July 7, 2023
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Summer is here! SRPC is trying to stay cool as we enter a new fiscal year with new projects, exciting connections with our communities, and some minor staff adjustments. With the summer heat ramping up, SRPC encourages everyone to be prepared. Check with your city or town to find your local cooling center and recognize the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. With the recent smoke moving across the eastern seaboard, be sure that air filters are clear so they can properly cool your home. If using a generator, be sure that it is outdoors and at least 20 feet from any windows or doors. When out and about, check that you have not left a child or animal in your vehicle. Always check in on neighbors and relatives. More information is available from ReadyNH and Ready.gov.
Stay cool and happy planning!
Autumn & Mark
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Input Needed for Housing Update to Somersworth Master Plan
SRPC Goes AI With New Traffic Counter
Staff Promotion
Grant Corner
SRPC Intern Returns
Planning Events of Interest
FEMA Seeks Feedback on BRIC Grant Program
Community Happenings
Planners, Apply now for one of 50 AICP Certification Diversity Scholarships for the fall 2023 AICP certification cycle through August 31. The scholarship can be used for either the exam or the assessment.
What does it mean when NHDES officials call for an Air Quality Action Day? Learn more.
Get a jump-start on growing your agricultural business and register for UNH Extension's New Farmer School 2023!
Worried about the health of your local swimming hole? Check NHDES's Healthy Swimming Mapper for up to date water quality status.
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Thank you to all who were able to attend our Annual Meeting last month! Thank you to our amazing speakers who provided lively discussion and thank you to the wonderful staff of the Governor's Inn in Rochester for helping us put on a seamless event. | |
Every week, the Natural Resources Conservation Service produces a weekly report using data and products from the National Water and Climate Center and other agencies. The report focuses on seasonal snowpack, precipitation, temperature, and drought conditions in the U.S. Check out this week's report here. | |
August is NH Eats Local Month! Join the NH Food Alliance as a partner for 31 days of celebrating the food that is farmed, fished, and produced here in New Hampshire and align your business or organization with the eat local movement. The focus for 2023 NH Eats Local Month is the Live Free + Eat Local Challenge. As a partner, you’ll be challenging Granite Staters to eat local food from New Hampshire small businesses for a chance to win a delicious local prize. Sign up by July 17 to receive your partner promotional materials before August 1.
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Input Needed for Housing Update to Somersworth Master Plan
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The City of Somersworth is developing a new Housing Plan as part of a new Master Plan. To jumpstart their efforts the city created a survey and wants to hear from you! Your responses will give the city much needed input on the needs of the existing housing stock and how to create and identify appropriate sizes, types and locations for new housing that meet current and future demands. What kind of housing do we need? What are the opportunities and challenges facing housing in our city?
Check out the city's website or contact Principal Planner Angie Cleveland for more information on Master Plan efforts.
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SRPC Goes AI With New Traffic Counter
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After an exciting demonstration period, SRPC joins the Nashua Regional Planning Commission in new traffic counting technology from LeeTron Vision as we make our first foray into artificial intelligence-assisted traffic counts. Leetron was developed and built right here in the Granite State. The Leetron will not replace SRPC staff, but will instead create a safer environment for our data collection team in some of our multi-lane and high-volume count locations.
Questions? Contact Regional Planner Mark Davie.
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Check out LeeTron's Vimeo to see how the counter works! | |
Congratulate our new Assistant Director, Principal Planner Kyle Pimental!
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Please join SRPC staff in congratulating Kyle Pimental on his promotion to Assistant Director, and his 15th anniversary at SRPC!
Kyle's passion for the planning profession, leadership, and incredible work ethic make him a natural fit at SRPC. While taking on new roles as part of SRPC's admisitration and management, he will continue to work on many of SRPC's environmental projects and serve as the circuit rider for the Town of Farmington, in addition to his leadership roles with NNECAPA and NHPA.
Several staff members also have stepped up to the next levels in their progression as planning professionals. Mark Davie, Stephen Geis, and Autumn Scott have been promoted to Planner II. GIS Planner Jackson Rand and Economic Recovery Coordinator Natalie Gemma have both advanced to to Senior Planner.
A hearty congratulations and kudos to the fantastic SRPC staff team.
