Friday Newsletter

July 28, 2023

This Sunday

Worship Service: 10 am

Coffee Hour: following service

Worship Notes

Dear Westminster members & friends,

This week is part 2 of the Great Presbyterian Preacher Swap. Pastor Greg from First Pres-Salem will be delivering the sermon with the second half of “Shall the Fundamentalists Win?” If you have not yet checked out some of the resources associated with this infamous sermon first given in 1922, take a listen to Brian McLaren’s reflections on it here: Riverside Church The Race for Christianity (Brian McLaren) - Riverside Church ( I will also be in worship this week since First Pres is having evening worship on the 30th. On August 13 and 20, you will get to hear my own reflections on “Shall the Fundamentalists Win?” in our Sunday morning worship together. We may be in the warm and lazy days of summer but our worship time over the next six weeks is full of art, creativity, food, and challenging questions. We continue to look at our Bible tales with the question “Is there more than one story being told here?” and will re-visit Ezekiel, Moses, and Joseph with his multi-colored coat.


Ever onward,

Pastor Kelly

August 2023 In Worship ~ Boulder Hall

8/6 Plethora of Produce Sunday with Communion around the Tables; Hiroshima Remembrance Day

  • Ezekiel 37--Ezekiel & the Wheel

8/13 “Shall the Fundamentalists Win (part 1)?”

  • Exodus 1--Israelites Make Straw Bricks

8/20 “Shall the Fundamentalists Win (part 2)?”

  • Exodus 3--Moses & Burning Bush

8/27 Worship Service with Creative Reflection

  • Genesis 37--Joseph & the Multi-Color Coat


Plethora of Plenty--August 6 is the time to share the bounty from your garden. We will be seated around the tables in Boulder Hall for our communion service. Bring your garden bounty as the centerpiece for your table. If you are able, bring “nibbles” for the table also...sliced apples, grapes, zucchini muffins, peach bread, etc... If you can't, don't worry, this is plethora of plenty Sunday. We will share. 

Smile! Photo Directory time is coming! We all want to get to know each other and a new photo directory will help. This will be a simpler version than we have in past years, done completely in-house with volunteer labor. No fancy slick photo packages to buy. We just need your picture! Sign Ups begin in the narthex August 6, so bring your calendar! Photo shoot dates are scheduled to happen between August 27-September 11 at the church. Online sign-up option coming week of Aug 6.


Women's Night Out is Monday, August 14 at 6 pm at Red Lobster. Please RSVP to Susan Ray ( or 503-319-0511).

Men's Night Out is Tuesday, August 15 at 6 pm at The Ram. Please RSVP to Bill Faust ( or 908-415-7875).

The Pastor’s Bible Study on Tuesdays @ 10:30am is continuing its summer schedule with a variety of interesting topics. They are open to everyone--feel free to drop in any week!

8/1 & 8/8: “The Woman King”

8/15: Culture & First Century Life

8/22: Jeffrey Larkin's dissertation presentation

8/29 & 9/5: Off

9/12: Narrative Lectionary year 2 begins

Save the Date

8/29: Family BBQ & Potluck (6 pm)

In the Community

Westminster is hosting a forum for the mainline, progressive faith community to meet Salem-Keizer School District's new superintendent, Andrea Castañeda, on Sunday, August 6, at 4 pm. She will offer a short description of her plans for the district, and there will be an opportunity for questions and dialogue. View or share flyer here.

Never Again! Event at Riverfront Park on August 6, Hiroshima & Nagasaki Day, 4:30-7:00 pm. See flyer for details.

You're invited to Widening the Circle of Belonging, an event featuring Rev. Ben McBride, August 14, 5:30-7:00 pm at Chemeketa Eola Wine Studies Center. McBride is the co-founder of the Empower Initiative and author of Troubling the Water: The Urgent Work of Radical Belonging. See flyer for details.


Scout Troop Update: The session continues to be in hopeful dialogue with troop 108 and are working toward next steps for health and healing. Thank you for your prayers. Please direct any questions to the Clerk @ or Pastor Kelly @”

The week of July 30, office hours will be Monday-Wednesday, 9 am-12 pm with limited office support available.

Summer Staff Schedule Info (July-August):

Ariana and Jeffrey are out July 30.

Vik will be in Puerto Rico leading the team July 30-August 11.

Krisha will be on vacation July 31-August 4.

Access the full church calendar here.  

Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am! Next newsletter will go out August 11.

Pray for

Family of Bob Cooper, former member, who passed away recently.

Robert Heath, who asks for prayers for his health.

**If you would like a written prayer included in Sunday's worship bulletin, please email or call the church office (; 503-364-3327) or fill out the prayer request form on the website by Thursday at 10 am each week.


Table of Plenty has urgent need for peanut butter! Place donations in bin across from the coat racks in the narthex.

Fifth Sunday Donation Drive--Hygiene Items for Church @ the Park (July 30 Deadline)

We are asking for the following hygiene items to be brought to the MPEJ corner of the narthex:

  • Shampoo and Conditioner
  • Body Wash
  • Razors
  • Deodorant
  • Face Wash, Makeup

School Supply Drive: 8/9-8/31

It is that time of year for the annual Backpack School Supply Drive! In addition to continuing our tradition of filling backpacks for elementary and middle school students, this year we will also be helping South Salem High School with their school supply drive. Look for the giving tree and supply lists in the narthex starting Wednesday, August 9. Please consider supporting youth in the community to have a successful 2023-2024 school year! 

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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