
Volume 11 | Issue 32| April 8, 2024

Good morning! Here is your Things@King's weekly update.

Get Prepared for End of Term

Supports and Resources

You'll find answers to your exam season questions on the End of Term Resources page. Learn about using the King Student Life Centre and study room availability, library and food service hours, mental health resources, shuttle bus times, and more.


Mark your calendars for these important dates:

  • April 8 is the last day of classes.
  • You will have two study days on April 9-10 to prepare for exams.
  • Exams start on April 11.
  • April 30 is the last day for exams.

Find Your Exam Schedule

Your exam schedule is on the Western Master Exam Schedule page.

King's/Brescia Shuttle Schedule

The King's/Brescia Shuttle switches to the exam schedule on April 9, 2024. This schedule/route will run 7 days a week until April 30.

Hours of Operations

The King's Library, the Write Place and Food Services (the Thames Market, Café 54, Subway and Ah-So Sushi) have special hours of operation during the exam season. Please see our End of Term Resources page for full details.

Studying late on campus? Grab a cab!

If you are studying late during exams, a taxi service is available to commute between King’s, Western and Brescia campuses between April 8 - 29 from 10:30 p.m. - 8 a.m. 

What should you do if you are sick and going to miss an exam?

Visit our End of Term Resources page resource page to find out what to do if you are going to miss an exam.

Book study rooms in the King Student Life Centre

You can book study rooms KC203, 204 and 205 for two hours at a time, between 6 a.m. and 2 a.m., from April 9 to 30, 2024.

Featured Events

Summer OSAP Info Sessions

April 9, 2024

11:30 a.m. - noon

Student Life Centre KC005

Learn more about the OSAP process and get your questions answered by one of King's knowledgeable financial aid officers. There will also be another session on April 24 from 11:30 a.m.- noon in KC005.

Drop-in Campus Tours

April 13, 2024

10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Wemple Building lobby

Do you know someone who might be interested in making King's their place to be and place to become? Invite them to take a tour of our campus. No registration is required and parking is available in P1, just off Epworth Avenue.

President's Office Open House

April 23, 2024

11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Dante Lenardon Hall Room 216


Dr. David Malloy, King's President, is inviting members of the King's community to join him and his staff in his new office location during the President's Office Open House. This is a drop-in event that will offer refreshments. 

Social Snapshots 🌟

Study Spaces at King’s

Looking for a place to hit the books? Check out all the cozy study spots and quiet corners at King’s.

Eclipse Trivia

We tested King’s students' knowledge in anticipation of the upcoming Solar Eclipse on April 8!

Reminder: If outside take the necessary precautions. You should never look directly at the sun without proper eye protection, and this holds true during the various phases of the eclipse as well. Do not view the eclipse without ISO 12312-2 filters or glasses – sunglasses will not protect your eyes.

Wellness @ King's

Mental Health and Wellness Resources

Take care during exams season, King's! There are a variety of wellness resources available. You can find campus counseling services, online resources, and support networks to help navigate challenges.

April is Stress Awareness Month

Feeling stressed? You're not alone. April is Stress Awareness Month. Prioritize your mental health with Togetherall. Join a supportive community to share, learn, and grow together. Your well-being matters.

Student Spotlight

Madeline Bickley - fourth-year honours specialization in World Religion and Cultural Studies


Congratulations to Madeline for being accepted into the Master of Theological Studies (MTS) program at the Harvard Divinity School.


Madeline’s area of study is the Hebrew Bible and the ancient Near East, so she will be working with the Divinity School and the Faculty of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization (NELC).


“King’s has given me the chance to be an involved and active member of the academic community,” Madeline says. She did two independent studies in religion, was a research assistant, a teaching assistant, KUCSC’s Department Representative for Religious Studies for two terms and is the founder and current president of the Religious Studies Student Association.

In the News

Mustangs Awards recognize King’s student-athletes’ excellence


Congratulations to the King's student-athletes recognized at the Mustangs Awards. Shona Branton (Women's Swimming) was named the Female Athlete of the Year and Treye Trotman ( Men's Wrestling) was named the Male Athlete of the Year. Six King’s student-athletes were named as Team MVPs.

Rijul Jain publishes her first case exercise at Ivey Publishing


The fourth-year student in the School of Management, Economics, and Mathematics (MEM) used the research and communication skills, problem-solving abilities, project management techniques, and critical and creative thinking skills she learned at King’s to create the core exercise.

King’s students create long-lasting memories on trip to French Canada

Domestic and international students recently visited Ottawa, Montreal, and Quebec City, where they explored popular tourist attractions, learned more about Canadian culture, and created memories with their peers.