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U.S. EDA Recompete Pilot Program
Information Session July 11
Due October 5 @ 11:59pm (Phase I)
EDA is now accepting applications for the new $200 million Recompete Pilot Program, which is designed to make focused investments in communities most in need of economic resources and options to ensure that all communities have a path to economic prosperity. The program is based on the belief that communities know best what they need to address persistent economic distress. Click here for more information. EDA will host an informational webinar on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 4:30pm, about the Recompete Pilot Program. Register here. .
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EPA Solar for All Grant Program
Information Session July 12
Due August 30 @ 12pm
Through this competition, Solar for All will award up to 60 grants to states, territories, Tribal governments, municipalities, and nonprofits to expand the number of low-income and disadvantaged communities primed for residential solar investment—enabling millions of low-income households to access affordable, resilient, and clean solar energy. EPA’s Solar for All competition will host at least one informational webinar on July 12, 2023 to provide information on the Solar for All grant competition and the application process—register to attend here.
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Regen’s Rising Farmer Grant
Due August 1
"Are you an NH farmer looking for free land, resources, and guidance to grow your business? Then apply for Regen’s Rising Farmer Grant! Two grant recipients will receive the free use of one acre of land each, along with supplies and guidance at the ReGen Roots Community Farm located at 791 Concord Stage Road, Weare, NH for the 2024 growing season." Learn more and apply online here.
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Seeding The Future Global Food System Challenge
Due August 1
"Hosted by the Institute of Food Technologists and funded by the Seeding the Future Foundation, the Challenge is intended to support innovations that have the potential for significant impact at scale and over time, and benefit at least one or more of the following intersecting domains: nutritious food for a healthy diet; sustainably produced; and accessible, appealing, affordable, and trusted by consumers." Learn more and apply online here.
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NOAA Climate Resilience Regional Challenge
Letter of Intent Due August 21
"The focus of this grant program is on collaborative approaches to achieving resilience in coastal regions. Proposed projects should address risk reduction, regional collaboration, and equity, and build enduring capacity for adaptation. Use this information resource to learn more. NOAA technical assistance is available for organizations applying for and receiving a grant. Many technical assistance options are available, including data, tools, training, and access to NOAA expertise. Visit the technical assistance page to learn more."
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NH DOE SEED Grant Program
August 30 @ 12pm
The New Hampshire Department of Energy (NH DOE) is seeking applications from public schools to provide a one-time competitive grant to implement an energy efficiency project through the School Energy Efficiency Development (SEED) Grant Program. Details regarding this Request for Proposals (RFP) may be found on the NH DOE’s website. Questions should be emailed to RFP@energy.nh.gov no later than 4:30 pm August 16.
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SRPC Welcomes Back Planning Intern
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Planning intern and UNH student, Winders, has recently returned to work remotely at SRPC while he embarks on his journey to study and travel across the world starting in Greece. The team is excited to have all hands on deck for summer research! Join staff in welcoming him back.
If you are interested in following Winders along on his international adventures, visit his personal travel blog here.
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Exploring Current Trends in Citizen Engagement Webinar
Wed July 12 @ 12pm - Zoom
“This [NHMA] webinar will review the current trends in citizen engagement and give insight into helpful ways you can better communicate with your residents. With the increase in website use, local governments can optimize their online presence in various ways.”
Register online.
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MAAM: RDA in the Great Bay Watershed
Thurs, July 13 @ 1pm - Hybrid - Rochester Public Works, 209 Chestnut Hill Rd & Zoom
"Please join members of the Municipal Alliance for Adaptive Management (MAAM for a discussion about the Conservation Law Fund (CLF) petition for Residual Designation Authority (RDA) in the Great Bay Watershed. The conversation will be collaborative and informal. We will have folks from CLF and EPA as well as the Municipal Alliance for Adaptive Management all discussing the purpose, goals, and potential next steps for the RDA." Register online.
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Greenhouse Gas Reduction in Low-Income & Disadvantaged Communities Series
First Session Thurs July 13 @ 2PM - Zoom
Join the UNH Carsey Institute for a series of webinars over the course of seven weeks with a focus on low-income and disadvantaged communities. There are 4 upcoming sessions including community solar, greening commercial real estate and community facilities, electric vehicles and green transportation, and greening the small business sector
Learn more and register at the Equitable Greenhouse Gas Reduction Webinar Series website.
Register online.
