news & events
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March 15 - March 24, 2024 | |
Friday Night Fish Fry
6-7 PM, The River Room
The Prep Team is busy making ready for our Friday Night Fish Fry. Bring a Friend and join us! We still have room! On the Menu: fish, fries, hush puppies, and coleslaw. Bring your own beverage; tea and water available.
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Preparing for the message for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, I could not help but pause to contemplate Passiontide. As some may think that Passiontide begins with Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday, history shares that Passiontide is a two-week journey beginning on the Fifth Sunday (Judica Sunday) of Lent and includes Palm Sunday (beginning of Holy Week) and ending with the Triduum Sacrum or “three holy days,” of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and only Saturday. My intention to pause gave me an opportunity to exam what all I have been doing or not doing during Lent. The pause allowed me a space of grace in which I could enter into these next two weeks to intensify my solemnity and repentance in a way that weakens and absolves my relationship to sin and deepens and enlivens my personal relationship with God.
I would be amiss if I did not share that while increasing my awareness of “the beginning of the end,” I am also being made aware of my growing fondness and love for my “new beginning” with Saint Paul’s Church. The Holy Spirit is showing me that beauty can indeed come from ashes through the redemptive blood that was shed for all to preserve not only the body and soul but also to restore, reconcile, and create new relationships through love—through Christ. An active ember has been internally placed in me and has already come aflame and for this I am grateful. I look forward with hopeful anticipation to what more God will show me about the Christian life and servant leadership during Passiontide. My prayerful hope is to allow God to strip away all things not becoming of God’s will and to be energized with the spiritual passion that led Christ to the cross. May the Holy Spirit come to ignite each of us with a holy fire that draws us closer to the pierced side of Christ and leads us to the throne of the glory of God!
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Easter Lilies and Brass
Bulletin deadline, Sunday March 24
If you would like to contribute toward the cost of Easter music, or give an Easter lily, please return the form found in your bulletin to the Parish Office. Requests may also be made using the QR code in the Narthex or by e-mail to mailbox@saintpauls.org no later than Sunday, March 24. A direct link is available below.
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Daughters of the King
Support the Women Spring Drive
Beginning March 17
The annual Saint Paul’s Bra Drive sponsored by the St. Ruth Byllesby Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King has evolved into the Support Augusta Women and Girls Personal Clothing Drive. The DOK is expanding our connections with local shelters to provide personal apparel and hygiene items. This is a significant need for all local shelters in the Augusta Area and Saint Paul’s is the only entity providing these items to all these shelters. From March 17th until the end of April, we will have our turquoise and white flowered boxes in Tyler Hall and the Narthex. We will collect gently used bras; new bras and underwear; and feminine menstrual products for the following agencies: Children Protective Services, Hope House, I-Care, Safe Homes, and Salvation Army Shelters. For more information, contact Janet Olson.
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Sunday Worship Schedule for 03/17/24
8 AM Rite I
11 AM Rite II
11 AM Facebook Live
11 AM YouTube Live
5:30 PM - Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion
6:30 PM - Compline + Sit and Wait (Chapel)
All of our Sunday worship services are in-person.
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Home-cooked Breakfast this Sunday
Sunday, 9 - 10 AM Tyler Hall
The Parish Life and Hospitality Committee invites you to Sunday Breakfast in Tyler Hall. Join us Sunday, March 17, for a home cooked meal with your family. Charlie Tudor is leading this team. Please contact him for more information and to serve on a hospitality team. Donations welcomed.
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JESUS SAVES—but how?
Sundays; February 25 - March 17
9:30 AM, The Berlin Room
We all affirm that God saves us through the work of Jesus. But many of us reject what we learned in Sunday School about "how" God saves us without ever really replacing it. In this series we'll discuss various "theories of the atonement" to move towards a mature gratitude for our redemption.
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St. Nicholas Choir (age 5 - grade 2)
Canterbury Choir (grades 3-9)
Sundays, 9:25 - 10:00 AM
The Canterbury Choir (children in grades 3-9) and the St. Nicholas Choir (age 5 through grade 2) will meet this week as scheduled.
If you or any family or friends are interested in the choir program, please email Director of Music, Keith Shafer or call (706) 724-2485 ext. 215.
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Godly Play
(grades pk4-2)
Sunday, 10-10:45 AM
St. Francis Room
Kim Butler and Sara Dimsdale will lead our younger children in the Saint Francis Room (Godly Play Room). If your child is in the Saint Nicholas choir, they will transition from choir to formation.
