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Supporting Children And Women In Kenya East Africa.

July 2023 newsletter

From the Founder

One word: WOW!!!! Between the amazing and engaging Helping Hands Medical Missions Trip and the conversations I had today with new board members and supporters, all I can say is WOW!!!

As mentioned previously, this particular newsletter highlights the experiences of our Healing/Helping Hands Medical Missions Trip! Even though the official title was Helping Hands, it really was Healing Hands because of all the love and support of the team toward the children and each other. We know that Healing comes in many forms, and LOVE is the most powerful. We saw children blossom, team members cry, obstacles overcome, and a spirit of tenacity all come forth in pursuit of one goal. It was a beautiful sight to behold! 

Enjoy the testimonies and the pictures! Thank you SO MUCH for your financial support, encouragement, and prayers! Mission Accomplished!

As we get ready for next month and more testimonies, love, hugs, and blessings!

Donna V. Werner

Founder/Board President


Helping Hands Medical Mission Accomplished! -

Dr. Briana Bonner

Coordinating a healthcare mission trip was never a dream, however, after attending three previous DDI trips, I knew it was a NEED. A NEED that ultimately benefited the individuals we serve in Kenya. This has been an immensely rewarding and eye-opening experience. From the idea of providing healthcare services on the ground, every step has been filled with challenges, learning opportunities, and heartwarming moments.

As the coordinator, D. Bri The OT (Briana Bonner), my primary goal was to assemble a diverse skilled team of healthcare professionals who could provide much-needed services to the women and children in Kenya. Recruiting volunteers and organizing logistics was a daunting yet beautiful task, but witnessing the team members' enthusiasm and dedication made it all worthwhile.

We started our mission on June 27th and concluded on July 7th with a team of 20 healthcare professionals from various states in the USA. From the moment we arrived in Kenya, we were greeted with warmth and gratitude from the Kenya DDI team, students at both Victory and Smart Mind schools, staff at the Langata women’s prison, and the local community. The spirit of collaboration was palpable as we all worked hand in hand to observe and provide the healthcare needs of the children and women in Nairobi. It was humbling to see how much impact we could have by joining a group of various healthcare professionals, including nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, educators, and doulas, to name a few.

Throughout the Helping Hands Mission trip, we were reminded of the resilience and strength both in our team and the individuals we were serving. The moments that stand out the most were the interactions that we shared with the children and women themselves. We provided them with CPR and basic first aid training in addition to various assessments, BUT we were filled with so much JOY while completing our designated task. Additionally, we shared many JOYOUS moments through song, games, playtime, meals, and adventures. These JOYOUS moments reinforced the importance of our mission.

I am reminded of the privilege and responsibility of coordinating the Helping Hands Medical Mission trip. The opportunity to provide healthcare services to Victory School, Smart Mind School, and Langata Women’s Prison is not taken lightly. I am grateful for the dedicated team of healthcare professionals who made it possible. The journey has reinforced my belief in the power of global health initiatives and the potential for positive change when people unite to make a difference. I am inspired to continue to advocate for the health and well-being of the women and children in Kenya and, ultimately, worldwide, knowing that even small efforts can lead to significant transformations.

With that being said, the Helping Hands Medical Mission Trip- Kenya 2023- MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

Thank you!

Dr. Briana Bonner “Dr. Bri The OT” @DrBriTheOT 

VICTORY SCHOOL VISIT- Clinic day, donation of supplies.

DDI Health professionals from the USA consisting of Occupational Therapists, Optometrists, Nurses, Educators, EMS, Personal trainers, and Educators met the teachers, children, and their parents on the first day at Victory for an introduction, and to familiarize themselves with the environment. To most of the volunteers in this helping hands mission trip, this was their first time coming to Kenya. From the blogs in this newsletter written by some of the volunteers themselves and some posted on our youtube and social media platforms, most of the professionals didn't expect the kind of great experience they had here just upon arrival literally on the first day.

