Dear T-Bird Parents & Families,

This past weekend as I started gathering items for my soon-to-be college student I couldn't help but feel bittersweet about his upcoming departure. Like many of you, I am sending my oldest child off to live in a new place where he will start his college experience. As we find ourselves at the crossroads of parenthood, we are reminded of the bittersweetness that comes with this momentous chapter in our lives. Our children, whom we have nurtured and watched grow, are now ready to embark on a new adventure – heading off to college. While this transition fills our hearts with joy and sorrow, it is essential to recognize this moment's profound significance and embrace the mixed emotions we experience.

In this journey, we take pride in knowing that we have raised resilient, independent, and curious individuals. The countless memories we've shared, the laughter and tears we've exchanged, and the lessons we've imparted have all played a pivotal role in shaping the remarkable young adults they have become. 

However, along with this joy, it is natural to feel a pang of sadness as we bid farewell to the familiar routines of daily life with our children by our side. Their absence in the home may feel like a void that only they can fill, and that is okay. Allow yourself to experience these emotions fully, for they are a reflection of the depth of love and connection we share with our children.

As we navigate through this transition, let us remember that our role as parents doesn't end here. Instead, it evolves into a new phase of support and encouragement. Our children need us now more than ever – not only as loving parents but as mentors and guides as they navigate the challenges of adulthood.

We must find solace in the knowledge that the values, principles, and love we have instilled in them will be their compass in the world beyond our embrace. As they spread their wings and take flight, we can find pride in knowing that we have given them the tools they need to succeed and flourish.

So, dear parents, let us be resilient in the face of this bittersweet moment. Embrace this milestone with open hearts, knowing that we have played an integral part in preparing our children for this new chapter.

With love and shared emotions,

Katie Murray



Celebrate Summer with SUU Alumni

SUU Day at Lagoon

August 5th

Thunder U Orientation

August 28th-29th

Parent Orientation Open House

August 26th, 27th & 28th

First Day of Fall Classes

August 30th


Off-Campus Housing

Click here for our off-campus housing list. 

Stay Connected to Our Office

SUU Parent and Family Services are here to help families stay connected to campus and to keep them informed. Stay connected to us by:

We are so excited to work with you to help your student find success at SUU. Please let us know if you have any questions, we are more than happy to help. You can call us at 435-865-8752, text at 435-261-3347, or email us at


SUU Fall Semester Reminders

  • Thunder U New Student Orientation will be August 28th & 29th. There will be optional activities on the 26th & 27th but the required days are Monday and Tuesday.
  • On-campus move-in is on Saturday the 26th.

  • If your student is looking for a job, there are a lot of opportunities on-campus and off-campus listed at The SUU Career Center uses Handshake to help students find jobs and internships, a quick how-to is available here. They also offer resume and interview help for students and have a professional clothing closet available for students.

  • Scholarships and financial aid awards will post to student accounts 10 days prior to the semester starting. Students can check their status in their MySUU portal under the Financial Aid tab. If students have any questions about their scholarships or financial aid awards, please contact the SUU Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships at (435) 586-7735,

  • Tuition payments or payment plan arrangements need to be made by August 30th. Students can set up payment plans and make tuition payments through the "Pay Now" tab in their MySUU portal. In the "Pay Now" tab, students can also designate Authorized Users who can make payments on their behalf. Students with questions about tuition deadlines and payment options can contact the SUU Cashier's Office at or by calling (435) 586-7720.

  • If your student has not yet registered for the fall semester, please have them contact our Academic Advising office and meet with their advisor at 435-586-5420

  • If your student still needs help locating housing for the fall semester check out the Off-Campus Housing website for current listings.

Encourage Your Student To Get Involved


Tips for parents!

How To Pack for College

It can be tempting to pack up EVERYTHING you own, but it is not necessary and your student will be surprised at how much they didn’t need to bring. A good place to start is finding out the dimensions of their living space. How big is the closet? Will there be a dresser or will they have enough room to bring their own? Do they need to bring their own furniture & appliances? These questions lead to the next best thing to do: Communicate with roommates. Who is bringing what? How do they plan to share the bathroom, kitchen, & living room space? Will they share cleaning supplies or does your student need to buy their own?

When it comes to personal items, encourage your student to make a list of things they absolutely NEED to take with them (clothes, shoes, bedding, bathroom supplies, etc.) If your student will be able to travel home for breaks encourage them to pack their wardrobe for the specific season they will start school in. Then when they travel home as the weather changes they can swap out their clothes. This will help them have enough space in their closet.

Things to do:

  • Find out the dimensions of their room & other living spaces
  • What is included in their room/apartment
  • What appliances/furniture do they need to bring
  • Encourage your student to COMMUNICATE with their roommates. Find out who is bringing what, how they plan to share each space
  • Create a list of essentials they NEED to bring
  • Pack things they don’t use daily FIRST
  • Pack clothes appropriate for the current season. If your student will not be able to travel home during breaks, they might consider packing a set of clothes appropriate for each season OR make a plan to purchase clothes for each season when they arrive in Cedar.


On-Campus Housing Office

Packing List


How to Write a Resume, Cover Letter, and Reference List

The quality of your professional documents can get you in the door for an interview—or get you overlooked. Read here to find out what impresses employers and makes you stand out on your resume, cover letter, and reference list. All three are important, so be sure you’re confident writing all of them. You can also download this information as a PDF packet


August 26th, 27th, & 28th

We look forward to welcoming your student to campus for the fall 2023 semester. Please stop by our parent and family orientation to learn more about key resources available for your student, how to support your student, and other important information to get your student started on the right foot.

Fall 2023 Parent & Family Orientation Open House:

Saturday, August 26th:

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, August 27th:

8:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Monday, August 28th:

8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Location: Student Center Ballroom ST145

Come anytime during the times above, you do not need to come to all three days, just when it's convenient for you. We can't wait to meet you!

Summer 2023 Important Dates

If your student needs to travel, see doctors or dentists, plan around these dates.

Summer Semester

Sunday, August 20 Instruction Ends Last day of regular class meetings

Fall 2023 Important Dates

If your student needs to travel, see doctors or dentists, plan around these dates.

Wednesday, August 30 Fall Semester Begins

Monday, September 4 LABOR DAY (CAMPUS CLOSED)

Wednesday, September 6

(1) Last Day to Add

(2) Commenced Attendance Due

Wednesday, September 20

(1) Last Day to Add

(2) Last Day to Drop without W

(3) Last Day to Change to Audit

(4) 100% Refund Deadline

(5) Commenced Attendance Drop

Monday, October 16 & Tuesday October 17


Friday, October 27 Last Day to Withdraw with W From individual course(s)

Monday, November 20

thru Wednesday, November 22 THANKSGIVING BREAK (CAMPUS OPEN)

Thursday, November 23

thru Friday, November 24


Friday, December 8 Last Day to Withdraw with W From all courses

Sunday, December 10 Instruction Ends Last day of regular class meetings

Monday, December 11 Study Day For on-campus students

Tuesday, December 12

thru Friday, December 15 Final Exams

Final Exam Schedule

Quick Question

Is your student struggling? If so, what level of concern are they at?
Green: Things are generally ok, but you are starting to see them struggle.
Yellow: They aren't doing well and you feel like they need additional support to feel better.
Red: Things have become so difficult that you feel like they need help right away.
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