A community of learners over 50
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August, 2023 | Vol 3, No. 10 | |
Welcoming The Anticipated Abundance of Fall!
We’re steadily progressing through a great year in our program. And as we prepare to enter one of our largest terms, there is much transition to note.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is quoted as saying, “Change is the only constant in life.” That statement perfectly describes OLLI-USF’s current situation.
Our program is no longer under USF's Innovative Education’s oversight but has found a new home under the University Community Partnerships’ umbrella. This newly formed department will focus on building the university’s brand with internal and external partners.
OLLI is already aligned with that mission as we continue to expand our reach throughout the county. We are constantly welcoming new members into our classes and community.
As the new season approaches and members return from their many travels, I’m eager to witness the anticipated abundance of fall. We are favored to have a cadre of incredible volunteer instructors who will provide unique opportunities for learning in a variety of subject areas.
Finally, let’s remain diligent in our quest for growth and continue inviting others to join our family of lifelong learners.
Stay Curious.
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It's hard to believe while we are experiencing extremely hot, humid, unbearable weather that fall is approaching when the weather should be more tolerable. Not only will we be delighted for a reprieve of a temperature change, we will be looking forward to OLLI’s fall term. What will this bring us? - a new fall catalog and on-line viewing of the catalog, new classes, another fabulous Open House (at the Glazer JCC) and the start of exciting classes. Listed to the right you will find important dates in regard to the new session, which is approaching fast. | |
Aug. 18 - Fall Catalog Online
Aug. 22 - New Member Roundtable Luncheon
Aug. 28 - Fall Registration
Sept. 6 - Open House
Sept. 8 - Fall term starts
Jan. 31, 2024 - Membership Drive Competition ends.
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Meet Judy Hanna
2023 Award of Excellence Recipient
The Volunteer Recognition Awards honor volunteers who have made significant contributions to the mission and values of OLLI-USF. In May, the awards were presented to four individuals and two teams. Over the next few months, OLLILife is introducing you to those award winners.
It was 2020, the height of the COVID pandemic, when we all stayed home, our social and professional activities at a standstill as we binged on TV and learned to bake bread.
Judy Hanna was bored. She needed to find a safe way to break through the social isolation. Joining OLLI, taking online classes, and babysitting her grandsons was great, but she wanted more.
So with the help of fellow OLLI member Robyn Cheung and several others, Judy organized a trio of social groups over Zoom.
There was the book group where about 20 OLLI members gathered in front of their computers every few months to discuss favorite books.
For wine lovers, there was the group that met on line every month while sipping mutually-agreed-upon wines they had purchased beforehand.
And then there was Guilty Pleasures, which Judy describes as one of her favorites. “We were in COVID lockdown and people would sheepishly admit they’d just watched all of the TV show Endeavor or Call the Midwife. So we called the group Guilty Pleasures. We’d get together on Zoom and people would talk about things, and we’d laugh and have a good time.
“All these groups did what they were supposed to do,” she says. “They introduced people to each other in a time when we couldn’t do it any other way.”
Then Judy bought a bike. And the Bike Group, a part of the Outdoors Shared Interest Group (SIG), was born.
“I was a member of the Outdoors SIG and I was biking by myself. So I asked (SIG Leader) Diane White if I could start a biking group. Then I went out and found some SIG members who were interested,” Judy says.
Today, the Bike Group is still going strong, Judy says. “It’s a great group of about 27 people. We’re friends and bikers, and we’re getting good exercise in the outdoors,” she says.
“We have people who are strong bikers, who can ride fast for a long distance. And there are some people who are less skilled, less confident, who ride for shorter distances, slower speeds. We all support each other and make sure everybody has a good bike experience.”
All those activities, plus her continued involvement in Outdoors and her Zoom hosting for Scattergories earned Judy a special recognition in May: the 2023 Award of Excellence. This award is presented to an OLLI member who makes an outstanding contribution to a one-time event or project.
Judy’s projects for OLLI have brought people together and enhanced their lives. But these are just the latest activities Judy has undertaken to enhance – and actually save – people’s lives.