The kids, teachers, staff at Victory, and everyone around the Baba Dogo slums gave us a very warm welcome. Everyone we came across greeted and received us with so much love, Victory, and Baba Dogo became a happy face galore.

To the professionals, it was a wow moment to receive all the hugs and smiles from the children.

On the second day, which we named ''CLINIC DAY,'' we conducted a medical assessment and treatment for the parents, teachers, staff, and children at Victory who had various medical issues and needed developmental assessment, physical assessment, first aid, and eye evaluations by our health professionals from the USA. At the end of the exercise, we were happy to record that many people turned up for this occasion that lasted the whole day. This was probably one of the best days of the mission trip. When the day ended, there was a great sense of relief and satisfaction both ways for the beneficiaries who turned up for the free medical assessment and the health professionals who worked tirelessly to ensure everyone was attended to and helped accordingly and as per their needs.


Ms. Donna V. Werner, founder of Dorcas Destiny International, members of the Feed My Sheep team, the Educational Enrichment team, and the Ministerial Outreach team had their first-ever meeting with the parents of the children at Victory School. This was an introduction to the medical professionals of the Helping Hands team, and an opportunity for everyone to get an understanding of the support provided by Dorcas Destiny International and allow the parents to ask questions. Topics included the child sponsorship program, school lunch/meal program and challenges that Victory and the parents face. There were smiles, laughter and expressions of appreciation. Our common goal: to support the parents and school for improved amenities and education and create a positive learning environment for the children at Victory.


The Helping Hands Medical Missions Team had a joyous day at Smart Minds (formerly Bright Academy) in Dandora. Smart Minds provided the same assessments, education, training, and supplies delivered at Victory School. The school has developed tremendously since we last visited!

Our team also enjoyed displays of the quite extensive creative and performing arts program at Smart Minds. Feel free to visit their YouTube channel SmartMindsEntertainment

Members of the team also had the opportunity to do a little dancing!


Members of the Helping/Healing Hands Medical Missions team, as a component of the Special Operations and Redemption (SOAR) program, visited the Lang'ata maximum security women's prison in Nairobi. The program agenda included providing feminine and basic hygiene supplies to the women, visiting their day-care center, preaching a brief message from the Word of God, teaching first-aid/CPR, providing encouraging words, singing together, and answering a variety of questions from the women.

During the visit to the child care center, we were able to bring biscuits to the children and spend time playing with them. As a reminder, the women have their under-age-five children with them at the prison.

This is the third facility the SOAR program has visited and provided encouragement and brought supplies.

Many of the ladies are actually petty offenders whom we seek to encourage and emphasize the importance of self-change, and adhering to their rehabilitation process as they await release and return to their families and the community.

Dinner at Fatuma's House

Fatuma is the professional chef who was introduced to Dorcas Destiny International more than 3 years ago through our friend Dr. Judy Nyagah. Everyone who has ever been on a trip with us to Nairobi is aware of Fatuma's ''magic hands'' when it comes to meals.

Fatuma invited us for dinner at her home with her family. One could tell the surprise on everyone's faces when food was presented. It was more than we expected; a whole buffet enough for everyone more than twice!! It was the climax of a glorious day!!

We had a relaxing dinner as a team, enjoying time with Fatuma's children and neighbors.


(testimonials from the volunteers)

Tiffanie Mooney 

Over the last week, I have had the opportunity to work with so many amazing individuals and children here in Kenya. Being able to immerse ourselves in the language and the culture has been such a learning and growing experience. Watching our team administer first aid, provide education to the staff, administer various assessments in fine motor, gross motor and vision, while also being able to nourish the children both physically and spiritually has been an unbelievable thing to be apart of.

There was one specific moment during the trip that had such a profound impact on me. It was our last day at Victory School as a full group. There was singing, there was dancing, there was bubbles, and as I stood there, taking a breath from all the jumping and laughing, I was in awe. On this last day, the joy in the room was palpable. I hope I always remember the way I felt in that moment. Overall, the love and joy felt during this trip from the DDI team and from the children of Victory School has been incredible to witness each day, and at that particular moment, it was so strong and unforgettable.

