Memo del Lunes en Espanol (haga clic aquí)


Join us for the Ottiwell Scholar Art Show on Thursday, May 25 from 5-6:30pm!

Please take a few minutes to complete the below survey for each of your scholars at Alma. All responses will be entered into a raffle drawing for a summer fun basket! Take the Survey!

What's for lunch?
Who do I call?
Work at Alma!

Dear Alma Families, 

In case you missed it, the last day of school has changed to Wednesday, June 21, two days earlier than originally scheduled due to unused snow days. June 21st will also be Field Day at each campus and all scholars will be dismissed early at 12:30 pm.

We are looking forward to the many ways we will celebrate scholars in these final weeks, including Art Shows (at Ottiwell on May 25 and Douglass on June 8), Expedition Night, and 8th Grade Graduations. Keep an eye out for reminders about these and other exciting events!

In addition, we just released the initial 2023-2024 School Year Calendar so you can mark down major dates (first day of school, winter break, half days). This summer we will share out the final calendar which will include testing dates and other special events.

Alma Community Spotlight

Congratulations to our middle school scholars who earned Honor Roll or High Honors for Quarter 3! Ottiwell High Honors scholars got to celebrate with family last week, and Douglass scholars will be celebrated on June 2!