CLEAN Teacher Newsflash

May 3, 2023

Hello Anne,

May is mental health awareness month. In response to the climate crisis, many around the world, especially young people, have reported feeling overwhelmed, powerless, sad, and anxious. Overlooking emotions while learning about crushing climate data can cause anxiety, and helplessness, and impede our ability to learn and take action. How do we support youth in stepping up rather than shutting down?

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The Summer Institute for Climate Change Education

Are you looking for a professional learning experience to rejuvenate you?

Climate Generation and NOAA are co-leading the Summer Institute for Climate Change Education from July 17 to July 21. It's a virtual conference full of powerful and engaging keynote speakers, meaningful discussion about the intersection of social justice and climate change, and collaborative conservations between a national network of climate change education leaders.

$250 Registration. Scholarships available. Register here!

Mental Health Focused Lesson Plans

Explore the CLEAN Collection

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Tools for Educators: Climate Mental Health

Tools for Educators: Climate mental health

The following pages offer a brief review of strategies and resources for processing climate change-related emotions inspiring action together and hope for the future. The goal of these pages is to facilitate the expression, processing, and validation of youths' climate emotions. These pages are not a replacement for services from a mental health professional. Please seek professional help if any of your students or you are at risk.

Learn More

Teaching Climate Change Toward Empowerment

Beyond Gloom and Doom: How to teach climate change towards empowerment

There are both direct and indirect ways that climate change can affect mental health in youth. The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change highlights the increasing impacts of climate change around the world such as droughts, famine, heatwaves, species die-off, increased intensity of hurricanes and wildfires are reality and projected to increase.

The goal is to facilitate the expression, processing, and validation of youths' climate emotions while also encouraging positive emotions and reducing stress.

Learn More

Watch: Beyond Doom & Gloom

Teaching about climate change is filled with distressing information about the current and future impacts on our world, and naturally can have detrimental effects on youth's mental health. Educators will hear from youth about how they are handling this challenge and will walk away with a variety of strategies and activities to integrate into their curriculum as they engage with today's youth.

Watch Webinar Here

Climate & Mental Health Film Screening

GenZ Mental Health: Climate Stories - Screening and Live Panel

May 17, 2023, 3 pm - 4 pm MT (Virtual and in-person option)

Join CLEAN and the Renee Crown Institute for a special screening of Gen Z Mental Health: Climate Stories; followed by a live panel with Dr. Kris Karnauskas (climate scientist, CU Boulder), Dr. Joanna Arch (Psychologist, CU Boulder), and Tehya Jennett (Climate Activist and Filmmaker).

Register Here
Other CLEAN Resources
Accurate education about climate and energy topics has never been more important, and it can be challenging to locate reliable, vetted educational materials to use in your classroom. 
Explore the CLEAN collection of climate & energy learning resources
CLEAN supports teaching and learning about climate and energy with 850+ free peer-reviewed, scientifically accurate, and classroom-ready resources.
Browse the CLEAN collection by NGSS topics
CLEAN supports teaching and learning about climate and energy with 850+ free peer-reviewed, scientifically accurate, and classroom-ready resources.
Check out the CLEAN STEM Flash Library of past issues
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CLEAN is funded by grants from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NA12OAR4310143, NA12OAR4310142), the National Science Foundation (DUE-0938051, DUE-0938020, DUE-0937941) and the Department of Energy.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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