Keeping Up with King's

Solar Eclipse

April 8, 2024

According to the Hume Cronyn Memorial Observatory, London will experience a 99.6% partial eclipse. The event is expected to start around 2 p.m. and end at 4:30 p.m., with the maximum eclipse occurring around 3:15 p.m. If outside, take proper precautions.


As a reminder, you should never look directly at the sun without proper eye protection and this holds true during the various phases of the eclipse as well. Do not view the eclipse without ISO 12312-2 filters or glasses – sunglasses will not protect your eyes. We recommend that you plan your day and schedule accordingly. Please note: King's will be operating as normal.

Western and Western Space posted an informative video about the upcoming eclipse on their Instagram account.

Complete your Course Feedback!

Complete your Student Questionnaires on Courses and Teaching (SQCT) for a chance to win one of 10 $250 Book Store at Western gift cards! Each questionnaire completed during the three-week end-of-course feedback period counts as one entry into the draw. The survey is open until April 10, 2024.

For more information, visit

Summer School


There is still time to register for Summer School. You can register through the Student Center.


On April 9, course registration will be temporarily suspended (as of midnight EST) to allow for course waitlist processes to run. Access to course registration will resume on April 10.

Last Session for Grad Portraits

Your last chance to book an appointment for your graduation photos is April 24, 2024. Your $25 sitting fee includes 8-10 poses in graduation attire, 2-3 poses in casual attire, and an 11" x 14" graduation class composite photo. More information is on the Pegasus page.


The deadline to apply to graduate is April 30, 2024. You must apply to graduate through their Student Center.

Save the Date

Spring Convocation for King's graduates will be Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

Apply today for the Faculty Association Award for Outstanding Achievement ($500)

Deadline: April 30, 2024

This award is granted to a graduating student from King’s. It is granted based on academic success, as well as individual and social achievements and/or in the community. An overall average of at least 75% is required. View the instructional video to learn more about using King's application system for awards.

Breaking Barriers: Deaf Perspectives

"The Book" is the third episode of the Breaking Barriers video series. This episode describes what it can be like for deaf people to navigate the hearing world. The video depicts the journey of Kristeen Elliott who goes through the library to find a book and uses sign language, her primary form of communication, to explain what book she is looking for. We need to recognize the limitations and challenges that the deaf community faces so we can understand how we can better accommodate their needs.

Campus Transportation Survey: Share Your Thoughts!

We want to hear from you about how you get to King's! Take part in our Campus Student and Staff Transportation Survey to help us understand the transportation patterns on campus.

World University Service of Canada (WUSC)

Directly help to give refugees the chance to rebuild their lives through education. World University Service of Canada (WUSC), a vibrant and influential program committed to promoting education and empowerment for a refugee student, returns to King's! You will meet people who share your interests and have the opportunity to take an active role in bringing about change in the world. WUSC operates under the umbrella of the KUCSC, hoping to engage students in a meaningful initiative to support a refugee student. For more information about WUSC and how to get involved, please visit Learn About WUSC - KUCSC or email

Career Resources

Career Resources

Job Boards

Workshop: Connecting with Confidence: LinkedIn Networking

April 10, 2024

Join us for an insightful resume workshop with our dedicated career coaches, who will guide you on effectively articulating your experiences, pinpointing the most important information, and tailoring your resume to various career paths for maximum impact!


Want your resume reviewed LIVE during the event? Send your resume in PDF format.

Campus Ministry

Join us for Sunday Eucharist


Masses are offered in The Chapel at Windermere on the Mount (WOTM) on Sundays at 10 a.m. and at 5 p.m. followed by the community meal in the parish hall. Weekday Masses will be on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at WOTM and noon mass on Thursdays and Fridays at King's Christ the King Chapel. 

For regular updates, follow us @kingscampusmin on Linktree, X and Instagram, KUC.Campus.Ministry on Facebook, King's Campus Ministry on YouTube and visit the Campus Ministry website.

Courage, Compassion, Climate Change

On April 21, join Campus Ministry on their visit to the Ignatius Jesuit Centre for Courage, Compassion, Climate Change. This early Earth Day event explores the emotional and mental impact of climate change and shares practices that cultivate courage and compassion to keep on living bravely in ways that benefit our communities and get outside on the healing land. The bus will leave at 8 a.m. and return around 6 p.m. Email Annette Donovan to register.

St. Joe's Cafe


St. Joe's Cafe has expanded its schedule to help meet the demands of the growing food-insecure community in London. The King’s community will be sending 10 people on a number of Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you want to volunteer over the next couple of months, please sign up here and follow the instructions on the page.


To drop off baked goods or sign up to play music, please email Annette Donovan.

Reminder: The deadline for all submissions to Things@King's

is Wednesday at noon.

Check your Western email inbox every Monday at approximately 10 a.m. to read Things@King's. Missed an issue? Check our archives to read previous issues.

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