Stay in the Loop with GSQ's Continuous Quality Improvement Newsletter


  • What's New?
  • Training and Support
  • Early Education Tips
  • New Indicator Spotlight

What's New?

The latest news to help support your program

Help Option in the Self Reflection

Did you know the Self-Reflection now includes help icons displayed as a question mark, that share helpful information like examples of acceptable evidence? Each indicator that includes an area to upload evidence includes this supportive information. Simply click on the question mark (?) to view the information. See below for examples of where to find the Help (?) option and what the information looks like once it is opened. 

Email Language Preferences

We recently shared that MiRegistry and Great Start to Quality systems can be translated in Spanish and Arabic. Individuals can also receive emails from the system in these languages. If you already have an account in MiRegistry, take the following steps:

  • Login to your Individual Account
  • Select the Personal Tab, then Edit Personal
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page
  • In the dropdown labeled Email Communication Language, select the language you prefer
  • Select Save

Training and Support

Training opportunities and supports to help you prepare and improve

Two New Webpages

Looking for basic information on MiRegistry and how it connects to GSQ? Look no further! A new webpage is available with information for providers, partners, and trainers to learn more. You can also learn more about MiRegistry 101, a course to help users understand the basics.

MiRegistry on GSQ

In the quality improvement process, programs that serve schoolagers need specific information on what steps to take and what options are available when moving through the process. Check out the new webpage with lots of good information specific to your program.


Professional Development for Programs Serving Schoolagers

Professional development opportunities for out-of-school-time professionals are blooming! Join The Forum for Youth Investment for any, or all, of the following events this spring at NO CHARGE to you! That’s right, they are happy to make the following training available through their partnership with Michigan Department of Education and Michigan After School Partnership for FREE. Access to registration can be found through MiRegistry and searching for “Weikart” in the Sponsor Name field or by following the links below.

In addition to these Live-Virtual-Interactive events, you may also access any of the online suite of self-paced courses:

Early Education Tips

One of the main objectives of GSQ's quality improvement process is to ensure that the On-Site Observation process feels supportive, encourages programs to use their results to grow, and is centered on equity. On-Site Observation meets each program where they are and gives specific feedback that can be used however the program prefers. Each program reviews its unique report, celebrates its successes, identifies where it would like to improve, creates goals, and develops a plan to reach those objectives. The plan can consist of more training, adding materials, intentional strategies in the classroom, or updating policies and procedures.

At the program's next On-site Observation, a report may show if goals have been met, if the program would like to continue working on them, or if they would like to improve in other areas. This new continuous quality improvement process means there is no need to stress in preparation for On-Site Observations.

We hope that On-Site Observation will be viewed as an exciting opportunity for programs. GSQ programs should feel empowered by these reports, using them to identify areas of growth and improve their care and education of Michigan’s children.  

If you have any questions about On-Site Observation, please contact the Assessment Team at

New Indicator Spotlight

CIL12: Each primary care space used by children and schoolagers throughout the day has a source of natural light. 

Research shows that people of color, families with children, and low-income communities are most likely to be deprived of nature's benefits. In this indicator, we want to see how programs can implement a source of natural light throughout all primary spaces. Below are some of the benefits to natural light in child care environments.

  •  Allows children to focus and be ready to learn throughout the day.
  •  Promotes healthy vision. Ensuring excellent visual comfort in areas where children spend long periods of time is very important for the human eye, and even more important for children who are still developing. 
  • Provides calming effects for children and schoolagers, which helps control their daily schedule and can improve behaviors, growth, and development.
  • Supports mood and emotional health. Studies have shown that the more sunlight exposure one receives, the higher the level of serotonin in the body. This boost in serotonin can help children and schoolagers feel calm and happy.
  • Helps control sleep and wakefulness. Exposure to bright light during the day, and darkness at night is critical to establish and maintain children and schoolagers' healthy sleep cycles.

When uploading evidence in the Self-Reflection, be sure to upload evidence that shows natural light is provided in all primary care spaces.

Find more information about this indicator in the Quality Indicators Guidance Document and Quality Indicators FAQ.

If you are thinking about how to maintain or continue making quality improvements, or if you're ready to learn more and need help, contact your local Great Start to Quality Resource Center by calling 877-614-7328 or visit

Funding from the Office of Great Start within the Michigan Department of Education supports the implementation of Great Start.


The Early Childhood Investment Corporation is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of Great Start to Quality