DON'T MISS THIS! Please join us to meet Councilor Cinde Warmington at our June 28th monthly meeting at the Plymouth Regional Senior Center, 8 Depot Road, Plymouth. This is our last meeting before our usual summer break from monthly meetings. But stay tuned for summer events!

POT LUCK ASSIGNMENTS: For the pot luck supper starting at 5:30pm, please bring a dish for all to share. We segment the parts of the meal alphabetically by last name in an attempt to provide a balanced meal.

A-H  Please bring entrées

I–R  side dishes 

S–Z wine, dessert or beverages

Promptly at 6:10 pm, we will start with a short business meeting. The minutes are posted on the website for you to review for approval. At 6:30 pm, we will welcome our guest speaker.

If you need childcare in order to attend, please let us know. We will arrange to have a sitter at the Senior Center during the meeting.


Just briefly today — I am so proud of Deb Reynolds, our former State Senator and recent recipient of the Dunfey Kanteres Award. The award is presented annually at NHDP’s McIntyre-Shaheen dinner to recognize a single person who exhibits tireless efforts on behalf of Democrats across the state.  We all know Deb well. She was a co-founder, along with Martha Richards, of the Plymouth Area Democrats in 2004. I can think of no one more deserving. Thank you for all you do, Deb.


Join us on Independence Day, July 4, for the annual Asland Parade. We will meet at 9am behind the Ashland Fire House on Mill Street. Gunnar Baldwin will be there with his truck and the Democratic banners and messaging poles! All our wonderful candidates should join us for a lively and fun visibility event. See you there!

GET TO KNOW THE GRAFTON COUNTY DEMOCRATS: The Grafton County Democrats publish a regular newsletter on legislative issues impacting our area. The most recent newsletter is here. You can subscribe yourself by clicking here.

And be sure to check out Conversation Canvassing through the GCD. Their next workshops are:Tuesday, June 27@7 pm, Wednesday, July 12@7 pm, Monday, July 17@ 7 pm, Thursday, August 3@ 7 pm.

LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENT: New Hampshire is located on N’dakinna, which is the ancestral homeland of the Pennacook, Abenaki, and Wabanaki Peoples past and present. Plymouth Area Democrats acknowledge the spiritual and physical connection to the aki (land), nebi (water), awan (air), olakwikak (flora), and awaasak (fauna) of the alnobak (people) who have stewarded N’dakinna throughout the generations and who continue to carry forward the traditions of their ancestors.

Plymouth Area Democrats

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