July Highlights
July 4 —Office Closed, Happy 4th!
July 9—Baptism; Lawndale Connect Class
July 13—Deacons Meeting
July 17-21—Students Fuge Camp, Liberty University
July 28—Family Night at Grasshoppers Game
July 30—Quarterly Business Mtg.
A Message from our Senior Pastor, Dr. Rodney Navey
“Are you ready for Jesus’ return?”
Conversations often turn toward the coming of Jesus when followers of Christ talk. Most people with whom I interact believe He’s coming soon. The urgency of our work should be informed by the possibility of it occurring any day, including today. I think it’s a good idea to think, “What’s the most good I could do for the glory of God in the time I have left . . . whether His coming or my death completes my time on earth?”
Jesus’ first coming was as a Lamb to die for sin. His second coming will be as a Lion to judge sin. Again, are you ready? Have you confessed Jesus as Lord and placed your faith in His death and resurrection (Romans 10:9)? If you have, are you living a life that brings confidence when you think of standing before Him or shame (1 John 2:28)?
Over the summer (July and August), the family at Lawndale will dive into a study of 1 Thessalonians. The Pastors at Lawndale will be focused on the theme “Be Ready for Jesus’ Return.” Some refer to 1 Thessalonians as an “eschatological letter” or a letter addressing the end times. God in His grace did not leave us on our own but has provided instructions to help us prepare for Jesus’ return.
Here’s how the study breaks down:
  • July 2 Wait for His Son, 1:1-10
  • July 9 God’s Work is Eternal Work (1), 2:1-8
  • July 16 God’s Work is Eternal Work (2), 2:9-16
  • July 23 At the Coming of our Lord Jesus, 2:17-3:12
  • July 30 We will Always be with the Lord (1), 4:1-12
  • August 6 We will Always be with the Lord (2), 4:13-18
  • August 13 Like a Thief in the Night, 5:1-11
  • August 20 Blameless at the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, 5:12-28
I have no doubt Jesus is returning. He said He would (John 14:1-6); all of Scripture agrees. The wrong question is, “Is He coming back?” Another wrong question is, “When is He coming back?” The right question is, “Am I ready for when He comes back?”
It’s easy to get distracted from what’s really important. Life has a way of leading us to spiritual drift, complacency, and idolatry. Rare is it to find people who are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the Great Commission and who are living for the next life! Need some evidence? Ask someone to do something inconvenient, uncomfortable, or above and beyond. Ask them to sacrifice personal preferences. Hmmmm . . .
I’m grateful for our family at Lawndale. You are proving to be a people who wants to be ready. Study with us over the next two months, and let’s say together, “Like a bride waiting for her groom, we’ll be a church ready for You. Every heart longing for our King . . . we sing, even so come, Lord Jesus come.”
Scripture memory for the study: 1 Thessalonians 3:11-1

Pastor On Call: 336-580-3214
June 26July 2 ................. Dr. Curt Dean
July 3—9 ....................Dr. Jon Boling
July 10—16...................Barry Owen
July 17—23................ Kyle Earwood
July 24—July 30.................. Zach McCraw
July 31—August 6.................. Jimmy Jackson
 If no one answers immediately, please leave a message with a contact number
and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Next Generations
Kyle Earwood, Children & Families Pastor,
Abby Miller, Preschool Director,
 Sunday Mornings:
Lawndale CampusWorship & Extended Teaching at 9:45am, Bible Classes at 11:00am
Reedy CampusBible Classes at 9:45am, Worship & Extended Teaching at 11:00am

