A weekly newsletter for all University of Kentucky College of Public Health faculty, staff, and health champions in Kentucky and beyond! | |
Our own Matt Bunch, Academic Advisor in the Student Engagement & Academic Success (SEAS) department here at CPH, recently won the Outstanding New Employee Award in Student Success, in recognition of valuable contributions and dedication to students at the University of Kentucky! | |
Rachel Vickers-Smith, PhD, recently attended and presented at the 2023 Harm Reduction International Conference in Melbourne, Australia, This event shares the latest research and discussions on best practice in drug use, harm reduction and human rights, bringing together over 1,000 people from around the world. | |
MHA graduate Corbin Kirksey received the Kentucky Hospital Research and Education Foundation Outstanding Student Award recently at the 2023 Kentucky Hospital Association Annual Convention, which is the premiere event for health care leaders in Kentucky! Corbin is also going to be pursuing his fellowship at Cincinnati Childrens Hospital. | |
First episode of the brand-new series “IPH Bombs” just dropped. Dr. Lyons discusses the importance of trauma informed care. Nearly all children referred to public behavioral healthcare from child welfare do not need standard mental health treatment: they need trauma informed care. Check out the video here! | |
UK Cannabis Center awards 1st faculty pilot grants
Two CPH faculty have been awarded in the 1st pilot grant program for the UK Cannabis Center, which conducts research on the health effects of cannabis, including its risks and benefits when used to treat certain medical conditions: Jay Christian, Ph.D, and Jayani Jayawardhana, Ph.D.
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Franklin County Asks Their Kids to Say Yes
In 2019, the Franklin County Health Department (FCHD) took a unique approach to lowering substance use in their community that focuses on their youth. Under a Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center (KIPRC) CDC-funded Overdose Data to Action mini-grant, FCHD launched the Just Say Yes initiative created with guidance from Iceland-based Planet Youth.
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BERD Bites: Virtual Lunch & Learn
CPH community is invited to today's Bringing Information and Training to Education Scholars (BERD) Bites Lunch & Learn on Unbiased Representation of Clinical Data for Precise Outcome Prediction presented by Jin Chen, PhD, Associate Professor, Division of Biomedical Informatics. This series are provided by the Center for Clinical Translational Science (CCTS). Registration is required.
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2023 Kentucky Harm Reduction Summit set for June 14-15
Registration for the annual Kentucky Harm Reduction Summit is now open. The Summit will be held at EKU's Richmond campus (June 14 & 15th) and provides the opportunity for officials to learn about harm reduction/disease prevention strategies and to broaden the impact of harm reduction operations throughout Kentucky. This two-day event is FREE and will be held in-person.
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The 19th annual TCOM Conference – “Lex Go! Pop Health”
IPH-C is excited to announce the 19th annual TCOM Conference – “Lex Go! Pop Health”- taking place on October 4-6, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency in Downtown Lexington, Kentucky. This event brings together the latest research, innovative practices, and current trends in population health!
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