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HMA Guide Office Hours
Thurs July 13 @ 2pm - Zoom
FEMA is hosting virtual office hours on Thurs, July 13, from 2:00 to 3:00 pm ET for state, local, tribal and territorial governments to get answers from FEMA Subject Matter Experts about its updated Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program and Policy Guide. Attendees can join at any time during the webinar to ask questions. If you are unable to join, please feel free to email fema-hma-guide@fema.dhs.gov as this session will not be recorded. Register online.
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The Workings of a Planning Board Webinar
Thurs July 20 @ 2pm - Zoom
"Join NHMA attorneys who will discuss the duty to assist, conflicts of interest, statutory duties, subdivisions & site plans, master plan, workforce housing, CIP, zoning amendments, innovative land use, streets, driveways, merged lots, preliminary review, applications, timeline for review, 3rd party consultants, developments of regional impact, HB 1661 statutory changes, public hearing, deliberations, making the decision, conditional approvals, vesting, appeals and more."
Register online.
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Legislative Wrap-up Webinar
Aug 2 @ 12PM - Zoom
"This webinar will discuss the most significant bills of municipal interest that made it through the legislature this year, as well as a few that failed but may be back in the future. The discussion will include a substantial discussion about the state budget and what municipalities should expect in terms of funding for the next two years, as well as a discussion of important policy bills affecting a variety of municipal operations."
Register online.
OPD PLAN Webinar Series: Land Use Administrator 101
July 20 @ 12pm - Zoom
"Join Stephanie N. Verdile, Principal Planner at the OPD, for a webinar dedicated to the Land Use Administrator. Whether your title is a Land Use Administrator, Land Use Secretary, Planning Secretary, Land Use Administrative Assistant, Land Use Clerk, Zoning Administrator, etc. this webinar is for you. Stephanie will review applicable RSAs for land use matters; different land use board applications and notification requirements; administrative policies for applications, meetings, and office management." Register online.
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Legislative Wrap-Up
Wed August 2 @ 12pm - Zoom
“Join Government Affairs Counsel Natch Greyes and Government Finance Advisor Katherine Heck for a review of the highlights from the 2023 legislative session. This will be after the legislative session ends, so except for possible vetoes, all legislative action will be final. This webinar will discuss the most significant bills of municipal interest that made it through the legislature this year, as well as a few that failed but may be back in the future. The discussion will include a substantial discussion about the state budget and what municipalities should expect in terms of funding for the next two years, as well as a discussion of important policy bills affecting a variety of municipal operations.” Register online.
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New Farmer School with UNH Extension
Tues August 8 @ 6pm - In-person only (Location TBA)
“Get a jump-start on growing your agricultural business with this intensive multi-session course with UNH Extension! This course is a great way to get up to speed quickly on the business and science of agriculture. Network with other new farmers, and work closely with Extension staff as you develop your business and productions ideas.” Register online.
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Housing First Webinar
Mon August 14 @ 2:30pm - Zoom
"Join the National Low Income Housing Coalition, National Alliance to End Homelessness, and Center on Budget and Policy Priorities for a webinar on homelessness and Housing First. Homelessness is a crisis in many communities – one that demands urgent action. To end homelessness once and for all, federal, state, and local governments must invest in proven solutions at the scale necessary to address the problem. The Housing First model is one of the best strategies for ending homelessness." Register online.
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FEMA Seeks Feedback on BRIC Grant Program
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THIS WEEKEND: Lilac Family Fun Festival 2023!
Live Music, Rides, Games, Fireworks and More!
Rochester Community Center, Saturday, July 8 starting at 4pm (Rain date Sunday).
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Check out these flyers for local Summer Food Service Program Summer Meal Sites! | |
Invasive Species Management Workday at Mount A
Join Nature Groupie in eradicating invasive species at Mount Agamenticus in York, ME on July 22nd. Sign up for the event here.
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2023 Loon Census
Click here to join the Loon Preservation Committee in conducting the 2023 Loon Census, on Saturday July 15th at any lake in New Hampshire!
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The "CRAFT" of Farming: Aug 3
Join NOFA-NH, NODPA, and Granite State Graziers at Callie’s Creamery, a certified organic, micro-dairy in Peterborough, NH to discuss intensive rotational grazing and grassland management. They manage 30 acres of pasture and hay land. You will discuss rotational grazing basics (fencing, water, movement, mowing) and how to customize rotational grazing for your field and animals. Soil fertility and the use of organic amendments and biodynamic preparations to support healthy soil will also be covered. There will be plenty of time for Q&A. Register here!
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Strafford Regional Planning Commission
150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12
Rochester, NH 03867
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