Nursing and Research
Those activities began 42 years ago at Bayfront Medical Center, when Judy launched her career as a nurse, working in the ICU caring for open heart surgery patients. Later she switched to obstetrical nursing and providing childbirth education to expectant parents at Women’s Hospital.
But after 20 years of direct patient care, Judy was ready for a change. So she answered an ad in a newspaper and joined the field of medical research.
“They were looking for an RN who was organized and willing to travel. It was the best job I ever had,” Judy says.
Over the next 22 years, Judy worked with physicians and research centers on studies of new medications and medical devices. Her job was to train the staff, monitor their work, review the data and ensure the data was well-documented. Over time, she became a consultant and would design studies and protocols for her clients.
Her work took her around the country, visiting cities on both coasts, and to distant locations. She managed a head lice study in the slums of Guatemala City and trained researchers on how to conduct an FDA a study in Romania on a drug to combat hepatitis C. Her work also brought her to Amsterdam, England, Puerto Rico, and Canada.
She helped investigate chemotherapy drugs, heartburn medication, allergy meds and a host of other medicines. Many of them are today enhancing and/or saving the lives of millions of people.
“It was fun,” Judy says. “I learned something every day, and I was making a contribution at the same time.”
Coming To A Halt
But after 22 years of working in the research field, Judy’s career was brought to a sudden halt by a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma.
So what did Judy, the expert in medical research, do? She entered a research study at Moffitt Cancer Center that was looking into a treatment for melanoma. The study showed that the treatment could be successful.
Judy is living proof.
“It’s now 10 years later, and I’m still alive,” she says.
Now Judy is enjoying life to the fullest. OLLI is a major part of that enjoyment, she says, and winning the award was very much a highlight.
“I’m so honored that people would acknowledge what I did,” she says. “I will continue to work with OLLI. It’s an organization with so many things you can do using your skills and talents. I have met so many wonderful people, and I’m glad to be making a contribution.”
--Sandy Buckley
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Lunch With a Chinese Flair
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Pictured left to right: Barbara, Ginny, Mary Lou, Arlene, Joyce | |
Pictured left to right: Thalia Mary, Ric | |
Conviviality and Celebrations opted for lunch, Chinese style, recently at Yummy House China Bistro in Tampa, for their July meeting. Over 25 OLLI members and guests dined on a variety of Chinese favorites while enjoying the conversation and camaraderie.
This group meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at various eateries in the local area to celebrate and recognize birthdays and other special occasions. Their next luncheon is scheduled for Wed, Aug. 23, at 1 p.m., at Tiki Docks, 10704 Palmetto St., in Riverview.
All are invited to join in the fun. Email Kat Hanscom for more information.
--Photos, Kat Hanscom
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We learn from our fellow OLLI members from their experiences and travels.
A Fascinating Trip To Asia: So Many
OLLI China SIG Co-Leader Kun Shi recently shared experiences from his 75-day trip to China, Sri Lanka and Thailand this spring. He addressed a group of over 25 OLLI members and residents at Unisen Senior Living Facility and shared breathtaking photos from his travels.
Kun reported that he was fascinated by the nature and culture in Sri Lanka and Thailand, particularly the wisdom of Theravada Buddhism commonly practiced there. Additionally, he visited Kunming in southwest China where he was born.
Kun mentioned that the last time he visited Kunming was in 2019. What impressed him on this trip were the traditional festivals (such as the Qingming or Tomb-Sweeping and the Water-Splashing Festivals) and functional religious institutions, including Buddhist and Daoist temples and Christian churches.
According to Kun, there are four churches in Kunming. He was most impressed by the magnificent Beichen Christian Church built in 2015-16. He visited the church several times while in Kunming and was pleasantly surprised to witness 41 graduating students from the Yunhan Christian Seminary singing psalms on May 21. These young men and women, mostly from minority ethnic groups, studied at the seminary for three years and would soon become pastors in different parts of Yunan province.
Kun’s final note about Beichen Church was that at the end of each service, huge QR codes are displayed on the wall screens so those attending church can use their phones to make donations. Yet another surprise to see new technology being adopted by the church.
