The WEMO Youth Messenger

April 5, 2024

Diocesan Convention Youth Delegate Applications Open

The Constitutions and Canons (Church Law) of The Diocese of West Missouri provide for the election of one youth delegate and one alternate from each of the Diocese’s three Deaneries (NW Metro, Central, and Southern.) These delegates are full voting members of the Convention, elected by their fellow youth, who serve as the voice of the young people of our diocese in our deliberations.


To be elected as a delegate youth must meet the following criteria: 

1. You must be between the ages of 16-19 at the time of Diocesan Convention and an active member of your home parish. 

2. Have been a “worshiper” in your congregation for at least 6 months. 

3. Be able to attend Diocesan Convention (Nov. 8-9 at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City.)

4. Be able to attend at least two deanery meetings prior to Diocesan Convention.

This is a great opportunity to lend your voice to our deliberations as a diocesan family, represent the youth of the diocese, and participate in the election of our IX Bishop. If you have any questions, please contact Fr. David.

Those interested are encouraged to apply now! The application period has been extended and applications are now due on Friday, April 12th by 6 p.m.

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6:00 p.m.

Convention Youth Delegate Applications Due-Deadline extended!

Active Youth ages 16-19 are invited and encouraged to apply!

Apply Now! 



9:00 a.m.

Youth Confirmation Retreat

Hosted by St. James', Springfield. This retreat will complement and enhance the preparation done at the parish level by providing time and space away from the pressures of everyday life for intentional prayer, reflection, and conversation. 




10:00 a.m.

Safe Church Safe Communities Core Training

In-person at St. Paul's, Kansas City!

For more information about how to complete the training online please contact Fr. David.


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Volunteers Always Welcome

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SUMMA Theological Debate

SUMMA brings together high school students (entering grades 9–12) from across the country to one of the largest and most beautiful college campuses anywhere—the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee.

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Episcopal Summer Mega Camp

The Diocese of West Missouri is happy to announce its partnership with the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas for this year’s Episcopal Summer Mega Camp. This is a great opportunity to connect with young people across the Midwest and spend a week learning more about your faith.

Registration is now open!

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General Convention Trip 2024

This trip is an opportunity for the youth of The Diocese of West Missouri to experience the inner workings of church governance at the global level with visits to both houses of General Convention, witness the election of the 29th Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church, connect with Episcopalians from around the world and explore the city of Louisville.

Registration is now open, and more information is available at the link below!

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Confirmation Retreats

Our hope is that this retreat will complement and enhance the preparation done at the parish level by providing time and space away from the pressures of everyday life for intentional prayer, reflection, and conversation about what we believe and what it means to live out those beliefs in the world with others undergoing the same preparation around the diocese.

Register now...

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