Message from Pastor Carolyn

Friday, June 23, 2023

Dear Saint Mark Family,

God’s grace and peace to you.

I want to begin by thanking you for your generosity, and to let you know that acts of kindness extend far beyond the walls of Saint Mark, impacting and transforming the lives of others in significant ways. Just today I received an email from a board member of the Wesley Woods Foundation, thanking us for the Mother’s Day offering we gave. She expressed that our congregation has made a difference, and she wanted us to know how much they appreciate us. I know this is just one of the many ways we give each year, both to the larger church and other connectional ministries within and outside our denomination. You continue to show the love of God to others through your acts of generosity. Thank you.

I also want to share with you the wonderful ministry of our chancel choir, as they shared their gift of music at the ceremony for the unfurling of the Sacred Cloth Pride Flag on Tuesday. The flag is one of the original pieces of the work done by Gilbert Baker, and is hosted by Atlanta in honor of Pride Month. Mayor Dickens and other officials and dignitaries were present, and our choir, under the directorship of Jon, did an outstanding job. Thank you, Choir.

Last Sunday, Eric Steverson shared in worship about his new role as Events Coordinator for our congregation, along with the number of activities that are being planned for creating fellowship and building community at Saint Mark. He has invited members to share with him ideas and recommendations they have that will foster fellowship and community, and creating a robust presence in our neighborhood and community. He is also seeking persons who are interested in serving alongside him. Please reach out to Eric and let him know how you can help or what you can recommend. He is looking forward to hearing from you.

This Sunday when you come for worship, you will see scaffolding along most of the north wall on the side of 5th Street, with a fence enclosing that area. This is a good thing! It means the work to restore the exterior walls of our sanctuary is about to begin, which will prevent water from seeping into the interior, so there will no longer be any damage to the beauty of our church. This was a job long overdue, but I am thankful to our Trustees, Belva White and Lee Edwards, and our Endurability committee, for working over the years and months to getting the right company, with the expertise and best pricing to make it happen.

The work is expected to last for approximately 90 days, excluding rain days. Please pray for the safety of the work crew as they climb and regrout and mend, and pray that it will be a job well done. The work will only be on weekdays, and possibly some Saturdays, to offset rain days. There should be minimal impact on worshipers and staff, if any at all, but please bear with any minor inconveniences that may be caused.

Saint Mark, continue to be in prayer for each other, and for those who are not here as yet. I look forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday.

God's grace and mercy,

Pastor Carolyn.

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