--Story and photos by Kun Shi
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Beichen Church
with QR Codes displayed
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Our lives differ from person to person with our eating habits, clothing styles, how we spend our money, hobbies, etc. The results in the just for fun poll that was in July's issue of OLLILife shows we also vary on how to handle those darn shoelaces.
While some prefer to struggle with getting their shoes on and off without undoing the laces, or forcing the shoes off when tied and then undoing the laces before putting them back on, those options are not for everyone. The results of the poll showed an overwhelming response of doing as their mother taught them - always undo the laces when taking the shoes off! Bet there are a lot of moms smiling!
A graph that indicates the final percentages of each available choice in last month's poll is attached here.
Watch for the next poll in the September edition of OLLILife!
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Greetings From the Membership Committee Chair
Getting to know OLLI members personally is a big priority. But we’re scattered all over Hillsborough County with pockets in Pasco, Pinellas and Polk counties. You can’t all come to OLLI, but OLLI can come to you.
Wanted: I need two or more OLLI members from the following seven zip codes available for breakfast in August or early September at a restaurant in your zip code. Bring your life, your interests and what you believe will best serve OLLI members in your neighborhood. If August doesn’t work, we can find another mutually agreeable time.
Zip Code Circles: 33604, 33626, 33549, 34698, 33511, 33606, 33584
Interested? Call or text Pam Tyler, 575-779-1382, or email her.
Mobilizing Membership: Meeting in person at classes or OLLI events is often much preferred to Zoom activities, but transportation issues can get in the way. Would an OLLI Shared Ride list be of value? Would you be willing to transport OLLI members to a class or big event?
Let’s think about ways this might work. Send your ideas to the committee.
Please email Pam Tyler.
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The Membership Committee has an article each month introducing a new OLLI member. Congratulations and welcome to OLLI’s newest members. | |
Meet Nancy Baily-Williamson
Nancy joined OLLI just under two years ago. She grew up in Pittsburgh but has lived in Tampa for over 25 years. She transferred here during her career as the chief executive of an insurance company that she helped create. Nancy is an avid golfer who plays in a women’s league in Carrollwood.
Nancy also enjoys travel. Every year she goes on a trip with her siblings (and includes her husband when she can get him to go). Their most recent trip was to England and Scotland. In Scotland, she visited St Andrew’s Golf Club and had this picture taken on Swilcan Bridge on the Old Course.
During her time at OLLI, Nancy has particularly enjoyed Howard Kerner’s classes on the Holocaust. She loves the stories of the many good and brave people who risked everything to save the lives of others. Nancy also enjoys less serious classes, learning about the Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, and the ghosts of Tampa Theater.
Nancy has become really involved in the OLLI organization. She is serving as the SIG liaison this year, meaning she summarizes and reports on all SIG activities to the OLLI-USF Board of Advisors. Now, she is looking for someone to shadow her work this year, as she shadowed Kathy Palmer last year. That individual would then assume the role next year. If you are interested, please email Nancy.
--Shirley Herring
--Photo, Nancy Baily-Williamson
Attention New Members
If you are in your first year of OLLI membership, we want to get to know you and hear about your experiences.
Please join us on Tues., Aug. 22, at 12:30 p.m., for the New Member Roundtable Dutch Treat Luncheon at Brunchies, 14366 North Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa.
This is a regular gathering of new and existing members to exchange ideas on how to improve and expand the OLLI experience while we create new friendships.
Please join us by emailing Sally Ordway, or leave a message at
813-351-0974 by Tues., Aug. 15.
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Grant Writers Needed
Do you have grant writing experience?
The OLLI Board of Advisors is looking for volunteers with grant writing experience.
Volunteers would assist George Hyde with a new fundraising project for the benefit of OLLI.
If this is you, please contact George Hyde.
We look forward to hearing from you.
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New - OLLI Think Tank Shared Interest Group (SIG)
Here's a quiz (no pass or fail):
If you're like most people, you imagine think tanks to be full of:
A: Highly educated but boring academics
B: Politically motivated zealots
C: People who are too smart for you to hang out with
Actually, there are over 1,000 think tanks just in the United States, and you can find some that fit any of the concepts that have just been laid out. But the basic idea of a think tank is a place where people can get together to kick around exciting ideas with, in many cases, practical applications.
