There’s hopeful news to share this month concerning homelessness, one of Sonoma County’s most vexing problems. Read on to see more. In this edition of the SoCo Correspondent, you’ll also find out how you can participate in the Board of Supervisors’ upcoming budget hearings and get a peek at a new survey that reveals how your neighbors assess the county’s challenges and strengths. Keep reading to discover what the county is doing to improve our roads, protect the Russian River, eliminate pollution-emitting buses and restore threatened sea otter populations. Lastly, you will learn how the county is working to honor the lives of hundreds of people who have died over the years without family or money to make burial arrangements.
As always, we encourage you to share this newsletter with friends, colleagues and family members so they can sign up for the SoCo Correspondent and receive it directly, normally on the first and third week of each month.
¿Está interesado en leer sobre lo que hace el Condado de Sonoma dos veces al mes? Este boletín estará disponible en español. Regístrese aquí para suscribirse a nuestro boletín, el SoCo Correspondent.
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Homelessness declines 22 percent in Sonoma County | |
Sonoma County saw a 22 percent decrease in the area’s homeless population last year, the largest reduction since 2015, according to preliminary results of the annual Point-in-Time count.
The one-day snapshot, conducted on Jan. 27, found a total of 2,266 individuals experiencing some form of homelessness in Sonoma County, down from 2,893 the previous year. Of those, 975 were living in some type of shelter, up from 805 the previous year.
The reduction in unsheltered individuals is due, at least in part, to an increase in the number of beds available at new housing projects in the county.
“These numbers are incredibly encouraging and are a reflection of the hard work of many across Sonoma County who, through innovative programs and partnerships, are helping homeless residents get off the streets,” said Supervisor Chris Coursey, chair of the Board of Supervisors.
Homelessness has generally been declining in Sonoma County since 2011, except for a surge in early 2022 during the COVID pandemic. A series of initiatives – including Project Homekey, new safe parking and interim housing sites, housing vouchers and rental assistance – have played a pivotal role in reducing the number of homeless people.
A more detailed breakdown of the count by cities and regions, as well as demographic data, will be made available this summer.
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Budget hearings begin next week | |
The Board of Supervisors will put its final touches on a spending plan for the 2023-24 fiscal year at a series of public meetings starting next week.
The budget hearings, which begin Tuesday at 8:30 a.m., will be streamed live on Zoom. Seven public hearings are scheduled over two weeks. At the conclusion, the board will adopt a final budget to serve as the strategic operating plan for the fiscal year beginning on July 1.
The recommended budget includes $2.19 billion in total expenditures, a 2.2 percent decrease from last year, and 4,284 full-time positions, representing a 0.3 percent increase in staffing.
“Our focus will be on safeguarding critical community services, implementing program efficiencies and fortifying reserves that can help mitigate the impacts of a possible downturn,” said Chair Coursey.
The public will have an opportunity to provide input each day on Zoom or live, in person, in the Board Chambers. Public comment will begin at 10 a.m. on Tuesday and at 9 a.m. on subsequent days.
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County begins summer road paving projects | |
Look out for county road crews: the Department of Public Infrastructure has launched its summer road repaving program.
At the direction of the Board of Supervisors, which oversees the largest county-maintained road network in the Bay Area, the county is investing $29 million to resurface 50 miles of pavement on 98 separate roads this summer. Minimize disruption to your travel plans by signing up for alerts and viewing a map of current road closures. Slow down for construction crews and know your detour.
The county spends more discretionary dollars on road repairs than any of the other 57 counties in California. Since 2012, the board has invested more than $203 million to improve 516 miles of roads totaling 38 percent of the county-maintained network.
“Our unincorporated road system touches almost every citizen in our county and it is a vital asset worth maintaining for future generations,” said Supervisor David Rabbitt, who also serves as a director of the Sonoma County Transportation Authority.
The Board of Supervisors will continue its discussion about road improvements on Monday, June 12 when it addresses the Pavement Preservation Program. Read the summary report for that agenda item.
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County convenes summit to explore future of sea otters | |
Marine biologists, economists, tribal leaders, elected officials and environmental advocates gathered in Bodega Bay last month for a summit to explore the possibility and impacts of reintroducing southern sea otters to their former habitat on the Sonoma Coast.
Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, whose district includes the Sonoma County coastline, organized and hosted the summit to advance the conversation about the future of southern sea otters, which are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
“What we know is that sea otter populations were robust along the California coast until they were decimated by the expansive fur trade of the 18th and 19th centuries,” Hopkins said. “Now studies are showing that, with some help, sea otters could once again thrive along the North Coast. This forum is an opportunity to explore what sea otter reintroduction could look like on the Sonoma Coast.”
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with communities across Northern California and Oregon to explore the concept of reintroducing sea otters to portions of the coast. Sea otters are considered ecosystem engineers that help restore degraded coastal ecosystems. A healthy sea otter presence can improve habitat health, enhance biodiversity, and make coastal habitats more resilient to the effects of climate change.
View a photo gallery of the summit online and see a recording of the event, below:
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New survey reveals county’s strengths, challenges | |
Sonoma County residents are divided about the direction the county is headed, but a majority is content with their quality of life, particularly within their own neighborhoods, according to the results of a new community survey conducted for the county.
The survey found 51 percent of residents believe the county is headed in the right direction, up 2 percentage points from 2021. Most residents say Sonoma County is a welcoming place to live and are excited about the future of the county. A majority also believes county government services are convenient and easy to access. Nevertheless, 47 percent say the county is on the wrong track, up 1 percentage point from 2021. Most residents are worried that homelessness, the cost of living and a housing shortage threaten the quality of life in the region.
“We conducted this survey to take the pulse of the community,” said Chair Coursey. “While we still have some big issues to deal with, the results show the people of Sonoma County are seeing the same problems we are, and we are determined to address those concerns.”
The county plans to conduct a similar survey every two years to evaluate trends in community satisfaction and priorities. Improving community engagement and outreach is an objective in the Organizational Excellence pillar of the county’s five-year Strategic Plan, which seeks to make the county government an innovative, effective, engaged and transparent organization focused on quality programs and services.
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Shuttle to Russian River beaches returns | |
Looking for an easy way to get to your favorite beach on the Russian River without having to search for a parking spot? Just in time for summer, Sonoma County Regional Parks is reviving its River Shuttle service.
The shuttle operates from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends and holidays through Labor Day weekend on Sept. 4. An all-day ticket costs $5, and youth under 18 ride for free.
Shuttles depart every 30 minutes from the El Molino High School campus, located at 7050 Covey Road in Forestville. Passengers are ferried to and from Steelhead Beach Regional Park and Sunset Beach River Park. Parking at the El Molino campus is free.
The shuttle service is part of a larger effort to ease traffic jams and parking snarls in river neighborhoods. Park rangers temporarily close park entrances when parking lots reach capacity – a frequent occurrence on hot summer days – but the shuttle provides an alternative way to reach the beaches and reduces the number of cars traveling to and from these popular destinations. It also improves the experience for those floating or tubing between river beaches, eliminating the need for two private vehicles, one parked at each end of the float route.
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Faces of the County: Meet Rubyd Olvera | |
An ongoing series highlighting public servants across a variety
of departments at the County of Sonoma.
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Name: Rubyd [RU-BEED] Olvera
Title: Bilingual community engagement analyst with the Office of Equity
Years with County: 1.5 years. Previously, I worked for Riverside County for two years.
Education and/or certifications: I earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology and a certification in project management from UC Riverside. Currently, I am a fellow with the Leadership Institute for Just and Resilient Communities through Daily Acts.
The learning experiences that most inform how I do my work as a public servant stem from being a DACA-mented Mexican, the oldest of three siblings of an immigrant family, and a descendant of indigenous Otomi people. I am actively working on reconnecting with the cultural knowledge of my ancestors by learning the indigenous language my grandparents speak and by honoring and safeguarding our traditions.
What do you do? I have the privilege and responsibility of developing authentic relationships with community members, listening to their priorities and recommendations about key issues, and creating spaces that bring community and government staff together to create solutions with and for those closest to the issues. In alignment with the values of the Sonoma County Office of Equity, I place a loving focus on local communities of color and people disproportionately impacted by systemic inequities, particularly Black, Indigenous, Hispanic/Latinx/e, Asian and Pacific Islander communities. If you are interested in learning more about the tool our department uses to conduct community engagement, check out the Spectrum of Community Engagement by Rosa Gonzalez.
