As voted by the membership during our November meeting, we are going to take a break in December and rejoin in January via Zoom. Mark your calendars for our next meeting:

January 11th from 8:30 - 10:00am

via ZOOM

Our meetings throughout the year will be a mixture of virtual and in-person.

ZOOM: January, March, April, May

In-Person: February, June

Help Me Grow Update

Help Me Grow Skagit

We have launched a new website! Check it out at The site is designed to be family-friendly and it is available in English and Spanish!

Family & Community Outreach

Calling all dads!! The Washington Fatherhood Council is hosting a Dad Allies Community Cafe on January 21st. Learn more about the discussion topics and how to register here. Please distribute the flyer widely! Participating dads will be provided a gift card for their contribution to this important discussion.

Flyer in English

Flyer in Spanish

Child Health Care Provider Outreach

Our work in Skagit with Dr. Chalmers as our Physician Champion was featured by Help Me Grow Washington HERE.

Currently, we are developing a series of educational events on child development that will begin in 2023. Our first is Spreading HOPE in Pediatric Health Care Settings, on January 19th. Learn more HERE.

Coordinated Access Point

Meet Xiomara De La Rosa, the new, bilingual Help Me Grow Skagit Family Resource Center coordinator!

I grew up in Skagit County and recently moved back from Colorado. I am a Chef by trade. I am an identical twin, a dog mom to two lovely pups. A brindle Pug and a Shiba Inu Pomeranian mix. I love traveling and discovering new restaurants. I have been part of the Children's Museum family for almost 20 years, starting out as a volunteer and then employee. I look forward to aiding families in need in this new position and growing along with this program. 

A special thanks to Rosa Paz, from Skagit Public Health, for assisting at the Resource Center during the transition period!


The Children's Council began developing a new equity statement a while back. We put the process on pause and are ready to pick up back up again! Stay tuned for more in January!

Are you interested in a leadership position to help support equity work in the developing the Help Me Grow system? We are looking for a champion to join our board and help identify and implement frameworks, tools, and strategies to embed equity in our HMG system. If this sounds like an exciting role for you, please reach out to Lyndie Simmonds.

Child Care

A new statewide Child Care Voice Learning Network has been formed! They engage in self-directed conversations around early learning, the children and families of their communities, and the industry’s workforce. They host an annual Childcare Voice Legislative Roundtable to engage policy makers directly with early learning participants, and form workgroups around specific topics as opportunities or issues arise. The team meets on the first Thursday of each month, from 6 - 7:30 p.m. with simultaneous Spanish translation and the ability to expand language support options as needed. Reach out to Lyndie Simmonds.

Data Collection & Analysis

We are so pleased to have the support of Stacey Anderson, Epidemiologist with Skagit County Public Health, who is supporting our Help Me Grow system data collection and analysis. Check out the referral data report from our work in April - September. As we grow, we will continue to gather and analyze additional data points to ensure that we are serving our families in the best way possible! For a PDF version of this referral report, click HERE.

Announcements and Resources

Call to Action

CHW-Promotoras Listening Sessions

WA Department of Health and Washington Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics are seeking the expertise of Community Health Workers and Promotoras to better serve patients in pediatric sessions. The Whatcom CHW Network is hosting four sessions for CHWs living in Pierce, King, Snohomish, Skagit, Island, San Juan, and Whatcom counties. CHWs will be paid $35/hour for their time at these sessions, to provide input on the development of a training for CHWs in pediatric settings including the training curriculum, working with community partners, and how to conduct the training.

National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Survey

National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Survey

By taking this survey, you will help the NAEYC network better understand the current needs of our field, what products and services you are looking for as professionals working in service of young children, and how the NAEYC network can continue to deepen your work and expertise as early childhood professionals, now and in the future. Your voices continue to shape our work and we are excited to embark on this look towards the future with your guidance orienting our direction!

 Please Note: Out of all individuals who complete the survey and include their email address at the end of the survey, we will choose **100** winners for a $250 Visa gift card

Parenting and Families

Bringing Baby Home Interest Form

Our research based Bringing Baby Home workshops prepare couples for life with baby and helps them be the best parenting team possible. In a relaxed and supportive environment, parents learn to strengthen their relationship and foster baby’s development during this challenging time. This workshop combines scientific research and public education to improve the quality of life for babies and children by strengthening their families. It teaches new parents how to gain relationship satisfaction and create healthy social, emotional, and intellectual development for their children.

The Parent Support Warm Line is Growing!