Contact Kim Butler for more information.
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Children's Sunday Formation
(grades pk4-5)
Sunday, 10-10:45 AM
St. Patrick's Room
Kitty Gordon will be our lead teacher and we also have volunteers to help teach our older elementary children. They will meet in the Saint Patrick Room (large classroom across from the office). If your child is in the Canterbury choir, they will transition from choir to the formation class.
Contact Kim Butler for more information.
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Middle School Formation
(grades 6-8)
Sunday, 10-10:45 AM
St. Benedict's Room, CMC
Our middle school class continues. Elizabeth Lindroth will lead the class. For more information contact Elizabeth Lindroth.
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Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul
Sunday, 4:00-5:15 PM, The Berlin Room
Session 7 of 10
Join us for a new Sunday afternoon formation gathering which precedes the Celtic Service. The clergy will lead a discussion of John Philip Newell’s Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World. Books are available from many retailers. For more information contact Eric Biddy.
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EYC (Episcopal Youth Community)
Grades 6-12
Sunday 5-7 PM, St. Bart's
EYC Meets this Sunday at St. Bart's at 471 W Martintown Rd, North Augusta for food, formation, and fun. For more information and addresses contact Elizabeth Lindroth. Friends are always welcome!
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A Service for Quiet for Lent
Sundays, 6:30 PM, Chapel
You’re invited to begin a practice of silence for Lent. Sit and Wait follows the Celtic Service Sunday evenings (6:30 PM). The service begins with a Service of Quiet and will end with a twenty-minute sit. The people end in silence.
Please email Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau or contact by phone at (706) 910-9331 for further information.
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BUILDING BRIDGES: Saint Paul's in the Community | |
Look for this new listing of where Saint Paul's
is building relationships in Augusta and the CSRA.
This Week Mother Kimberly:
Wednesday, March 20 - Eucharist at Brandon Wilde with Fr. Eric
Friday, March 22 - Luncheon with Women in Philanthropy for the CSRA
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EVENTS NEXT WEEK | March 18 - March 24 | |
1Book1Diocese Selection for Lent
The Good Life
This Lent, the people of the Diocese of Georgia will consider what makes a life fulfilling and meaningful through the lens of the Harvard Study of Adult Development. The 1Book1Diocese Selection is The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness by Robert Waldinger, MD and Marc Schulz, PhD.
The diocese provides reading guides and other materials to enrich your read of this book.
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Easter Egg Hunt Helpers Needed
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt on the Lawn will begin at 10:00 AM Easter Sunday. We'll gather on the front steps at 10 AM for a photo before beginning the hunt. Don't forget your basket!
Please help us prepare for this joyful event by bringing 12 stuffed eggs for each child. We also need several people to help hide eggs Easter morning. 12 volunteers will make this job quick and easy. Please email the parish office.
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Tuesday's Music Live
Tuesday, March 19, 12 noon
Tuesday’s Music Live 35th season concludes Tuesday, March 19, at 12 noon, with a free concert by String Time Duo. More information by calling the Box Office, (706) 722-3463 or tuesdaysmusiclive.com.
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Senior Lunch
March 20, 12 noon, Tyler Hall
Join us for lunch Third Wednesdays each month, at 12 Noon in Tyler Hall. Just a relaxing social time. Lunch is provided but donations welcome. Please sign up in the Narthex on Sunday mornings or on our website using the link below.
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Compline - ZOOM
Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 PM
Meeting ID: 595 177 454
Dial-In: (646) 876-9923
Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.
Following the prayers, those who gather through Zoom have an opportunity for a mid-week visit.
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Mid-Week Eucharist
Thursdays, 11:30 AM
A mid-week Eucharist in the Chapel begins at 11:30 AM. Lunch in the Berlin Room follows at 12 noon with a weekly Bible study (more information below.) Join us as your schedule allows: Come for Eucharist and lunch, lunch and Bible study, or stay for all three. (So that we may honor mid-day schedules, lunch is scheduled for 15 minutes and will continue through the Bible study conversations.)
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Lectio at Lunch
Thursdays, 12 Noon, Tyler Hall
Every Thursday in Tyler Hall you’ll find a lunch combo that can’t be beat! We offer a tasty meal with a generous helping of fellowship, plus a lively discussion arising from the Gospel of Mark. Our text is N.T. Wright’s Mark for Everyone which takes this Gospel in small bites, reflecting on each week’s reading with relevant and important insights. We finish promptly at 1:00 PM and invite you to join us as your schedule allows. You may bring your own lunch or share in the meal provided. Donations accepted.
