Issue 278 | February 27, 2025 | |
Click on an underlined title to go to the full article or link | |
A Word from our Transitional General Presbyter
At the Presbytery meeting last week, I shared that in my work as the Transitional General Presbyter and my work as Stated Clerk, I am often invited to be a part of decision-making conversations. I have been thinking about how churches and presbyteries make decisions. This prompted me to think about how groups of people make decisions.
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Announcing a called meeting of the Presbytery
The Leadership Team has called a meeting of the Presbytery for Tuesday, March 25 at 5:30 PM to vote on the proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) sent to the presbyteries for consider by the 226th General Assembly and to attend to any business related to the proposed amendments. Registration for the meeting will begin on Monday. The packet for the meeting will be sent on Friday, March 14 and posted on the Presbytery website. Registrants may sign into the meeting on March 25 beginning at 5 PM. The Presbytery Manual sets quorum for this meeting at 15% of ministers of Word and Sacrament and ruling elder commissioners representing at least 15% of the churches. To fulfill the quorum requirement, there must be ruling elder commissioners from 17 churches and 15 ministers of Word and Sacrament.
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Festival of Faith 2025: Journeying with Our Creator
March 22 at Charleston First Presbyterian
Our keynote presenters this year are CeCe Armstrong and Tony Larson, Co-Moderators of the 226th General Assembly, who will share their reflections on the life of the PCUSA. In the past, we’ve had opportunities to hear from a single Co-Moderator, but this will be our first time having both of them with us. They will also be leading a workshop on discerning purpose - one of the wide variety of workshops planned with some great leaders. Other choices include hiking the Camino, preaching justice, playing together, advance directives, campus ministry, planned giving, healthy congregations, and painting. Childcare will be offered for preschool and elementary-age children. The early registration deadline is Monday. If you would like to order lunch or need childcare, please register by midnight that day. Early registration also helps those planning the event have a sense of which workshops may not be supported. You may register after Monday and at the door and plan to bring your own lunch. Questions? Contact Susan Sharp Campbell, Associate for Educational Ministry, at or Kari Preslar, Planning Team Chair, at
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Grants & loans for post-secondary education
The presbytery, through its Nurture Committee, has $1,000 loans available for those seeking post-secondary education; there are also some grant monies in amounts that vary each year available. You will find the application form for these loans and grants here. Please share this information with those in your church, especially high school seniors and parents, although these are not limited to those graduating this year. The application deadline, including the return of reference letters, is April 30. Those who have received loans/grants in the past and who wish to renew them should submit a written request, including a brief description of their past year, to or Presbytery of WV, c/o Susan Sharp Campbell, 683 Dwyer Lane, Lewisburg, WV 24901. They do not have to submit the entire application. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at 304-667-9428 or the above email.
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Youth Council nominations/applications being accepted
In a time when there are fewer youth in our congregations, the presbytery’s Youth Council offers a place for youth to find support, develop leadership skills, and grow in their faith. Do you know youth who are currently in grades 8-11 who might enjoy participating and serving on the Youth Council? If so, please share the information linked above with them. There is also a need for adults who enjoy working with youth to serve in partnership with the youth. If that’s you, please consider applying. If that’s someone else you know in your congregation, please share the information with them. Each congregation/session is invited to nominate youth and/or adults to serve on youth council, realizing that we are committed to involving people from as many churches as possible.
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Christian Education Resources Survey - take by March 15
When the 226th General Assembly of the PCUSA met last summer, it directed the Office of Christian Formation and the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, in collaboration with Research Service, to study and develop a plan for the future development of Reformed, Christian educational resources for faith formation and nurture, especially for congregational use. In doing so, they realize that they need to determine current Christian education practices and resources needs so that they can respond to those needs. They have developed a survey to assist them in doing so and are asking one person from every congregation - someone who has knowledge of what is happening in their educational/ formation program, their needs, and likes - to respond. You will find the survey here or in the QR code linked here. This is an opportunity for our voices to be heard, particularly from our many small churches, and for us to have an impact on denominational curriculum development. Please ensure someone from your congregation makes your voice heard.
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Presbyterian Youth Triennium
July 28-31, 2025 in Louisville, KY
The 2025 Presbyterian Youth Triennium (PYT), will be here before we know it. PYT is an opportunity for those currently in grades 8-12 and young adults ages 19-23 to join with thousands of Presbyterian youth and their adult leaders from across the country for four days of worship, recreation, Bible study, outreach, and faith formation around the theme “As If We Were Dreaming.” This will be held at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville with housing in nearby hotels. The presbytery, under the leadership of Susan Sharp Campbell, is making plans to take a delegation to this event. A registration form and flyer with details can be found here. More complete information on event leadership, preachers, the event schedule, and theme grid can be found here. The cost per youth will be $375, which covers housing, meals (except for those on the road), t-shirts, program costs, and transportation. The registration deadline is March 31, when a deposit of $188 is also due. Forms and payment can be mailed to Presbytery of WV, Presbyterian Youth Triennium, P.O. Box 11720, Charleston, WV 25339. Questions? Please contact Susan Sharp Campbell, or 304-667-0428.
