On 20 June 2023, Thomas Sewell, the founder of the Australian Neo-Nazi group, National Socialist Network (NSN) was interviewed by Nordic Frontier, the English-language podcast run by the pan-Nordic neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) organization. The title of the interview was "Thomas Sewell and the Roman Salute."
This highly anticipated interview highlights the transnational nature of right-wing extremism since Nordic Frontier is based in the Scandinavian countries of Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway; and Thomas Sewell calls for international support and for white people across the world to unite. The interview was very well-received by right-wing extremists worldwide and many were waiting with baited breath just to hear Sewell speak. His charisma and the fact that he is not scared to speak his mind nor hide his identity, regardless of how much backlash he could receive, is what draws people to him. This explains why his recruiting efforts for the National Socialist Network (NSN) and European Australian Movement (EAM) are so successful.
The fact that this interview was conducted in English, means it will undoubtedly reach a much larger audience, especially in the Nordic countries where their English is sublime.
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The topics covered in the interview ranged from abstaining from violent acts that get you sent to prison and contesting the ban of Nazi symbols in Australia to the anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric that includes a "Pedophile Agenda". All of the items listed leads Sewell to conclude that there are only two options for the white man: Nazism or Pedophilia.
Sewell contends that his opposition misunderstands him by thinking he advocates for violence, when, in his words, he advocates for the alignment of white people with each other. According the NSN founder, white people are to build their own white tribe and dynasty to do activism and train physically. They should have children for the sake of improving the bad situation in the world. Having recently become a father, Sewell claims to want to spawn as many as 10 children. Sewell states that despite the world being a bad place, white people can only make it better by having more children and ensuring the continuity of the white race.
Sewell likened what he perceives as happening to the white race in Australia to that of what has taken place with Dutch farmers. A clear comparison to the expropriation of farms without compensation in South Africa to the white farmers of Dutch descent that have their land taken from them without compensation. Australians and South Africans, particularly white South Africans, have a lot in common and have always felt a connection for their shared colonial history, since many white South Africans immigrate to Australia.
Despite his charisma, Sewell's crass hypocrisy did not fail to rear its ugly head. He claimed that women are not as smart as men and "doubts their IQs can reach higher than 120." For Sewell, women being 'stupid' fits in nicely with RWE's agenda and propaganda with male supremacy being a common theme in their rhetoric. It should be noted that there are no female members in NSN. Although Sewell has a child with a woman, they are not married because Sewell states that he doesn't acknowledge the marriage laws of Australia. This is a striking statement and highlights his hypocritical viewpoint, since he frequently speaks to how pre-marital sex is bad and shouldn't be allowed because it corrupts the sanctity of marriage.
The one point that TRAC found most interesting was that Sewell revealed that he has a gay brother, which likely led to past rumors that Thomas is also gay and has had relationships with the other members of NSN and currently fuels his anti-LGBTQ+ diction.
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TRAC Insight:
Where Has Jama’atu Ansarul Muslimin
Fi Biladis Sudan (Ansaru) Gone?
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Having been believed to be disbanded for close to a decade, the January 2020 claim of credit issued through al-Qaeda official channels, followed by activity in the northwest in 2021 and 2022, it almost looked like the jihadist organization, Jama’atu Ansarul Muslimin Fi Biladis Sudan (Ansaru) was ready to make a renewed push in Nigeria.
Ansaru was the first group to splinter off from Boko Haram in 2012. It was said that they split because of ideological differences in the interpretation of Islamic law. Their real problem, however, was with the brutality of Abu Bakar Shekau, who indiscriminately killed villagers, including Muslims. Ansaru found Shekau’s tactics un-Islamic and began to distance themselves from the increasingly takfiri leader. Ansaru’s leadership, in their propaganda releases, said that they would never harm an innocent Muslim and that they would be the local protectors. As such, Ansaru and Boko Haram were divided over who were legitimate kidnapped victims, with Ansaru believing only foreigners could be taken hostage and Shekau believing any perceived enemy of Boko Haram was a legitimate target.
If that remains true, why has Ansaru let Banditry run unrestrained in the North West and North Central regions? Since September 2022, they have been little seen or heard from, and with Banditry running rampant in these regions of Nigeria, TRAC is left wondering where the self-proclaimed, al Qaeda affiliate "protector" of the locals – Jama’atu Ansarul Muslimin Fi Biladis Sudan (Ansaru) has gone?
Some locals report that Ansaru are, in fact, in league with the Bandits. Arms proliferation between the two groups has been speculated but unproven. It is also said that Ansaru benefits from the ransoms of kidnapped victims. Due to Nigerian military raids in the Kuduru Forest in Kaduna State, TRAC does know that both Ansaru and Bandits share the same hideouts.
