Dear Noble, Awesome, Shiny friends,

An uplifted posture will allow you to open, extending into the world without a sense of self-protection. No need to strive for expansion, just relate to the space around you and how it connects you to everything. Take a breath and enjoy the feeling of life flowing through you and out into the world.

With the summer sun high in the sky, we may find ourselves looking to the horizon. This natural expansion invites curiosity and draws us to wonder, to dream and explore. Expansion and contraction are the natural rhythm of the universe and seeing the big picture of these rhythms can help us find greater ease in the present moment.

Throughout our day, the simple practice of Centering can be a revitalizing rhythm. Centering helps us tap into our parasympathetic nervous system where we can rest and recover from our daily stressors.

Look to the horizon and extend yourself to it, making yourself bigger and shinier. Center, inviting the rhythm to move through you. Rest in this expansion, aware of the big picture, present in just this breath, just this moment.

It has been 6 months since Wendy took her stardust journey and as I step back into the LE work, I feel Wendy’s hands at my back. It is an honor to continue to share the LE model so that it may be of service to others. We have a coach training program starting this fall and would love for you to attend and get certified to share the LE model. If you are interested in attending, please contact our office regarding the Level 1 prerequisite. Consider joining us and please spread the word!

Many Blessings,


Tiphani Palmer