DON'T MISS THIS! Please join us to meet Councilor Cinde Warmington at our June 28th monthly meeting at the Plymouth Regional Senior Center, 8 Depot Road, Plymouth. This is our last meeting before our usual summer break from monthly meetings. But stay tuned for summer events!
POT LUCK ASSIGNMENTS: For the pot luck supper starting at 5:30pm, please bring a dish for all to share. We segment the parts of the meal alphabetically by last name in an attempt to provide a balanced meal.
A-H Please bring entrées
I–R side dishes
S–Z wine, dessert or beverages
Promptly at 6:10 pm, we will start with a short business meeting. The minutes are posted on the website for you to review for approval. At 6:30 pm, we will welcome our guest speaker.
If you need childcare in order to attend, please let us know. We will arrange to have a sitter at the Senior Center during the meeting.
Just briefly today — I am so proud of Deb Reynolds, our former State Senator and recent recipient of the Dunfey Kanteres Award. The award is presented annually at NHDP’s McIntyre-Shaheen dinner to recognize a single person who exhibits tireless efforts on behalf of Democrats across the state. We all know Deb well. She was a co-founder, along with Martha Richards, of the Plymouth Area Democrats in 2004. I can think of no one more deserving. Thank you for all you do, Deb.