Upcoming Events:
  • Water Wednesday—July 12, 5:30pm - 7:30pm at Keely Park, Spray Ground—4100 Keeley Rd, McLeansville. Families, please bring your own dinner to eat together and then enjoy some fun at the Spray Ground!
  • We have a Dad/Son breakfast on July 23 at 9am in the CLC.
  • Family Night at the Grasshoppers – July 28- 6:30pm, First National Bank Field—408 Bellemeade St. Join us for Family Night as the Greensboro Grasshoppers take on the Winston-Salem Dash! Sign up online or at a link station.
  • Save the Date: Promotion Sunday, August 27.
Keep up with our Newsletters!
Zachary McCraw, Students Pastor,
Cassie Taylor, Next Generations Girls Director,
The student ministry will be going to Fuge Camp at Liberty University 7/17-21. Please pray for us while we are gone. We will also be doing a local missions week 7/31-8/4. Please pray for us as we serve our city.
Pray for Me signups are open! We need 175 adult prayer champions to pray for students and children this next school year. We also need all students to sign up as well this year.
 This Month’s Activities:
  • 7/9. Baptism. Contact Zach if you are interested in being baptized.
  • 7/17-7/21. Fuge Camp.
  • 7/23. Dad-Son Breakfast. 9am in the CLC.
  • 7/28. Family Grasshopper Game. Sign up online today.
  • 7/31-8/4. Go GSO Outreach Week. Sign up online today.
Connect with Us:
Luke Earwood, College Director,
A lot has been happening in the college ministry already this summer. Amidst the restful time of summer for college students, the growing of spirituality and size of the group has continued to climb this summer. We have enjoyed having the recently-graduated high school seniors joining us for Life Journey Group as well as other events. We have also had some major renovations done to House C which is the primary meeting space of the college ministry. A HUGE THANK YOU to all of the leadership and the students for the hours of work that was put into making it a great place to meet. Please continue to pray as we prepare for the upcoming fall semester! 
Weekly Sunday Meetings:
9:45am- Worship Service
11:00am- Life Journey Group (House C)
Upcoming Events:
Summer Home Group- July 9, 16, 23
Back-to-School Block Party- Lawndale, 6pm, Aug. 13.
If you are not signed up for Remind, text @lc27408 to 81010 to receive information via text from Lawndale College about upcoming events, reminders, and last minute changes.
Dr. Curt Dean, Lawndale Campus Pastor,
Ladies Bible Studies
Thursdays at 6:30pm in a rotating location; Email Cassie at for details.

Guys Bible Studies
Tuesdays at 6:30pm (rm. 310). Contact David at for details. 
Future Events:
  • July 15—Trip to Carowinds, all day event. Cost - $35
  • September 1-4—Fall Retreat at Ridgecrest Conference Center. Online registration is now open. Cost through July 1st: $200/person or $300/couple. Cost July 2nd through August 1st: $250/person or $375/couple.
Check out our social media (@lawndaleyoungadults) and our weekly email for other upcoming events. Please reach out to Will Early at with any questions or if you would like to be added to the email list!
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Single Adults
You are invited to fellowship with other LBC Single Adults! Stay connected to get updates on all our activities by emailing  
Game Night - Monday, July 3 - It's Game Time!!! Join us on Monday, July 3 at 6:00pm in House A for Game Night. We’ll provide the pizza; you bring a snack and a friend! Details in future Singles emails. 
Study the Book of Jeremiah on Sunday Mornings - Our Sunday morning Life Journey Group meets at 11:00am in House A (right after the 9:45am Worship Service). This month we are walking through the Book of Jeremiah. We hope you will join us! 
Barry Owen, Discipleship Pastor,
Deacons Meeting - Thursday, July 13 6pm CLC—Don’t miss our next meeting as we always have a great meal, great fellowship, ministry updates, Pastor Rodney’s devotion, and concentrated prayer. Please RSVP to Beverly ( to register your attendance. (Note: the Deacons Wives will not meet).

D-Groups—Are you connected to a small group? Our D-Groups are small groups of 3-8 people who meet weekly for one hour for prayer, accountability and encouragement. If you are wanting to join a group, just call the church office and we will help you.

Connecting through Life Journey Groups—Intentional Connection: One of the ways we connect people to Lawndale is through our Life Journey Groups. All of our coordinators and teachers are completing the task of Reaching new people, Teaching God’s word, and Ministering to their class. Over the past 5 months we have enrolled 70 new people. Our weekly attendance in our classes is increasing every week compared to last year. We have more work to do but we are seeing God give the increase. I can’t thank our coordinators and teachers enough for the work they do!

