Learning and Growing

Monthly RE Bulletin for the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

April 11th, 2024

Devin's Musings

Storytelling is a huge part of the Passover Seder. Not only do you hear the story of Exodus, but you also hear the stories of many rabbis who had many opinions about how to run a Passover Seder.

My extended family had some weird Passover traditions growing up and my favorite involved a raisin - three raisins to be exact. Each year, whoever was responsible for making the matzah balls would put a raisin in three of the matzah balls. When the soup was served, the people who found the raisin in one of their matzah balls had to tell a story.

This tradition was simply intended to invite our own stories to the table because a whole year might have passed since we all last connected. It was one big, ice-breaker because inevitably people arrived late even though the seder started on time.

What story would you share if you found a raisin in your matzah ball?

This Month's Theme: Interdependence

When we remember our connection to everyone and everything around us, including all of nature, people, animals, and plants, we receive the gift of knowing that we are not alone in this world and don’t have to try to do everything on our own. It also reminds us that we need to care for the other parts of the web, knowing that the stronger and healthier the whole web is the stronger and healthier we are. We can't go it alone. This is not only the message of the month but the message of congregational life.


No RE Programming on April 14th and 21st

Due to April Vacation with the Newton Public Schools, we will not have programming for children and youth these two weeks. We will still offer childcare for those who are four years old and younger.


Sunday Highlights


Spirit Play on April 28th

The Spirit Play children will be exploring the intersection of disability and climate justice while the middle schoolers enjoy Folk Music Sunday.

Passover Seder on April 28th at 6:00 PM

On April 28th, 2024 at 6:00 PM, we will be holding the FUUSN Community Passover Seder, and it will be led by Rabbi Sarah Noyovitz (AKA Rabbi Noyo), current Interim Rabbi at Temple Hillel B'nai Torah in West Roxbury. Please RSVP by Friday, April 19th.

Religious Exploration Sunday is Coming


May 19th is RE Sunday!

This year, we are looking for singers of all ages to help us sing a song on RE Sunday. We will rehearse immediately after worship on April 28th and May 5th.

Please let Anne and Devin know you will be joining our rehearsal on those days.

Volunteer Opportunities

We still need volunteers to help run RE programs. If you're interested, please sign up.

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