Ansaru claimed Birnin Gwari, in 2021 after being smoked out of Zamfara State by pressure from the Nigerian military’s campaign to push Bandits out of the area forests. A reported 400 Ansaru militants were in the area of Birnin Gwari from September 2021 until July 2022, when they pulled up stakes and disappeared.
It is possible that Ansaru only works with certain Bandit groups. As TRAC has pointed out time and again, Bandits are not a homogenous group in Nigeria. Each Bandit group works under a different Bandit Kingpin, such as the infamous Bello Turgi. It is entirely reasonable for the Ansaru jihadists to be aligned with a select few Bandit groups, while defending their territory from the incursion of rival Bandit groups. However, if that is the case, then it begs the questions, why did we see Ansaru clashing with Bandits in Birnin Gwari LGA, Kaduna State, Nigeria in the summer of 2022 and where are they now?
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TRAC Incident Report:
Riots Erupt at Women Penitentiary Between Mara Salvatrucha
(MS-13) and Mara 18, Resulting in the Death of Over 40 Women, Támara, Francisco Morazán, Honduras
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Screenshot from video of the smoke rising from the riots at the National Women’s Penitentiary for Social Adaptation (PNFAS). | |
On 20 June 2023, riots erupted between members of Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and Mara 18, aka 18th Street Gang, inside the National Women’s Penitentiary for Social Adaptation (PNFAS), in Támara, Francisco Morazán Department, which is 25 kilometers (15 miles) northwest of the capital Tegucigalpa in Honduras.
The clashes led to the death of more than 40 women, among them 25 were burned to death (immolated), while 16 were shot dead. At least seven other female inmates sustained gun and knife wounds.
According to local sources, a gang had entered the cell of a rival group and set it on fire. Shortly after the clashes broke out, a state of emergency was declared at the prison facility while security forces rushed to the scene to re-establish order.
Like many prisons worldwide, Honduran prisons are notoriously subjected to being controlled by gang members who continue to engage in illegal activities inside the detention premises, ranging from selling varied contraband items to putting out hits on other inmates. Authorities recently attempted to crack down on the illegal businesses carried out inside the penitentiaries, which likely resulted in social unrest that eventually escalated into the clashes.
Although deadly riots inside Honduran women’s prisons are uncommon, it should be noted that this is not the first time that clashes have erupted between female inmates belonging to MS-13 and Mara 18 at Támara’s PNFAS penitentiary. Violence is more common between the said gangs in the country’s male prisons.
Of note, Honduras, along with El Salvador and Guatemala, form the so-called 'triangle of death,' in reference to the trafficking of illegal drugs coming from South America and directed to the United States, often at the hands of these two gangs.
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TRAC Claim Report:
Unknown Gunmen Kill Khalistan Tiger Force (KTF) Leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, in the Parking Lot of Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara Sahib, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
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On 18 June 2023, unidentified gunmen killed Khalistan Tiger Force (KTF) leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. The attack was held in the parking lot of Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara Sahib, a place for assembly, schooling and worship for Sikh families. Nijjar was said to be in his car at approximately 8:30 pm, when he was shot by two unidentified assailants.
While Nijjar was the head/president of Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara Sahib in Surrey, he was also one of the most wanted terrorists in India. Originally a resident of Bharsinghpur village in Punjab’s Jalandhar, he was a key suspect in the 2021 attack on a Hindu priest in Jalandhar. He was said to be the mastermind with Avtar Khanda on the attacks on Indian High Commission in London. He was the director of 'Sikhs for Justice' in Canada, which conducted multi-referendums on the Khalistan separatist movement.
This targeted assassination comes on the heals of the deaths of Avtar Singh Khanda and Khalistan Commando Force (KCF) Chief, Paramjit Singh Panjwar. Paramjit Singh Panjwar was killed in an armed assault on 06 May 2023 and Avtar Singh Khanda died in Birmingham, England while undergoing blood cancer treatment.
Pro-Khalistan groups claim that these operations are executed by the Indian government as part of a crackdown on a reemerging Khalistan movement.
In honor of Nijjar, on the evening of 19 June, the Sikh community in Surrey conducted a protest on 120th Street, where Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara Sahib is located in Surrey. Although the protesters blocked off the road, they were said to have convened peacefully.
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TRAC Incident Report: Army Private First Class Cole Bridges, Pleads Guilty to Supporting an Islamic State (IS) Plan to Ambush His Fellow Soldiers in the Middle East, New York City, United States | |
TRAC Incident Report: Hundreds of Victims Discovered in Mass Graves Dug by M23 in Kishishe, North-Kivu Province,
Congo (DR
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TRAC Incident Report: Security Guard Killed
in a Knife Attack in
Front of Brazilian Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia
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