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Spring Youth Retreat to focus on friendship
April 27 at Coonskin Park, Charleston
This retreat for those in grades 6-12 and adults who work/live with them, will run 10 AM-5 PM at Coonskin's Columbia Shelter. (If the weather isn’t cooperative, it will be held at Bream Memorial Presbyterian Church.) Using stories from scripture and pop culture, members of the presbytery’s Youth Council will lead participants in exploring what it means to be a friend. The cost per person is $20 which includes lunch. The registration deadline is April 14. Questions? Please contact Susan Sharp Campbell, or 304-667-0428.
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Bluestone Camp is a wild & wonderful playground
Get a camp promotional toolkit here
By Steve Cort
I remember the sliding board, monkey bars, swings, and the not-too safe seesaw at our local playground. In his book Sacred Playgrounds, Jacob Sorensen writes, “At the heart of our longing for a playground is the deep-seated desire to be in relationship.” He then goes on to describe the results of a six-year study on the benefits of Christian summer camps. His research shows the long-lasting impact of faith-based camping experiences.
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Communion training for ruling elders needed?
When requested, or there is a perceived need, the presbytery offers a course for training ruling elders to preside at communion in their churches of membership. There is currently no course offered as no interest has been indicated. However, if this is something your congregation needs, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at 304-667-9428 or
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Another Authorized Lay Preacher/Commissioned Pastor Preparation Program to begin in September with Presby Prep
Presby Prep is the first, required year of the ALP/CP Preparation Program, which prepares those who would become commissioned to pastoral service as Commissioned Pastors and those who serve as random pulpit supply as Authorized Lay Preachers. It is also an opportunity to become more knowledgeable about what it means to be Presbyterian and part of the Reformed family of churches. Presby Prep is open to anyone, whether or not you’re sensing a call to serve in pastoral leadership or pulpit supply. If you’d just like to grow in your faith, understanding, and knowledge of what it means to be Presbyterian, Presby Prep is the place for you. It will consist of 8 monthly courses (September-November 2025 and January-May 2026), which are 3 hours long and offered on Thursday nights and Saturday mornings. Each course also has an assignment to be completed in advance. The dates for these courses have not been set, but it’s not too early to begin thinking about being a part. We will need for there to be a minimum of 8 people registered for this to happen; otherwise, it will begin in January 2026. Look for more information, with dates and a registration form, this spring. If you have questions, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at 304-667-9428 or
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2025 Presbytery Directory: deadline for churches to send their information, request a hard copy of the directory
If your church has not sent in its 2025 directory information to the Presbytery office, please do so ASAP! You can fill out this form then email it to Once we get the directory prepared, we will put together a hard copy version that will be mailed out by the end of March to any church or individual requesting one. If you would like to be on the request list, please email or call Amy Robinson at 304-744-7634 by March 14. Remember, the directory is also on our website; if you need the password to access it there, contact Amy.
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News from the Presbytery's Treasurer
- Pastor 2025 Medical Cost Grant
- 2025 Per Capita
- 2025 Shared Mission Pledge Request
- Year-end checklist
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- 2025 IRS mileage
- 2025 Special Offerings Calendar
- Church treasurers and finance committees
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News from our Congregations & Partners | |
Richard "Dick" Alvin Lee
Dick Lee, father of Marlinton Presbyterian Church pastor David Lee, passed away on Friday, Feb. 21. Click here for his obituary. Memorial donations can be made to Safe Journey, PO Box 208, Union City, PA 16438.
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Edgewood Presbyterian Church to host first annual ‘Penguin Plunge’ on Saturday
Edgewood Presbyterian Church is hosting its 1st Annual Penguin Plunge on Saturday at Ronceverte Island Park. The event starts at 1 PM, and plungers are asked to assemble at noon. Radio Greenbrier will be live on location on 103.1FM The Bear from 12-2 PM, with Big Al from Highway 64 and Buddy Bear. There will be contests with fun prizes for best costume and more, plus free hot chocolate and ham biscuits will be served to the first 100 plungers. All proceeds benefit Edgewood's Saturday of Service ministry of providing monthly free meals for those with food insecurity within the Greenbrier Valley or for anyone who needs it or wants it. Click the title link for more information.
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Glenville Presbyterian Church and Glenville State University offering Presbyterian Scholarship
The Presbyterian Scholarship is a $2,000 a semester, $4,000 an academic year scholarship good for up to 4 academic years. Students must be a member of the PC(USA) and a West Virginia resident, either already attending or preparing to attend Glenville State University as a full-time student. To apply, students must submit a GSU application as a degree-seeking candidate and supply proof of acceptance or current course schedule, a Glenville Presbyterian Church college scholarship application, and a personal letter of need, as well as provide two letters of recommendation and be willing to appear for an interview before the GPC College Scholarship Committee. For more information, email
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