Senior Adults
Dr. Jon Boling, Senior Adults Pastor,
The big news for July is actually an event that will happen in August - New Seniors Luncheon. Since my tenure began in 2018, many new Senior Adults have joined our congregation. I have enjoyed getting to know and serve them in the Lord. It is also good for them to be familiar with one another and for all seniors to be aware of the various ministries here at LBC. So, the SAM Team is hosting a New Seniors Luncheon where folks can meet, greet and eat together, forging new relationships and a closer bond with the church. Here are the details: 
New Seniors Luncheon - Sunday, August 27 at 11:30am in the CLC. It is for all members 70+ who have joined Lawndale since January 1, 2018. Reservation required – simply call 336.288.3824. 
The time of 11:30am is to avoid a long wait by the folks who attend 8:30am LJG, as well as allowing the folks who attend 11am LJG to check in with their classes before coming to the luncheon.
There will be delicious food, interesting conversation, lovely music, a slide presentation of the new seniors (since 2018), and a review of the various Senior Adult ministries here at Lawndale. It will be an edifying opportunity to draw closer together as God’s people as we move forward in God’s future. Feel free to contact me at
Activities & Community Outreach
Jimmy Jackson, Administrative & Missions Pastor,
Nathan Morrison, Activities & Outreach Director,
Summer Sports Camps- Soccer camps are complete, with over 70 campers/families served! Our next camp is July 10-13. Thank you for your continued support in prayer for fun, safety, and opportunities to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ! Registration info can be found at
Lilies of the Field - Lawndale's clothing ministry is in need of ladies clothing and panties (sizes 3X and up), girls' shoes of all sizes and styles, and children's underwear. Drop off items in the donation boxes on the deck of House B, 3508 Fox Place. Please keep donation bags under 20 lbs.
Shepherd's Shelf - We will continue taking 2-3 lb bags of apples this month—thank you for your donations. Please drop off items on the table next to the office going towards the conference room. 
Love Life Greensboro - Prayer walks are back for 2023! They take place each Saturday through November. Come and pray for the lives of those yet to be born and for the mothers contemplating abortion. See www.lovelife/greensboro for more information. Our adoption week is August 6-12. Look for more information in coming newsletters.
Pray on the Way - Please pray for the spread of the gospel among the children and families touched by VBS in the last week of June. Pray for opened eyes and softened hearts towards the gospel of Jesus Christ. 
Dr. Donna Navey, Women’s Director,
Philippians 4:4-7 ESV - 4Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. 5Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; 6do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Dear Lawndale Ladies,
Recently, Philippians 4:6 has come up in many of my conversations with women; "do not be anxious about anything . . ." It is a powerful verse. However, out of context, it misses the best part! In verse five, we are assured that the Lord is "at hand." A godly woman can rest in the truth that God is constantly with her. She can live out her faith with an abiding ability to "rejoice" (4:4) and process her circumstances with "reasonableness" for others to see (4:5a). I pray that as you follow close to the Lord and obey His directives for your life, you are soaking in the comfort of His presence through His Word and prayer. His peace will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus (4:7). A godly woman's life is a testimony of God's sustaining goodness even in the face of things that could cause anxiety. But in everything, we know where our help comes from, and "by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving" (4:6b), we will take our requests to His throne!
Be encouraged and equipped, knowing the world is watching us, my dear sisters in Christ.
With love, Donna
Ladies' Discipleship Training - Sundays, 4-5pm, August 6-27. This is a 4-week training on the biblical role of godly older women in the lives of their younger sisters in Christ. The class will explain this purposeful directive for the sake of the family, church, and society. Register online (childcare provided with registration).
Ladies' Fall Retreat - October 20-22, Caraway Retreat Center. Friday evening through Sunday morning lodging, meals, and conference materials - July registrations: $195 (double occupancy), $245 (single occupancy). Prices will increase to $215 and $270 respectively, starting August 1. Various teacher will present The Beauty of the Church, including Deborah Taylor (our state WMU Director and Cassie's mom!) This is a fun and meaningful event for women of all ages!
WWW - Weekly Women in the Word will begin again on August 16, 9-10am in the Chapel. We will be studying Jesus in the Old Testament. Seeing His presence in the ancient texts will inspire our faithful dependence on Him for each new day! It has been His story all along!
Women on Mission Groups—Our groups will not meet during the summer months, but we’re making plans for an exciting new year of missions in the fall!
Healing Hearts—All widows are invited on Saturday, July 15 at 11:30am in the Christian Life Center. This is a special meeting where we will host a luncheon honoring the veterans of our church family. HH ladies, please arrive in the CLC at 10:00am to help with setup and greeting our veterans. All widows are cordially invited to come and help us honor our veterans. Please RSVP to the office at 336-288-3824 so that we have a correct meal count for the caterer.

