Lots of Opportunities for Action Right Now!
Save Mass Save!
Two bills to restructure
are up for hearings in the next couple of weeks

There are currently two bills up for hearings in the MA State Legislature proposing a restructuring of Mass Save, taking it out from under utility control.
This is a moment we've been advocating for for a long time!

Despite its high ranking among energy efficiency programs across the country, MassSave has not been successful in being accessible to everyone. Long-standing problems with the program include trouble getting an audit scheduled, finding a participating contractor, finding information on energy efficiency incentives, getting the rebates you’re owed and understanding interconnected agency processes for lower income customers as well as a lack of meaningful incentives for renters that can truly help cut demand for heating.

Both Senate bill S.2082 and House bill H.3160 call for a Board of diverse stakeholders and Executive Director to run MassSave, instead of leaving our energy efficiency programs in the hands of the for-profit utility companies.

Hearings for both these bills are scheduled separately for the House and Senate members of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy on July 13, 17 and 19th.

These hearings are held both in person and virtually. See dates, times and locations, as well as testimony registration deadlines, under each bill on our info-post on No Fracked Gas in Mass.

Right now it's REALLY important to have legislators sign on to co-sponsor the bills. Please contact your legislators by July 13, asking them to support these bills!

Use our EMAIL TOOL by July 13 »
to ask your Massachusetts State Legislators to co-sponsor the bills.

Get your testimony ready for the hearings. You're only allowed 3 minutes to speak, but it's important for lots of people to chime in and let legislators know our experiences trying to work with MassSave and why things need to change.
Written comments can be any length!

Also next week!
Support the Clean heat Standard Bill, H.3694

From Green Energy Consumer's Alliance

A Clean Heat Standard is a policy by which projects that reduce a buildings emission earn “Clean Heat Credits”, by installing insulation or switching from fossil fuel heating to a heat pump.

It would require gas utilities, heating oil dealers, and propane dealers to either help their customers reduce their emissions, buy Clean Heat credits from building owners who reduced their emissions or pay into a fund the state would use to help low-income households reduce their emissions.

This bill would play a critical role in helping the state reduce its building emissions by providing households and buildings with incentives to move away from fossil fuel heating.

You can send written testimony to the Committee or speak at upcoming hearings.

Wed July 12th at 1 pm, Senate members of the TUE Committee meeting
Thurs July 13th at 10 am, House members of the TUE Committee meeting

Multiple Actions on Eversource's
Springfield / Longmeadow Pipeline

Comment sign-on deadline July 7th

From Climate Action Now - Western Mass & Springfield Climate Justice Coalition

Sign on to this comment letter
from the Springfield Climate Justice Coalition.

The Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act review process provides an opportunity for the public to comment on Eversource’s Draft Environmental Impact Report. This is our chance to to set the record straight. Our comment letter will have a significant impact on the review process— if we have enough signatures.

Let’s work together today through Friday morning to get as many signatures as possible from individuals AND organizations!

Please reach out to friends and family across the Commonwealth.
The deadline to sign on is this Friday, July 7th at noon.

Email questions to

Sign on to the Conservation Law Foundation Comment letter!

The Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) invites people to sign on to their comments regarding the Draft Environmental Impact Report submitted by Eversource regarding its proposed pipeline from Longmeadow to Springfield.


Sign the Petition!

6,000 people have signed the petition, initiated by Springfield Climate Justice Coalition, to put a halt on gas.

Here is our message:

Gas companies, like Eversource, are profiting from gas infrastructure expansion at the expense of ratepayers statewide - bringing more expensive, dangerous, polluting energy through our communities.

We envision a just and rapid transition away from gas to a future of clean heat powered by clean electricity. This is urgent for our planet, our health and for communities facing expansion projects right now like Springfield and Longmeadow.

We urge Governor Healey to put a halt to new gas system expansions until there is a concrete plan for a just transition to a clean and green energy future.

Ask friends and neighbors to help us reach our goal of 10,000 signatures.

» Click here for a mini-toolkit with everything you need!

We have a comment guide with some key talking points on the issues and instructions on how to file a comment. Please feel free to use these, but please don’t copy and paste large portions of text. If FERC recognizes a central source for comments, they will combine verbatim copies into one comment. 
Remember, it's Docket No. AD22-9-000

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BEAT is Hiring!

Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT) is seeking a collaborative, responsive, and effective strategic thinker for Deputy Director.

This is a leadership position with tremendous responsibility within our organization.

For even more environmental news, info, and events, check out the latest newsletters from our colleagues at Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT)!