Perinatal Support of Washington now answers calls and texts in Spanish during regular business hours in real time! Call or text 888.404.7763. On evenings and weekends leave a message and we return calls within 14 hours. Additionally, they have a new Dad Specialist supporting dads and non-birthing parents. To connect with our Dad Specialist, call or text 888.404.7763 and let us know that you want to speak with a dad. Our Warm Line Dad Specialist will reach out within 2 hours.  

Vroom Guide: Talking about Race with Young Children

Our new Vroom Guide is a deep-dive into the science of identity development. Interested in emerging brain science research from leading researchers? This are for you! The guide focuses on positive ways to talk to your child about tough topics. Topics like racism, stereotyping and discrimination. These are important chats for every family and great opportunities for brain-building!

Emergency Child Care Voucher Program

Are you facing a medical emergency, loss of wages, or an unexpected hardship? Are you at risk of losing your childcare? Do you lack childcare alternatives or other financial resources?

First, call the Quality Child Care Division at Opportunity Council for application information (360) 602-0202. Complete and submit the online application with a bill from a licensed childcare provider. The bill should include dates and amount due. An attendance record may be required before payment. Upon approval, a staff member may provide additional instructions and resources

Homeless Grace Period

If you or somebody you know is experiencing homelessness, the DSHS Homeless Grace Period may be an option. As a first step, you are strongly encouraged to call Child Care Aware of Washington Family Call Center. 1-800-446-1114. A Child Care Referral Specialist can help you: 1) find out if you are eligible, 2) navigate the state subsidy system, and 3) connect you with additional resources.

You are eligible for the program if you:

·        Live temporarily with family or friends

·        Do not have a home

·        Live in a shelter, car, or park

·        Live in transitional housing

·        Are income eligible

·        Other temporary situations could also qualify – call to confirm eligibility.

You may also apply for the Homeless Child Care Program directly by calling DCYF 1-844-626-8687.

The Incredible Years - Toddler series

Take part in an online parenting series designed for people with kids aged 1-4. Meet with trained facilitators and other parents to help bring out the best in your toddler and family.

When: Starts Thursday January 12, 2023

Meets twice a week on Thursdays and Mondays from 6:00 – 7:30 pm over Zoom

Audience: Parents & caregivers of 1–4-year-olds

Cost: Free

Location: Online 

Professional Development

New Free Trainings from the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) Workforce Collaborative

All providers serving or supporting children birth to five enrolled in Apple Health (Medicaid) are eligible for these free trainings.

Trainings for allied professionals and mental health providers

BabyCues: How Babies and Young Children Communicate Their Needs Through Nonverbal Behaviors 

Wednesday December 14th | 1 - 2 p.m. | Kimberlee Shoecraft, LICSW

Trainings for mental health providers

Understanding Infant State, Regulation, Behavior and Cues 

Monday December 5th | 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Kimberlee Shoecraft, LICSW 

Reframing Challenging Behavior in Young Children 

Monday January 9th | 1 - 4 p.m. | Carol Good, MSW, LICSW, IMH-E

Super Neurodivergence! CEU Event

Join Charlie Health, a panel of experts, and a super-audience of providers for a virtual CEU event, discussing the power of mental healthcare for neurodivergent clients. We will cover topics including: How neurodivergent clients are reclaiming their differences as superpowers; Best and promising practices for affirming care; Leveraging creativity and technology in treatment Thursday January 26th, 11 am PST. 

Doing Right at Birth: Professional education on child welfare reporting to promote recovery and equitable outcomes for birthing people, their children, and families. 

Experts in health and law, along with people affected by the child welfare system, will provide training about the legal, scientific, and ethical aspects of reporting birthing people who use drugs to the child welfare system. The goal is to give participants tools to promote recovery and equitable outcomes for birthing people, their children, and families. Intended Audience: Health care providers, social workers, hospital administrators, and public health officials. Thursday, January 19th, 12pm-1:30pm PST. 

Funding Opportunity

Birth Equity Project Request for Applications

The Washington State Department of Health Birth Equity Project funding seeks to address and reduce the racism faced by birth workers and families of Black/African American, African Immigrant, American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN), and Pacific Islander (PI) communities in our state. DOH will invest in community-based birth worker organizations that reflect the communities they serve. Applications due Thursday 12/19, 8 am

Resources and Newsletters

Early Childhood: The Power of Play

What happens in the brain when children play?

What kind of play is most important for children? 

How can schools fit more play into the day?

The Hechinger Report, in partnership with MindShift, answered those questions and more in a four-part series that examines the often overlooked, yet deeply consequential role of play in child development

Prenatal-to-Three XChange

An extensive online community of experts, practitioners, leaders, and others working to improve the lives of infants, toddlers, and their families at the local, state and national level