A good example of community engagement in action is the work we did with Upstream Investments, in collaboration with community representatives, to present a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for the distribution of $39 million in federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act. This work, with and for the community, led to the creation of the Community Resilience Programs intentionally funded to support individuals and households who suffered disproportionate health and economic hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Earlier this year during the winter storms, our community engagement work included connecting with networks of community health workers, or promotoras, to improve our understanding of the needs in the community as a result of the storms. We brought their solutions to decision-making spaces like the county’s Emergency Operations Center. This collaborative work led to the launch of the county’s first Recovery Support Center effort. We intentionally designed the eligibility criteria to reach people most impacted by economic losses during the storms. Using learnings from the Community Resilience Program, we created an intake form that made community members feel seen and cared for as they began their recovery journey.
I am currently working on the development of a county-wide Community Engagement Plan and Language Access Policy. The goal for both these efforts is to transform the way the county engages with communities historically marginalized by governments. We are also striving to provide guidance and best practices for facilitating meaningful connections between county departments and the wisdom and lived experiences of community members, with careful regard to the languages they speak and the cultures they represent.
What gives you fulfillment? What brings me joy is being in community. Specifically, I enjoy learning about the lived experience, cultures, and traditions of community members with backgrounds different from mine.
Passions outside of work? I absolutely love being outdoors and eating tacos any chance I get. I also enjoy reading about social justice leaders and listening to podcasts. Some of my favorite podcasts include: Ear Hustle, Despertando Podcast, and UndocuChisme. Send me your favorite hiking trail or podcast and/or join me for a hike!
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Brown appointed director
of Economic Development Board
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Ethan Brown, who has served as interim director of the county Economic Development Board for the last 14 months, was confirmed as the agency’s executive director this week by the Board of Supervisors following a nationwide search.
The Economic Development Board bolsters the local economy by supporting local businesses. It promotes collaboration on issues impacting the local economy and provides confidential, no-cost consulting services to business owners seeking to start, relocate and grow in Sonoma County.
Brown joined the Economic Development Board in 2012 and has served in a variety of roles, including business retention and expansion program manager, business assistance officer, and project coordinator. His accomplishments include facilitating $1.5 million in state tax incentives for local businesses, forming a countywide alliance of economic development professionals in response to COVID-19, and executing funding of $2.5 million in COVID-19 relief grants to local businesses.
“I care deeply about this department and am proud of the work we have accomplished, and will continue to accomplish, as we cultivate the essential community and industry partnerships for a successful EDB 3.0,” Brown said.
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Find room to grow with a county job | |
Are you looking for a new job? Thinking about career options for the future? Learn how you can take the next step in your professional life and join the County of Sonoma family!
Start Here! is a virtual class that provides an overview of the county’s job application, examination and selection processes. The two-hour session provides information on how to submit a thorough application, best practices for the interview and examination, and much more. Send an email to and we will invite you to future class opportunities. Let us help guide you through the county’s selection process.
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Remembering those who died without family or means | |
Sonoma County leaders will host the county’s first-ever memorial service of its kind on Saturday to honor the lives of 500 people whose unclaimed remains have been buried in a rose garden at a Sebastopol cemetery.
Some were unsheltered and lived on the streets. Others outlived their families or were estranged from next-of-kin. All died without family or money to make burial arrangements. Their remains were cremated and laid to rest at Pleasant Hills Memorial Park in Sebastopol through the county’s indigent burial program.
“People who pass away without family or means deserve to be remembered,” said District 5 Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, who will be speaking at the memorial service.
The public is invited to participate in the 1 p.m. ceremony.
Every year, the bodies of approximately 140 people who die in Sonoma County go unclaimed at the coroner, local hospitals and funeral homes. Their names are sent to the county Public Administrator’s Office, which attempts to find family or friends to make final arrangements. Those who remain unclaimed — approximately 45 individuals per year — receive an indigent burial through the Sonoma County coroner.
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Join forces to ‘Respect Russian River’ | |
You’ve probably seen a “Keep Tahoe Blue” bumper sticker, the iconic symbol of the campaign to protect and restore the Lake Tahoe Basin. Now, a new campaign launched by Sonoma County and its partners is seeking to create a similar awareness around the health of the Russian River.
