3. What are some of your goals or dreams for the future, now? Matt shared that he’s about to become a father, “I would like that child to live in a world where people experiencing poverty and homelessness are not looked down upon” and are seen as worthy of the opportunity to live meaningful lives. Maddie hopes to own land and horses, and work with animals. Julia shared that one of her dreams is to work in the medical field. As a young mom of 4 kids (including an 11-month-old), she’s looking forward to training to become a lactation consultant to help other moms like herself.

4. What was most helpful to you when you were struggling in the past? Matt said that other people who were kind, patient, and compassionate were the most helpful, “Without them I wouldn’t be who I am today. We can only do so much alone; we can do a lot more together.” Julia shared that the YAB was there for her when she was struggling and made her feel she wasn’t alone in experiencing homelessness as a teen. “The YAB taught me that youth need to have a voice and helped encourage me to help other youth with lived experiences to … stand up for themselves, advocate for themselves … Be BIG.”