We came, we played and we loved! We got to share our knowledge, get to know the children and staff, hear their stories and struggles, as well as gain a deeper understanding for the need here in Kenya. I am so grateful for this experience and to be able to witness first hand the incredible work DDI is accomplishing. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of the mission!

The first Healing Hands Medical Mission Trip has come to an end, and as I sit on this plane and reflect on my time in Kenya, the children of Victory School are heavily on my mind. Their openness to giving and receiving love is inspirational; it was difficult to leave them. They are the true definition of resilience. They are happy, they are learning and they are growing, despite some of the harsh realities they are facing. I feel so fortunate to be able to partner with DDI and experience first hand the work they do for those children and witness how they are blessing lives. The need is there! And DDI is doing the work.

The biggest thing I am taking away from this trip is that this isn’t just a one and done deal. There is so much more to be done for these kids and I hope the connections made during this experience are relationships that I can continue to grow and serve in the future. Thank you to Dr. Bri the OT for organizing this mission trip and bringing us all together. Thank to Donna for your leadership and sharing your vision with all of us and thank you to the rest of the team for being so incredible. This has been an experience I will never forget!

“Above all Lord, we pray as we look to the future, we will continue to look to you for guidance, continue to be a blessing to those around us, and continue to look for ways to be engaged in ‘the mission’, even after returning home.” 

Brooke Foote 

My time here in Kenya has been so surreal. I have always always loved international travel but had no idea how to bridge that with helping others. DDI has provided me with the ability to put my skills to use in another country to help make a difference while simultaneously enjoying myself tremendously. Being in Kenya and putting my knowledge of basic first aid and occupational therapy to use has been so fulfilling! There is such a need here in Nairobi and the surrounding areas for basic first aid supplies, school support, medical need, and more. I loved being able to work directly with the children and have lots of fun along the way. This trip has made my dreams come true! This experience checked things off my bucket list that I didn’t even realize were there to begin with. The children’s smiles have filled me with so much joy. Nothing beats lending a helping hand and making a difference in these children’s lives! 

I can’t believe I’m actually in Kenya! Being here and working directly with the children of Victory School and Smart Minds has been such an amazing experience. All of the children are so talented and unique in their own way and I’m so glad I’m able to work directly with them! We have had SO much fun; not only did we make our occupational therapy screening fun with blocks, coloring, cutting, and stringing beads, but we also had balloons, bubbles, and a parachute! All of these kids beautiful smiles light up the entire room. I have loved every minute of this experience thanks to Dorcas Destiny International! 

Jackie Rufrano 


Hello world, my name is Jackie and I’m reporting live from KENYA! This has been a dream come true for me. I’m still waking up in disbelief that I’m actually here! It’s been magical, emotional, exciting, and everything in between. BUT..don’t get me wrong, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows either. Whether I’m physically exhausted from the long days and the time change, or emotionally exhausted from self-reflection, there has been a lot of obstacles that come with volunteering abroad. Despite it all, I would give everything I have to extend my trip. This has been life-changing in the best way. I have watched myself grow and my character build after just being here for a few days. The friendships I’ve made, the foods I’ve tried, the places I’ve seen, it makes every fire ant bite and bumpy car ride worth it. To think I’m leaving soon devastates me, but I am choosing to focus on being in the moment and giving everything I have to offer to the beautiful children and teachers at victory school!


Well, the day I was dreading has finally come: departure day. While I cried a lot (big surprise for those of you who know me) I know it is time to go home, recharge, and continue my mission by spreading awareness back home! I am beyond thankful for everyone who helped bring this Helping Hands 2023 mission to life. Whether it be the organizers, the volunteers, the donators, or even those who simply spread the word, you all made this possible and deserve a huge round of applause! It is because of all of you that these beautiful children are nourished, educated, and loved! And wow, do these children have a lot of love to give! I don’t think I’ve ever been hugged so much in my entire life and seem so many smiling faces when I’ve walked into a room. Talk about a confidence boost!

