Campaign Update
May 25, 2023
Again this week, after addressing the New Canaan and Greenwich Republican Town Committees, I was thinking of taking a pass on a campaign update in advance of the holiday weekend. But Jim Himes felt compelled to go the House rostrum and huff and puff to an EMPTY chamber, demagoguing about the Republicans. See: Himes Flails  Such videos are for no other purpose than to circulate as propaganda in the representative’s home district.... where Mr. Himes assumes we are gullible chumps, not able to see that in the chamber, no one is even there. Himes gets away with duping too many of his busy constituents regularly – but we’re here to call him on it. 
First off, he claims “we have the money.” We do not have it all – this year about one trillion-plus has to be borrowed. Himes’ suggested trade-offs between Social Security, Medicare, soldiers and air traffic controllers are all his cheap scare tactics. The $386 billion or so that comes into the Treasury monthly can pay the debt service, Social Security, the Medis – all the important items. Any “default” would be Janet Yellen’s decision – and everyone in DC knows it. When Treasury does see a monthly shortfall, they can start staff furloughs in the Education, Energy, Agriculture, or Commerce departments, and/or let some defense contractors patriotically stand up and wait another 60 days for payment. 
What the official spokesmen never mention in their briefs on the evening news is that money is pouring into the Treasury daily, and they simply have to prioritize and possibly triage the payment process until this impasse is settled. They just don’t want to tighten it all up, like we do in business – clearly none of the Democrats do. 
In his flailing video to a hollow chamber, Himes lectures us on the traditional legislative and appropriation process. But he fails to mention that we are in this financial mess because in the last couple years, Nancy Pelosi regularly dumped trillions of dollars’ worth of legislation on House desks at midnight, calling for the quickest vote legally possible – all without public hearings. Himes neglects to note that those recent spending bills passed the House exclusively on Democrat votes. And remember – Himes has voted for $20 trillion of debt in his 14-year tenure – that’s $170,000 per CT household.
I’m sure someone receiving my updates in CT-4’s 'blue-captured' corporate media is sending these to Himes’ staff. If I’ve got something wrong in my above analysis, let’s see if Jim Himes can come out publicly and refute me, and defend the outrageous and thoroughly misleading statements he makes with aplomb when he’s comfortably alone, preaching to himself in the Capitol’s House chamber. 
Jim Himes is The Great Dissembler
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Help is on the way,

Bob MacGuffie
Candidate for Congress