2024 Volume 5-Issue 11

Serving St. Lawrence, Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis, Clinton, & Essex Counties

SNAP-Ed is a FREE, confidential nutrition education program that helps families manage food resources during tough economic times. The Extension Nutrition Team of knowledgeable nutrition educators provide practical, hands-on activities, and skills for healthy meal prep, as well as explore the importance of physical activity in a healthy lifestyle for the community members in the North Country.

Visit our website for more recipes and tips for eating healthy for yourself and your family.

Visit our Website

Let's Move More in April!

Move More Month 2024 includes National Walking Day and much more each week.

Let's Get Healthy For Good!

Week One:

National Walking Day is April 3rd, 2024, so lace up those shoes and get out for a walk. Even if you can get up and walk for a 15 minute break. There are so many benefits!

  • Walk more. Stress Less. Walking is the most popular form of exercise. It's no wonder! For most people it is safe, low or no-cost, and it is easy to stick with.

  • Lower your chances of heart disease. Research has shown that walking can have a significant impact on your health by lowering your chances of heart disease!

  • Walking at a lively pace at least 150 minutes a week (30 minutes 5 days a week) can help you think better, feel better, and sleep better.

Week Two:

Unleash the power of pets! Having an animal companion can be good for your physical and mental health.

  • Dog owners are more likely to fit in the recommended physical activity and more likely to reach their fitness goals. Having a pet may change habits in ways that can help you stay fit too.

  • If you can't get a pet just yet, consider volunteering at a local animal shelter as a pet walker. This is so beneficial for the pets waiting for their forever home and rewarding for you as well. Consider pet-sitting for a friend or help a neighbor by taking their pet for a stroll.

For more information visit: Move More Together | American Heart Association

The benefits of healthy eating add up over time, bite by bite!

Recipe of the Week

Pasta Salad

Easy and delicious, make this tasty pasta salad for your next get together. Try an even healthier spin, use whole grain pasta!

For the recipe click here!

Have you checked out our Recipe Bank yet?

For more delicious recipes, tips & tricks and more please visit our SNAP-Ed NY website.

Tips and Tricks

Save time, save money, while still eating healthy!

Learn to cook at home!

Cooking.... Hmm, where do you start? Here are 8 tips to develop basic cooking skills, especially if you have a small kitchen, limited utensils, and appliances or a tight budget!

Click here for the 8 tips to learn to cook at home!


During March National Nutrition Month, SNAP-Ed and WIC partnered to host the "Fuel Your Family"event

at the Community Center in Massena.

The event brought together community and agencies. We want to send out a big "Thank You" to all the organizations and businesses that donated to our refreshments and snacks!

For food, such as fresh fruit, juice, water, healthy snacks, etc. we would like to thank Stewart's Shops, Price Chopper, Walmart, Kinney Drugs, and Massena Community Meal Site at First United Methodist Church!

For other items donated for raffles we would like to thank North Country Clean Energy Hub, The SLC People Project, Claxton Hepburn Medical Center, and Emlaw's Sweetness Apiary.

Thank you to Joey Collins for the live music!

Thank to all the other programs that brought information and incentives to share with the community.


Hey Kids!

Can you help Chef Solus's friends unscramble these grocery store words?

(Click on the picture below to print or get the answer key)

Upcoming Classes


Check out our Calendar

Click to see more upcoming classes!

Sign up for Benefits now!
The Supplemental Nutrition Program (SNAP) provides nutrition assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet.

To find out more about SNAP Benefits and other assistance program you may be eligible for visit:
If you need help applying for SNAP, call or email a Nutrition Outreach and Education Program (NOEP) Coordinator. NOEP Coordinators tell you if you may be eligible for SNAP, answer any questions you may have, and help you complete and submit your application. It is free and confidential.

St. Lawrence- Maximizing Independent Living Center- 315-764-9442 x405
Jefferson- Outreach Coordinator of Food Bank of NNY. -315-437-1899 x279
Clinton -Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York, Inc.- 518-563-4022 x112
Franklin- Maximizing Independent Living Center -518-483-2151

SNAP-ED would like your feedback on our newsletters!

We are interested in your opinion and suggestions as to what you would like to see in our newsletters. Please take a moment to fill out the brief survey below. The survey is anonymous.

This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP.

If you have a disability and are having trouble accessing information in this newsletter or need materials in an alternate format, contact for assistance.

Cornell Cooperative Extension is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities & provides equal program and employment opportunities.