

June 2, 2023