In many ways, the students at victory school actually served as my teachers. They taught me a lot about myself, this thing we call life, and more importantly, their lives. I also picked up Kiswahili way quicker than I thought I would thanks to them, which seemed to surprise a lot of the students. It makes me want to keep learning while I’m back home in preparation for the next round! I can’t wait to hopefully return to Victory School and impress everyone with my (very basic) Kiswahili.

Looking back, I feel like I blinked and Kenya is behind me. It’s so funny how time works. I’ve spoken about volunteering in Africa for years, then it became a reality, and I planned for months, then I was there for a couple weeks, and suddenly, I’ve been home for days. It’s such a strange feeling, and in a lot of ways, this concept is packed with emotions for me. How can it be over already, just like that!? But my mother, the wise woman she is, reminds me that life is a river, and we must float along with it. “Nothing is forever” I can hear her reminding me as I type this. I hate when she’s right.

Kenya has forever touched me. From how welcoming the people are, how delicious the food is, and how rich the culture is, it all left such an impact on me. Through the good, the bad, and the ugly, this missions trip to Kenya will remain one of my most treasured memories. I know in my heart of hearts I will return to this wonderful place, but until then, time to get back to school, finish my OT degree, and start slowing building up my donations for the next round! Let’s do this!

Ashley Henry-Kenya

During Trip:

The amount of joy the kids have shown us is indescribable. I was hesitant in coming because I thought my niche and expertise would not have a great impact. On the first day at Victory, I knew I was wrong. The kids, teachers, and everyone in the village gave us a warm welcome. They greeted us with so much love. I was excited to share my fitness and tips on how to get more active in your routine schedule. The students were engaged and the teachers were like sponges. These first few days have been inspirational and full of work. I underestimated the amount of time we would spend completing this medical mission. It has truly been a lot of work and takes commitment and all worthwhile. I am excited about the Adventure Days Helping Hands has planned for us. Not only are we paying it forward and working hard, we are enjoying Nairobi.

After Trip:

What a journey! Helping Hands made the mission trip to Nairobi a breeze from beginning to end. Dr. Bri coordinated such a captivating trip and gathered such beautiful people. The team was full of great professionals all with different passions and expertise all with the same goal. We all wanted to make a positive impact not only on the students at Victory but the village and all people we encountered in Nairobi, Kenya. I was inspired, educated, challenged, and enlightened during my time in Nairobi. Dorcas Destiny International plays such a vital role in the success and upkeep of Victory School. I was elated to have played a small role in a short time to continue the mission of DDI. At Victory, we were able to complete thorough assessments and give valuable education to the students and teachers of the school. Not only

were we able to give love, but we also gathered a ton of donations from people in the U.S. to give. As much information we were able to share with the people of Nairobi, I had a chance to learn more about their culture. I was blessed to visit two schools and a maximum-security prison. We not only educated and gave to the youth, but we also spread the gospel to adults and people in

leadership. We invested all of our time in being a blessing and purposeful to schools and places we visited. Becoming a Global Practitioner and fulfilling my first mission trip was nothing short of amazing. I am glad I trusted Dr. BritheOT and Helping Hands. Do not miss the next opportunity to love and give to those in need.


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Sponsor a child - $30 monthly

As a reminder, your generosity assists a vulnerable or orphaned child at Victory School in Baba Dogo slum, Nairobi or Motivated By Love King’s Academy, Opoya village, Migori County, both in Kenya, East Africa. Dorcas Destiny International has on-site supporters in Kenya who regularly report conditions, while our Founder/Executive Director, and other missionaries visit Kenya several times per year to monitor activities and lead activities with the children. We don’t just send; we go! If you would ever like to join us on a trip, please reach out so we can help you make plans! We thank you so much for your partnership and support! 



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Forest Park, IL 60130

+1 (800) 368-9656

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