Called “Respect Russian River,” the initiative calls on visitors, residents and businesses to clean up pollution, remove invasive species, recharge groundwater and learn more about the importance of the 110-mile river that runs through Sonoma and Mendocino counties. Bumper stickers, T-shirts, water bottles, tote bags, pins and other branded merchandise went on sale last month at local stores. A portion of the sales will help fund the Russian River Confluence, a regional initiative to unite government agencies, nonprofits, tribal partners and businesses around a set of common goals to protect the health of the Russian River and its surrounding watershed.
Fed by 238 streams and creeks, the Russian River watershed is a vital environmental and economic resource. It provides drinking water to more than 600,000 people, draws nearly a million recreational visitors annually, and plays a critical role in supporting the region’s agricultural sector. It also supports a rich habitat for wildlife, including 63 different species of fish.
“The Russian River watershed is a critical resource for all of us, and it is time for all of us to work together to ensure it remains vibrant, not just for current residents but for future generations,” said District 5 Supervisor Lynda Hopkins, who represents the lower Russian River.
Efforts to address issues revolving around the health of the river, the supply of water that flows through it, and the impacts of climate change have been fragmented among county, state and federal agencies as well as tribes and nonprofits. The Confluence will serve as a hub where stakeholders can work collaboratively to share information and obtain resources to preserve and restore the Russian River watershed.
“The Confluence will amplify and empower the voices of all stakeholders who rely on this precious river, increasing our cumulative impact by joining forces on common problems and opportunities rather than working alone,” said District 4 Supervisor James Gore, who represents the upper stretch of the Russian River in Sonoma County.
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County switching to all-electric buses | |
Say farewell to buses powered by fossil fuels. Within five years, all new Sonoma County Transit buses will be zero-emission vehicles under a plan approved last month by the Board of Supervisors.
The plan will ensure that all fossil-fuel buses in the county’s public transit fleet will be retired by 2040, meeting a state mandate designed to combat climate change by reducing carbon emissions.
To date, Sonoma County Transit has purchased 19 electric buses, representing approximately 40 percent of the county’s 49-bus fleet. The county intends to spend more than $50 million to replace its remaining coaches powered by natural gas. Sonoma County Transit will also purchase and install new electric charging facilities and backup generators.
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Supervisors allocate $3.9 million for seven water projects | |
The Board of Supervisors awarded $3.9 million last month for seven projects addressing critical water resource challenges in Sonoma County, including drought, flooding and sewage overflows.
“We know climate change is increasing the likelihood of extreme weather resulting in drought and flooding,” said Supervisor Chris Coursey, chair of the Board of Supervisors. “The projects funded today will improve the county’s ability to withstand these extremes.”
The projects include $1.1 million to improve water resource management in the Alexander Valley, $1 million to complete environmental studies and design work on a project to address regular flooding on Green Valley Road near Graton and $500,000 to replace sewer lines and privately owned sewer laterals in the Springs area of Sonoma Valley.
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Share your thoughts on changes to county’s
Living Wage Ordinance
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The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors is seeking public input on a series of proposed changes to the county’s Living Wage Ordinance during a special meeting on Monday, June 12
The board is expected to discuss whether to require employers to offer paid time off to workers covered by the ordinance. The board is also considering whether to expand the ordinance to include concessionaires and tenants on county-owned property, including the Sonoma County Fairgrounds and the Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport.
Finally, the board will consider whether to specify a cap on future cost-of-living adjustments and whether to do a periodic adjustment of the hourly living wage rate apart from the annual COLA increase.
The public portion of the meeting will begin at approximately 9:30 a.m. on June 12. The public may comment on the proposals by attending the meeting on Zoom or in person at the Board of Supervisors’ chambers, located at 575 Administration Drive in Santa Rosa. Written comments may be sent to, with “Living Wage – public comment” indicated in the subject line.
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How should Sonoma County protect trees? | |
Trees don’t just add to the beauty of Sonoma County’s landscape, they also help keep our air and water clean and provide habitat for wildlife in Sonoma County. However, trees are being damaged or killed from climate change, development, fire and disease, sometimes forcing their removal.
It raises an important question: How should Sonoma County protect trees? We want your help answering that question.
The county’s Tree Protection Ordinance currently applies to a small number of projects where native trees with trunks over 6 feet across are removed. Property owners are required to plant new trees or pay for the county to plant trees.
Permit Sonoma is considering whether to expand protections for oak woodlands and other types of trees. We want to better understand your priorities. Help us shape policy by taking this brief survey.
