The Dickcissel, (Spiza americana), was first described by JF Gmelin in New York in 1789. Originally it was placed in a genus with New World Blackbirds, but recent studies have shown a strong relationship with New World sparrows too and is now placed in its own genus Spiza. It is the only member of the genus and is monotypic.
Dickcissels are migratory wintering in Mexico, Central and Northern South America and breeding in the central US and Southern Canada. It is a grassland bird typically found in weedy fields, pastures and small tress and hedgerows. It is often found flocking with other species in Winter notably House Sparrows.
In breeding season, it has a mixed diet of insects, especially grasshoppers, and some plant matter. In Winter it is almost wholly vegetarian especially sorghum and rice crops.
Males establish territory in late April and early May and loose nest of grass and twigs is constructed low but not on the ground entirely by the female. Three to six eggs are laid and are incubated for 12-13 days by the female only. Note Dickcissels are very territorial, and the male spends all its time defending this. Both parents feed the young while nestlings but only by the female once the young fledge. Note Dickcissels are a preferred host for Brown Headed Cowbirds.
Dickcissels are not threatened but numbers are erratically decreasing due to loss of Wintering grounds.
Dickcissels are very similar in size and shape to House Sparrows but thinner and with a larger bill. The cap is black with a yellow, white and gray face. The male has a black bib and a yellow breast. The nape is gray, the wings and tail are a mix of gray, brown and black. Females are similar, but duller and lack the black bib.
The call is a sharp click and the song a buzzy trill “brzzzt”.
Interesting Facts:
· There are some sources that list an extinct relative called Townsends Dickcissel/Finch. However, this is only known from a single preserved specimen and is likely a Dickcissel with a single point genetic mutation.
· Dickcissels form massive flocks in Winter, and some have been recorded as having up to a million individuals.
· The collective noun is a host of Dickcissels but other names applied to sparrows are sometimes used.