Music & Worship
Noah Darnell, Music & Worship Director,
Hello Lawndale family!
It has been wonderful this past month to sing and study of God’s goodness together! It is my prayer this month that in whatever season we find ourselves, we might look to God for hope and salvation. As the psalmist writes: “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” We serve a God who is worthy of our praise, who is sovereign over all things, and who desires to be in relationship with us. No matter what surrounds us, be they circumstances, difficulties, or sinful societies, we can have hope, knowing that the God to whom we sing praises each week is faithful to his promises. May all that we know of God and his goodness to us lead us to praise him all the more!
Lawndale at Reedy Fork
Jimmy Jackson, Interim Campus Pastor,
Lawndale at Reedy Fork family, we continue to be blessed each Sunday as we worship with our brothers and sisters from Redeemer Church. Thank you for making them feel welcome and for all of your kind words for Cameron and his team. Please continue to encourage them as we move through the book of Mark.
Remember that we have Bible study each Wednesday night at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. We are currently studying the book of James. James, the half-brother of Jesus, brings to us very practical help as we walk through our life with Christ. I look forward to seeing you each Sunday and Wednesday as we have the privilege of opening God's word.
General Announcements
Trip to Amish Country and Moses Play—Lancaster, PA (August 14-16, 2023). Price Includes: Roundtrip motor coach transportation, 1 dinner buffet, 2 full breakfasts at hotel, 2 nights’ lodging, ticket to Sight and Sound Theatre, step on guide for Lancaster Tour, and other attractions. Price per Person: $615 per person based on double occupancy; $595 per person based on triple occupancy; $575 per person based on quad occupancy; $710 per person based on single occupancy.
Flowers in the Lobby—Sign up for your date to provide flowers for the main lobby in honor or memory of a loved one or special occasion. Arrangements are $100. You are free to take your flowers after the Sunday evening service or early in the following week. Someone from the church office will contact you in advance for your flower dedication wording and any preference you might have.
LawndaleConnect—If you are new to Lawndale and would like to learn more about our church, its purpose, its core values, and its ministries, then join us on Sunday morning, July 9 in the CLC after service. Registration is encouraged but not required.
Pray For Me—Our Student Ministry invites you to walk alongside them throughout the next school year. As an intergenerational church, Pray For Me is a great opportunity for multiple generations to join in prayer for our rising generation. We need 175 prayer champions to register online by July 30th. Our youth need your prayers now more than ever. 
Church Business

Family Meetings - to discuss the future of the Reedy Fork Campus
  • Wednesday, July 12, 6pm - Reedy Fork Campus Sanctuary
  • Sunday, July 16, 5pm - LBC Campus Worship Center

Vote by Ballot - regarding the Reedy Fork Campus
  • Sunday, July 30 during morning worship services at both campuses

Quarterly Business Meeting
  • Sunday, July 30, immediately following the evening worship service
Our online giving program can be found on our website:
Correct me, Lord, but only with justice — not in your anger, lest you reduce me to nothing.

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