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Evacuation drill to take place Sunday in upper Mark West Springs | |
A map of the routes to be used in the evacuation drill scheduled for June 11. | |
The county Department of Emergency Management will stage an evacuation drill on Sunday, June 11, in the upper Mark West Springs area northeast of Santa Rosa.
Residents who signed up to participate in the drill will practice evacuating the area along St. Helena and Calistoga roads, meeting at Maria Carrillo High School for an emergency preparedness fair from 10 to 11 a.m. If you have not signed up for the drill, don’t be surprised if you hear the distinctive sound of Hi-Lo sirens in the area during the hour-long exercise, which begins at 9 a.m.
“If you haven’t already, please sign up for SoCoAlert to receive critical alerts and know your evacuation zone so you’re ready to go when a real evacuation is issued,” said Supervisor Susan Gorin, who represents the upper Mark West Springs area.
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Sign up for free chipper service | |
Now it’s easier than ever to protect your property from wildfires by creating defensible space around your home. Permit Sonoma will grind up piles of wood and other vegetation for free – yes, for free – through its seasonal Chipper Program.
The program is available on a first-come, first-served basis for properties in the unincorporated areas of the county. Applications will be accepted through November, depending on the weather.
There are rules about the size, placement and composition of chipper piles. But the free service, provided through Permit Sonoma’s Fire Prevention Division, can save you hundreds of dollars and the difficulty of renting a private chipper.
Interested? Review the program’s guidelines and submit an online application as soon as possible.
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Save money on your annual sewer bill | |
Discounts on sewer service bills are available to low-income homeowners and nonprofit organizations that provide housing to low-income renters. Qualified households can cut the sewage charge on their annual property tax bill in half.
Applicants must live in one of the eight sanitation districts/zones operated by Sonoma Water, including:
- Occidental County Sanitation District
- Russian River County Sanitation District
- Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District
- South Park County Sanitation District
- Airport/Larkfield/Wikiup Sanitation Zone
- Geyserville Sanitation Zone
- Penngrove Sanitation Zone
- Sea Ranch Sanitation Zone
Applications are due July 10.
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Recycle your old solar panels on June 16 | |
Only 10 percent of the nation’s solar energy panels are currently recycled. Zero Waste Sonoma, a joint powers authority for the unincorporated area of the county and its nine cities, wants to change that.
On June 16, Zero Waste Sonoma will join the Conservation Corps North Bay and CalRecycle to host the county’s first residential solar panel collection event at Luther Burbank Center for the Arts. Residents may bring up to 40 panels for recycling.
An appointment is required. Click here to register.
Solar panels are currently considered universal waste, a category of hazardous waste that cannot be safely disposed of in a landfill. They contain valuable materials – including cadmium telluride, silver, copper and silicon – that can be removed and reutilized, reducing the need for additional mining to meet demand for new solar panels.
“We will use this opportunity to learn more about what solar panel recycling needs exist in Sonoma County so we can determine if we’ll benefit from a permanent program,” said Courtney Scott, manager of the Household Hazardous Waste program.
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Support your community by getting involved | |
Get involved with local government
Government is only as good as the people who step forward to serve. There are many opportunities available now to support the community by serving on local boards, commissions and committees. Current vacancies include:
Green Valley Cemetery District: To oversee care of the grounds, sell plots and maintain records of burials, secure liability insurance, provide annual audit materials and submit an annual report to the State Controller’s Office.
Workforce Investment Board - To lead an integrated workforce development system to ensure the County’s economic vitality and quality of life.
Check out the list of current vacancies and discover how you can help shape the future of Sonoma County.
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Adopt the pet of the month | |
My name is Gertrude. I’m a female 4-year-old Great Pyrenees who weighs about 63 pounds. I’ve been at the shelter since Jan. 10 and I’m looking for someone to give me a permanent home.
Gertrude is one of dozens of cats, dogs, rabbits and other animals at Sonoma County Animal Services in need of adoption. This summer, all dog adoptions are free during the “Love Don’t Cost a Thing” summer special. All you have to do is purchase a dog license. Meet your new pet from noon to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays-Saturdays at Sonoma County Animal Services, 1247 Century Court in Santa Rosa. We are also looking for weekend foster homes for our shelter dogs. Contact if interested.
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Volunteer and employment opportunities | |
(stories may require subscriptions)
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