Questions? Contact Kitty Gordon.
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Manna Pantry
Saturday, March 23, 8:15-11:30 AM
Tyler Hall
Manna Pantry provides a box of food six times a year to those in our community who need this supplemental assistance. With your help we will unload the groceries from Golden Harvest, pack food boxes, reload the truck, and deliver all food boxes on Saturday. Sign up for the Manna Pantry Team using the link below. For more information contact Melissa Friedman .
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Palm Sunday Services
8:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 5 :30 PM
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday. We'll begin outside at both the 11 AM and 5:30 PM Celtic Services. (The 8 AM service begins at the back of the church.)
Palm Sunday begins Holy Week. We invite you to participate fully in the liturgies that shape our faith and community.
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Make a Palm Cross
Sunday, March 24, 9-10:45 AM, Tyler Hall.
Help us make Palm Crosses for the parish, Sunday morning, March 24, 9-10:45 AM in Tyler Hall. As has been a long tradition at Saint Paul’s we will create palm crosses from palm fronds to be worn on Palm Sunday. All materials and friendly instructors will be provided.
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Dates for Your Calendar
Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday in Holy Week
March 25-27
12:00 noon in the Chapel
Maundy Thursday – March 28
7:00 PM
Good Friday – March 29
12:00 noon & 7 PM
Good Friday Stations of the Cross – March 29
3:30 PM
The Great Vigil of Easter – March 30
7:30 PM
Easter – March 31
11:00 AM & 5:30 PM
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Dates for Your Calendar
Palm Sunday – March 24
Palm Procession
10:00 AM
Maundy Thursday – March 28
Service of Foot Washing & Communion
5:30 PM followed by Children & Youth dinner in Tyler Hall
Good Friday – March 29
Stations of the Cross for Children
2:00 PM
Easter Egg Hunt – March 31
Gather on the steps at 10 AM for a picture
Hunt begins at 10:15 AM
Children's Easter Offering - April 21
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The Good Friday Offering
For 102 years, donations to the Good Friday Offering have directly supported ministries of the Anglican Communion Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Pastoral care, education and health care continue to be primary ministries through which the reconciling spirit of the Christian faith serves all in need. To make a donation, please make your check payable to Saint Paul’s Church and write “Good Friday Offering” on the memo line.
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Easter Monday Parish Annual Meeting
Monday, April 1, 12 Noon
Our Colonial Charter and Bylaws call for an Annual Parish Meeting on Easter Monday. You are invited to our Annual Parish Meeting in the 274th year of Saint Paul's Church, Monday, April 1, 12 noon on the front steps of the church. The Churchwardens, Members of the Vestry, and Officers of the Parish will be installed.
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Serve at Field Day at Hornsby Elementary
Friday, April 19, 9-3 PM
Field Day is scheduled for Friday, April 19, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, and Ms. Jacquelyn Williams, physical education teacher, needs 15 volunteers to help with setup and assist with running a variety of games and races. If you thought adolescent soccer games were a challenge, just wait until you help a group of second and third graders run sack races. Yep, they fall down, and they can’t get up (without your help). This will be the most fun you will have had since you were that third grader lying on the ground in a burlap bag.
Questions? Email Barbara Coleman or call at 706-495-1884.
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Earth Day Celebration
Friday, April 20, 10 AM- 2 PM
Earth Day is Coming!
Join the Creation Care Committee on April 20 for a family-friendly festival to celebrate our planet and learn how we can best care for it. Keith Shafer will once again lead his popular garden tours, and we'll also have interactive exhibits, vendors, raffles, food options and children's activities. It all takes place at Saint Paul's on April 20 from 10 AM-2 PM. For more information, contact Jen McKee.
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A Service of Prayer, Healing, and Communion
Fridays, 11:30 AM, The Byllesby Center
You're invited to a Service of Prayer, Healing, and Communion, every Friday at 11:30 AM, at Christ Episcopal Church at The Byllesby Center Outreach Center, 1904 Greene Street, Augusta.
Please share this new worship opportunity with others.
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Good News! We are able again to update our current website. Links for gifts of Easter Lilies and Brass and our Holy Week Schedules are posted. We are continuing our work on the new website redesign early this year.
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Saint Paul's Faithfulness
(A new budget will be presented)
Offerings Pledged this Week
Pledged Offerings Received this Week
Total Expenses to Date
Total Income Received to Date
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Are we missing your birthday?
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