OLLI-USF would like to develop a Think Tank Shared Interest Group (SIG). It will be up to the SIG's members to determine the specific ideas it develops and nurtures and the extent to which it tries to implement them within OLLI-USF or our broader society. But to quote an adage, A journey of 1,000 miles starts with a single step. And that first step is finding 12 interested people to get the SIG established.
If you are interested in joining or finding out more information on this SIG, please email Neil Cosentino.
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New Discussion Group Forming: Behind-The-Scenes With Books, Etc.
This new group is an adjunct to the Operatunity SIG, but you don't need to join the SIG to participate. It is open to all OLLI members!
The new group will meet on Zoom at 3 p.m. on the dates listed below to discuss the books. Some of these books have related movies available to stream.
Sept 18 - Dead Man Walking, by Sr. Helen Prejean
Oct 16 - The Three Mothers: How the Mothers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and James Baldwin Shaped a Nation, by Anna Malaika Tubbs
Feb 19, 2024 - Bel Canto, by Ann Patchett
Mar 18, 2024 - Saturday Afternoons at the Old Met, by Paul Jackson
Please email Kathryn Alyson for more information on this new group and instructions on how to join.
--Kathryn Alyson
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Volunteer Opportunities
The Membership Committee is looking for volunteers to help with upcoming short-term projects:
1. Catalog Distribution: Six volunteers are needed to distribute OLLI Fall Catalogs to various sites during the first week of September.
2. Phone Tree Volunteers: Four enthusiastic OLLI-savvy members are needed to welcome new members personally by making six phone calls monthly. Brief Zoom training and relevant OLLI news updates will be provided.
Call or text Pam Tyler, 575-779-1382, or email her.
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Amazing Globetrotting Travels – you are invited!
Explore the world with adventurous members of the OLLI Outdoors SIG.
We will have five-minute presentations from SIG members about their recent globetrotting travels to New Zealand, China, Antarctica, the Swiss Alps, Tuscany, Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons.
Everyone is invited! Who knows: you might discover a new travel destination.
Please mark your calendar to “Zoom” around the globe with OLLI Outdoors on Friday, Aug. 25, at 3 p.m. on Zoom:
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Challenge For OLLI Members To Help Save Lives
OLLI-USF Advisory Board Member George Hyde and longtime OLLI member and Volunteer Lew Alpert are looking into whether OLLI-USF, and other OLLI chapters across the state can help with an important challenge.
The pair recently attended the inaugural Meteorology and Emergency Communications Summit in St. Petersburg. The conference was co-sponsored by the Florida Department of Emergency Management and the Florida Association of Broadcasters.
Speakers at the conference said their biggest communications problem is effective messaging to people 60 and over.
Lew and George made it clear they believe our organization can help them meet that challenge and save lives as a result. They are now following up on media and emergency communications contacts made during the meeting and will keep you posted on what happens next.
Your ideas would be a great asset! Please contact George Hyde with any suggestions.
Pictured above, OLLI-USF Advisory Board Member George Hyde (right) and former National Hurricane Center Director and Weather Channel Tropical Weather Specialist Rick Knabb at the Meteorology and Emergency Communications Summit
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The National Resource Center (NRC) produces a monthly newsletter called OLLI News with information from across the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute network. The newsletter reports on topics such as new programs and classes offered by OLLIs around the country, OLLI member achievements, awards and accolades, Osher Institute outreach and community activities, OLLI programs featured in other publications and websites, special events, photos, videos and much more. | |
In May, OLLILife ran an article about the OLLI-USF Outdoor SIG’s 90-minute eco-tour of Tampa Bay, during which 22 members thoroughly enjoyed the learning experience.
The NRC learned about the eco-tour, decided it was something other OLLIs would enjoy hearing about, and decided to share the experience in OLLI News. You can read about the Outdoor SIG’s adventure along with other articles the NRC has included in its latest edition here.
