Using the Elements to Balance Your Home

April 2024 Newsletter

Hello Feng Shui Friends!

April has taken me very much by surprise, so this newsletter is right on time vs. a bit early this month. If you have been following along the past few months, you know that I have been studying to get my Associate Broker's real estate license. I am happy to say that I completed the 168 hour program a few weeks ago, and I took the Colorado Broker exam last Thursday. It was a crazy couple of weeks leading up to the day of the test and unfortunately, I only passed the State portion.

The next two weeks will be full of studying for the National exam and I think it is only appropriate that this is happening as Mercury goes Retrograde. (Today) If you aren't familiar with MR, it is a time when communications can get a little wonky. It is also a good reminder to back up your computer and for the love of God, don't buy any new electronics! It is also a time to REview, REdo and REvisit events, plans and goals from the previous three months, finish up the to-do items on your list and enjoy the brief little window of being in between times.


Using the Creative Element Cycle

One of the more complicated aspects of Feng Shui involves the elements and how to use them to your advantage. Feng Shui is all about layers and this is one of the layers that is simple but can also be a little confusing. There are two ways that the cycles work together. One is creative or "feeding" and the other is destructive or "destroying". This month, I am focusing on the creative cycle. When the elements are working in a creative fashion, one element's energy feeds the one following it. You may be wondering how this applies in Feng Shui so let's get to it.

Let's use the example of a red door. When the front door is located in the area of the bagua ruled by Water (front, center) a red door represents the Fire element. When the Fire element comes into contact with Water, there can be a tendency for drama. Depending on all the other things happening in a house's design and using this understanding of the elements, a better color for a front door in this location, might be turquoise or green because water helps create the wood element.

If all this seems a bit overwhelming, another way to use the elements is to practice identifying which elements are present in your home and which, if any, are absent. Do you have a lot of red or fire shaped (triangular) items, but no wood elements (rectangular) or green/blue? When in doubt, try to include a little of each element for a general sense of balance.

Maybe you have lots of metal (or round shaped items) but no earth for grounding? We can include the shapes of the elements the colors of the elements and the actual element itself. Need wood element? Get some indoor plants. Don't have a green thumb? Hang some art with plants. There is always a way. Sometimes, it just takes a little creativity to see how to add it to your spaces in a way that feels good to you.

As a professional Feng Shui consultant, as soon as I walk into a home or business, a million little things are being analyzed in my head and that is what you don't see when I work with you. If you ever saw the original Terminator, the scene where we get to his surroundings through his eyes, is a good visual of what I see! I make it look easy because I have been doing this for over 20 years. Just call me your fun-loving Feng Shui Terminator! ; )

If you would like to learn more about the bagua or the shapes and colors for each life area, click the website button below and it will take you directly to that page on my website.


If I do a job in 30 minutes, it is because I spent 10 years learning how to do it in 30 minutes. You owe me for the years, not the minutes." Davy Greenberg

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