The Season of the Spirit
The summer season is ruled by the Heart and is expressed in the emotion of joy. It is the most yang of all the seasons, containing the most energy, the most heat, the most excitement of emotions so we must take care to keep these “mosts” in control.

Joy is the naturally expressed emotion this time of year as the burdens of the winter and spring have disappeared. The expression of this emotion can be compromised if the body is out of balance, with too much or too little joy expressed, resulting in restlessness, annoyance and agitation (too much joy) or depression (too little).

Learn more about Joy and the Season of the Spirit in our latest blog article.
Dig in, Dive in, and Stay Healthy
Summer offers us a break from the 9-5 grind we focus on during the rest of the year. We plan trips for relaxation and inspiration, take time to enjoy family activities, sports under the night skies and camping trips that take us away from the screens that rule our daily lives. There are picnics and family reunions, backyard barbeques and summer treats for every age. Celebrate these days, they are a gift and the memories will lift you through the long days of work in the early hours of winter.

Try to enjoy the foods and drinks of the season with both joy and mindfulness. Alcoholic beverages are tasty and cooling, but too many can leave us dehydrated and overheated. Frozen treats are delicious if enjoyed in moderation to keep the spleen and digestive system from overworking. Summer salads are the best and full of my favorite ingredient (mayonnaise!)—don’t overdo it or this condiment staple can bother your liver and gallbladder. Add fresh fruits, vegetables, and fish to keep your summer fare delicious, seasonal, and healthy. Skip the cheese to prevent digestive dampness from invading your summer tummy. Homemade berry pies and cobblers should not be missed, and definitely should be topped with ice cream. Try pre-plating on smaller serving dishes to help control portion size. You will feel so much better getting a good night’s sleep with a happy belly after a sunny, enjoyable day of moderated indulgence. And always drink plenty of water.

Many of us get sleepy in the afternoon and would love to take a nap. If you work remotely, or otherwise have the option/won’t get caught by your boss, go with the desire. Many people around the world take afternoon naps or siestas after lunch to “rest and digest”, before returning to a productive day. The body is naturally tired in the afternoon after digestion, and it is the hottest part of the day, when the air stills with the sun at its highest point. A 20-30 minute rest should leave you feeling refreshed. If you suffer from insomnia, don’t worry, studies show that a short afternoon nap will not inhibit your sleep that night.

Immerse yourself in the rhythm of summer!
How Often Do I Need Acupuncture?
One of the first questions most clients ask is: “How many treatment sessions will I need?” This is a great question, with a varying answer. I have certainly had patients that visited once for the treatment of something simple like lingering cold or flu symptoms, they improved almost immediately, and did not feel they needed further treatment. However, most patients find that this is not the case for them. 
Acupuncture is most effective when it simultaneously treats your current symptoms and the underlying issues that caused those symptoms to occur. Most of us did not just wake up yesterday with a sudden pain or ailment, but rather have been living with ongoing or increasing pain and illness. It took time for these ailments to build up and it will take time to break them down.
One patient being treated for chronic knee pain felt immediate relief at the start of his very first treatment! This was exciting for both of us as he had been living a compromised lifestyle working around the constant paint. Because the pain was due to a decades old car accident, he understood that one treatment would not be adequate. With 80% of his pain relieved, follow up treatments focused on secondary issues, and an herbal formula to help move blood and support further pain relief.
For women carrying a breech pregnancy, the recommended number of treatments is generally 1-3 visits per week for 10 days to 2 weeks.
Some patients living with chronic pain or ongoing conditions such as anxiety or high blood pressure, have received treatments monthly for several years.
After your initial consultation and treatment, follow up sessions are generally recommended. While individual cases vary, four to eight visits over a four-week period often achieves desired results.

How many treatments are needed is varied, and depends on your individual health, your lifestyle needs, and your budget. Multi-treatment packages are available at a discounted rate. Call or email me and we’ll make time at your next appointment to discuss your long-term care needs.
Did you know I offer acupuncture and massage at two locations? Along with my main office on Sutton Park Drive, some of you have visited me at the Serene Advanced Skin Care Spa on Atlantic Beach, a wonderful place to make you look and feel amazing! Along with my services, they offer a variety of body and skin care treatments. And this month is packed with special offerings including a complimentary ZO beach tote and Sunscreen Primer with any skin care consultation. Book the service and your $50 consultation fee is deducted.

Another great offer is $100 off any Emsculpt Neo Abdominal Treatments. Emsculpt delivers heat and magnetic energy resulting in more fat reduction and more muscle growth compared to other products.

If you’re booking a treatment with me at Serene, consider adding on one of these healing services or a pampering facial.
Begin Again
And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.
-F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby