Yes & No
Spring is a funny thing - there is a lot of excitement generated by organizations and individuals when they begin to restlessly anticipate implementing plans made through the dark and cold of winter. But really, we still have one more month to get through - with more rain, wind, cold, and sharp weather softened just a bit by longer days with a weak sun. This year, with all the extra rain and late, heavy snow, Woodlawn has decided to say No to foot traffic on the trails (until you hear otherwise!). The mud and the drainage issues mean that people traversing the trails will negatively impact the trails as they dry out - damage to the trail bed but also to the sides of the trails as you try to avoid the large puddles. So please, until it is consistently warm and a lot of the water has drained away, respect the signs that indicate we have closed the trail network until further notice. The paths around the hay fields are available for dog walking and are dry(ish!). Be careful with parking as well - really - just be careful. This has been a wet and damaging season - there are still so many fallen limbs. Which leads to an early chance to say Yes - April is National Volunteer Month so we would love you to say Yes to the idea of coming up to help Woodlawn at our spring clean up day (April 16) and, among other projects, literally pick up sticks so that when the grass greens up, we can start mowing safely!
There is a lot more for Yes! The lecture series continues to fill up - when it comes to learning, there are a lot of you who are eagerly saying Yes. Keep that enthusiasm up and consider a big Yes to the invitation to join Senior College and to renew your membership later this month! We have had excellent response to the many education programs - over 40 teachers were in the Barn learning about Wabanki studies on Saturday. Also, organizations and individuals are regularly reaching out about using the Barn for which we are grateful. While we want to say Yes to everyone, we have to be careful about occupancy limits and cover our costs - we want you to be here, we welcome your enquiries, and together, let's find a fair and safe Yes!
Last but certainly not least, we will be launching a new fundraiser next month that will let you put your name (or the name of someone you love!) in stone to demonstrate your Yes when you think about how critical Woodlawn is for the community: to learn, play, and appreciate this special place. The No at our Trailhead is temporary, the Yes is for a great future, together!
Thanks for caring about Woodlawn.
Kathy Young