קישור שלום ~ Kishur Sholom

Staying Connected with the Temple Sholom Community

14 April 2024 ~ 6 Nisan 5784

Parashat Metzora

Chaveirim y'karim - dear friends,

It was at once a terrible night in Israel and yet a critically important night for Israel and for the West.

As Israelis were in bomb shelters in the middle of the night, air defense systems worked exceedingly well - with a very high price tag - and no Israeli fatalities were recorded.

There is a seven-year-old Bedouin girl who was injured when shrapnel from an intercepted rocket fell upon her home. She is in critical care and we pray for her well-being.

The United States and the United Kingdom stepped up to aid their friend and ally, our people's national homeland, the State of Israel. Allegiances and alliances held with Middle Eastern countries like Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Abraham Accords countries.

170 Drones.

120 Ballistic Missiles.

30 Cruise Missiles.

99% of them were stopped - many before even reaching Israeli air space.

Iran has launched a frightening campaign against Israel for years and this only exposed what has been done through second parties like Hizobollah, Hamas, and the Houthis. Israel rightfully will respond based on the attempt - not on the actual number of targets hit, which was one: an airbase in southern Israel. The death-cult of Islamic radicalism seeks the end of Israel and as was apparent last week at a rally in Dearborn, MI, the death of America as well. The war which Israel wages is not just to protect its citizens - Arab and Jewish alike - but to preserve a way of life which we in the West value: of enlightenment, of equality, and of freedom.

The irony of seeing Israel destroy Iranian missiles over the Al Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem was unimaginable. It was a Jewish State protecting Muslim holy sites from an attacking Islamic Republic. Iran's missiles could just as easily hit and destroy Muslim sites and lives as Jewish ones.

And so. What can we actually DO?

For now it is upon us to:

  • educate ourselves on the situation;
  • follow updates;
  • pray with the words of our heritage which call us to support our brothers and sisters and remember the Source of strength and life;
  • reach out to Israeli friends and family to check in and see how they are doing;
  • donate to organizations that are supporting Israel, combatting antisemitism, and providing proper and correct information about Israel's current fight for quiet and survival.

I've got a few suggestions for learning, praying, and giving below.

As I learned from a friend in Israel ... we simply say: sh'yihi shavua tov yoteir - may it be a better week, l'shalom,

Rabbi Mark Cohn

ARTICLES & PODCASTS - each with special updates in light of last night:

  • Times of Israel consistently provides the best "middle of the road" and balanced journalism through the written-word and podcasts. They also have several excellent video documentaries.

  • Dan Senor offers a podcast, Call Me Back, which provides insights and long-form discussion.

  • Danny Gordis' Substack gives excellent on-the-ground glimpses into daily life and reality in an aptly called page: "Israel from the Inside."


Psalm 121: Text // Melody

Acheinu Kol Beit Yisrael: Text & Melody


Tonight -

Sunday evening, 9pm ET.

Joel Chasnoff. Inside Israel with Joel Chasnoff. Joel visited our community back in October, along with his writing partner, Benji Lovett. Joel will provide context you won't hear anywhere else, including how Israelis are reacting and what to expect next. 

Meeting ID: 538 105 6020

Password: 538jc105

Tomorrow -

Monday evening, 7pm ET.

Tikvah Fund. Israel and Iran: The current escalation and what comes next. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)—a member of the Armed Services and Intelligence Committees—as well as Iran expert Ray Takeyh, and former U.S. Special Representative for Iran and Tikvah Chairman Elliott Abrams for a special Zoom briefing.

Temple Sholom

122 Kent Road ~ P.O. Box 509

New Milford, CT 06776

(860) 354-0273

Temple Sholom Website (www.tsholom.org)

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