Estate Planning News - February 2023

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Controversy in the Determination of Death

When is a person considered officially dead – and who gets to make the final call? These questions are still debatable, according to the Wall Street Journal.

For more than four decades, physicians have been able to declare a person brain-dead, even if their heart and lung activity can be maintained with machines. But lately, the determination of death has come under scrutiny as more families are challenging the determination of brain death in loved ones.

Last December, a group of lawyers as well as neurologists and philosophers from the Uniform Law Commission met to discuss potential revisions to the brain-death declaration. The party drafted uniform legislation for states on issues including child custody and estate planning. Now, it is up to states whether to adopt the commission’s recommendations, which could usually take up to 2 years.


Blog Post Archive

Here is a listing of the blog posts we've published:

New Year’s Resolution: Make or Update Your Estate Plan

Why Millennials Are Writing Wills More Than Ever Before

Drastic Updates to California’s End of Life Option Act

The HJTA Responds to Prop 19 with an Initiative to Repeal the Death Tax

6 Common Estate Planning Mistakes

Estate Planning Checklist: 5 Ways to Prepare

A Guide to Estate Planning for Singles Versus Married Couples

Estate Planning and Divorce 

Digital Assets and Estate Planning

Benefits vs Disadvantages of a Living Trust

How to Choose the Right Guardian for Your Children In Case of Death

What Happens If You Die Without a Will?

Pitfalls of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Estate Planning

Is a Handwritten Will Valid in California?

Questions? Email Us

Estate Planning Workshops

Our January Estate Planning Workshops in the San Luis Obispo & Paso Robles areas went extremely well.

We are planning our upcoming workshops for Bakersfield, Valencia and Ventura - dates to be announced soon!

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you may know who has estate planning questions or

visit the resource section of our website.

Got a Question? Call us toll free 877.585.1885

Estate Planning Videos

Looking to watch a video on a particular Estate Planning topic? Visit our YouTube Channel or website to choose from our educational series. Topics include:

  • How Botti & Morison Makes Estate Planning Easy
  • How to Avoid Capital Gains Tax in California
  • A/B Trusts
  • Health Care Directives
  • A Properly Crafted Comprehensive Estate Plan
  • How a Durable Power of Attorney Avoids Financial Conservatorship
  • How a Trust Avoids Financial Conservatorship
  • What is Conservatorship
  • How a Health Care Directive Avoids Medical Conservatorship

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