It is very exciting to have one of OLLI-USF’s groups recognized in the NRC's national newsletter. One Outdoor SIG member said she was "super psyched" after learning that the SIG was featured in the edition.
While some of our OLLI members already receive the monthly NRC newsletter, some of you aren’t aware it exists. Please note that every OLLI member can subscribe to the NRC newsletter. The option to sign up is listed after the edition's greeting section. Just click on the "subscribe" button. Easy Peasy! It's a good way to find out each month what the other 124 OLLIs have happening in their neck of the woods.
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Nancy Baily-Williamson, SIG Liaison
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For more information on OLLI SIGs, see the full list here. Several of the SIGs meet on Zoom; others are meeting in person and are organizing group outings and events. To visit a SIG, email the contact(s) below. | |
Community of Readers and Writers
For further information about this SIG, email readersandwriters@aol.com.
China SIG
For more information about the China SIG, email Nancy Stuart.
Food, Glorious Food!
Food, Glorious Food! will not have monthly meetings in June, July and August. But wait! We will be continuing the Lunch Bunch and the ABC Cooking Club through the summer. If you want to be involved/informed (if you are not already on our roster), just send a note to Sandy Buckley. Happy Florida summer, everyone!
Hablemos! Spanish Conversation SIG
Zoom Meeting: Tues., Aug. 1 and 15, from 3 until 4:30 p.m. All levels of Spanish speakers welcome. Email olli.hablemos@gmail.com for more information.
Games SIG
Online Games:
We will not be meeting in August. Join us for Scattergories, Thurs., Sept. 14, at 3:30 p.m. Email Kathy Palmer for the link.
Board Games:
Thurs., Aug. 17, from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., at the Seminole Heights Library, 4711 N. Central Ave., Room 223, Tampa.
Please email Robyn Cheung or call her at 215-880-9212 to RSVP.
German Conversation
Tues., Aug. 8 and 22, at 1 p.m. For more information, contact Christine Basch.
Ici on parle français!
Mon., Aug. 7 and 21, at 1 p.m. For an invitation, contact Theresa Sokol.
Write Time for Poets
We will not be meeting in July, August, or September. Meetings will resume in October. For more information about this SIG, email Cath Mason.
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OLLI Outdoors
Join over 200 OLLI members in the Outdoors SIG! OLLI Outdoors has many plans for our season starting Fri., Aug. 25, at 3 p.m., with its Welcome Back Zoom meeting.
September includes a hike at John Chestnut Senior Park, an online presentation on the upcoming solar eclipses, and a docent-led trip through the USF Special Collections Library. And this is just the tip of the iceberg! The season will be full of hiking, biking, and kayaking. While many outdoor events are on hiatus for the summer, SIG members will get email notices for cool or shady special events. Email Diane and Donna at OLLIOutdoors@gmail.com for more information and to join in the fun.
Want to learn about nature from the air-conditioned comfort of your home? We have our own movie channel! Summer is a great time to watch our recorded programs like the science of bird migration in our Outdoors showcase at https://vimeo.com/showcase/8985414
Operatunity will not hold meetings during the summer months. The next membership meeting will be Mon., Sept. 25, at 10 a.m., at Unitarian Universalist Church of Tampa (UUCT). For details and more information about this SIG, contact Derrie Perez.
Politics SIG
The next meeting will be at Compton Park, Wed., Aug. 9, at 1 p.m. Email Doug Dallio for more information.
For information about the Shutterbugs SIG, please email Jean Nixon.
Talking Movies
Fri., Aug. 18, at 1:30 p.m. Watch a movie and then get together on Zoom to talk about it. Movie to be determined. For more information about this SIG, contact Arlene Zimney.
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Carolyn Clark is our Goodwill Ambassador, sending notes of support, congratulations and comfort on our behalf. If you or another OLLI member have a significant personal event, please let Carolyn know. | |
Send Us Your News
OLLILife wants to share topics of interest that pertain to OLLI-USF and other OLLIs in the country.
Send your article to ollinewsusf@gmail.com to reach your editors Sandy Buckley, Pat Dodge, Veronica Maxwell, and Kathy Palmer. If possible, please send a picture along with the article as pictures help tell the story.
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