April 2024

Age-Friendly Teaneck News & Updates

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Applications Open for "Exploring Careers in Aging" Internship

Here's a glimpse of some of the elder programs and activities that last year's interns participated in.

Age Friendly Teaneck sponsors a 4-week summer internship to expose four high school-age participants to the vast numbers of enriching careers in the field of aging.


The program begins July 8, and each student receives a $1,500 stipend. It is open to rising high school juniors and seniors who reside in Teaneck.

The deadline to apply is April 26.

Click here for the application and more information

County Government Oversees Crucial Services for Older Adults

Here's Your Chance to Weigh in

Annual Public Hearing

on the Needs of Older Adults

Tuesday, April 30

8:30 to 11:30 a.m.

County Administration Building Commissioners Public Meeting Room One Bergen County Plaza- 5th Floor


Written testimony also accepted Email seniors@co.bergen.nj.us or click flier for details

Bergen County Division of Senior Services Community Needs Assessment Surveys

Input is being sought from seniors, persons with disabilities, and caregivers to help plan for the future. There are separate surveys for each, and options to complete in other languages.

Click flier for more details

Help Spread the Word - Two Initiatives Focused on Safety at Home

Community Begins at Home Project Conducting Survey

If you or someone you care for is aging with a disability or is challenged with chronic conditions, please help inform this important project to address livability challenges in Teaneck by filling out our survey.

Watch video below of Project Director EJ Vizzi presenting about the program to The Teaneck Township Council

Presentation of Community Begins at Home at Teaneck Council Meeting on February 27, 2024

Click Flier for More Info about new Community Begins at Home survey

Click here for survey

Teaneck Fire Department Helping Install Smoke Detectors

Under a new initiative called You Call, We'll Install, the Fire Department will send a team to visit your home and conduct a safety inspection and install combination smoke and carbon dioxide inspection.

Call 201-808-8080 or email smokedetectors@teanecknj.gov

Bergen County Hosting Caregiver's Conference - Tonight!

If you provide care for a loved one or neighbor, this event is an opportunity to learn about services, support, and other helpful info.

Thursday, April 11

5 to 9 pm

*Registration will begin at 4:30PM

Bergen County Administration Building

Multi-Purpose Room (First Floor)

One Bergen County Plaza, Hackensack

Click Flier for Speaker Info and More Details

This event will also be live streamed on the Bergen County Division of Senior Services Facebook page

Age-Friendly Teaneck's Advisory Board

Age-Friendly Teaneck is thrilled to have community volunteers and organization liaisons who share in our goal of making Teaneck as great a place to grow old as it is to grow up. We will introduce members of our new advisory board on our blog and in our monthly newsletters in 2024.

This month we are featuring Arlene Gartenberg!  Read More

Teaneck Historical Society and FDU Hosting Author-Architect Talk

Alan M. Hantman,10th architect of the Capitol, will make a presentation and sign books

Thursday, April 18

Doors open at 6:30 pm

Greg Olsen Student Union Building

Fairleigh Dickinson University

Lone Pine Lane off River Road


RSVP to teaneckhistoricalsociety@gmail.com

by April 15

More Township News and Events....... click fliers for details

Community Cleanup Day

Sunday, April 14

12 to 2p

All materials necessary for the cleanup will be provided. Meet at the Rodda Center at 11:45 AM and township staff will transport you to and from the designated cleanup location. Refreshments (kosher) served upon return

Register here

Chorus Cookbook

Teaneck Community Chorus is asking for recipe submissions for a cookbook to complement its spring concert.

More details here

Deadline is April 15

Veterans Banners

Teaneck is honoring local veteran and military members with tribute banners displayed on streetlights

Interested? Click the Flier above for the submission form.

Click here to see a sample of what these tribute banners look like

Some more Teaneck Library Events

To register for any of the below, go to the Library's Events Page and use to search engine to find the event by name or date

Virtual Presentation on Jewish Deli History

Friday, April 12

10 am

Poet Laureate

Scott Pleasants

Friday, April 19

10 am

Painting a Still Life

Wednesday, April 24

6:30 pm

Pioneering Photographs

Friday, April 26

10 am

Journey Toward Longevity

Tuesday, April 30

10:30 am

Earth Day, Poetry Walks and More at Teaneck Creek Conservancy

Click fliers for details

Earth Day Nature & Poetry Event

Sunday, April 21

10:30 am to 12 pm

Spring Nature Walk with Bergen County Audubon

Wednesday, April 24,

10 am to 12:00 pm

Need Individual Help? Reach Out to Teaneck's Social Worker

Alex Cerbone, MSW, LSW

Phone: 201-837-1600, ext.1503

Fax: 201-837-5948

Email Social Services


Office Hours:

Mon - Thurs, 8 am to 5 pm

Office Location:

Teaneck Township Municipal Building-South Entrance

Health Dept-1st Floor

Cerbone's role is to assist residents with social, emotional, physical and mental health issues and crises. Based on individual needs, his department can also help navigate residents to available social services resources, including financial service through the Public Assistance Trust Fund. On Wednesdays, Cerbone is located on the Upper Level of the Rodda Center in the Medical Outreach offices of the Senior Center for easier accessibility.

Age-Friendly Teaneck is proud to be a member of...

Check out the alliance's blog about age-friendly issues in NJ

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Age-Friendly Teaneck | 201-530-6756 | www.agefriendlyteaneck.org