Spring Happenings

HSAD loved the field trip to a Cleveland Chargers game!

101 Vocabulary Test

6th grade celebrated with ice cream after acing their 101 vocabulary test in Ms. Mills' class!

Robotics Tournment

Two robotics teams contested for our school at Elyria High School, Ohio. All two teams performed and behaved excellently and as a result, Team A emerged as the second team while Team B emerged as the fifth team among all the 21 teams!


At the beginning of the year, they were not familiar with any Robotics equipment and game elements, however, through hard work with some assistance, just by observation, they formed their robot and contested very well.


From the beginning to the end of the contest, our six boys showed outstanding performance, scoring more than 60 points in every eight games they played. All the audience applauded them, in fact, almost all the participants came and congratulated them and as the coaches, we were very proud of them for the entire day

United Skates Field Trip

Reading Time with Friends

4th and 6th graders have been visiting kindergarten and 1st grade to read with them. This has been fun for everyone! Older students visit their younger friends once a week to work with them on their reading

Check out even more pictures on our school Facebook account and don't forget to "Like" and "Share" our page!
Horizon Science Academy Denison 1700 Denison Ave. Cleveland, OH
Phone: 216-739-9911
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