The best practices in property management in light of new market realities

A heartfelt thanks to all of the participants in today's webinar discussing the many

challenges rental housing providers face and how to power through them. Get strapped in and watch a replay of this informative conversation on YouTube.

Fear mongering?

Tenant advocates have warned of mass displacement and landlords abusing no-fault evictions.

Recent numbers from the San Francisco Rent Board contradict these claims and in fact, show that eviction notices are on the decline.

Long the anathema of tenant groups, rules surrounding so-called “renovictions” have changed effective April 1st. 

Owners of properties subject to statewide eviction controls must have permits pulled when endeavoring to recover possession of a unit through a substantial remodel.

The mere intention to remodel is not enough; detailed plans must be in place.

We covered the new law in-depth in an earlier article and with April upon us, our community should revisit this topic.

When an emotional support animal doesn't obey house rules

A tenant may have proper documentation from a healthcare provider to welcome in an emotional support animal, but this is not a license for the animal to create a nuisance for neighboring residents.

Managing landlord-tenant relationships in a complicated regulatory regime can be tricky and engenders many questions, but our firm can provide informed guidance. I’m always accessible via email at

We appreciate your continued engagement and look forward to continuing the conversation.

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