United Way of Charlotte County

Mission: Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty.

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March Newsletter

Empowering Cycle Breakers

Inaugural ALICE Summit brings inspiration

At the inaugural ALICE Summit, Feb. 28, 2023, a woman shared her story of being a cycle breaker. She boldly proclaimed that she is the first homeowner in her family, adding, “and I’m breaking the generational cycle of poverty.”

ALICE households (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) earn more than the Federal Poverty Level, but less than what it costs to live and work in the modern economy. They often struggle to afford basic needs, such as housing, food, healthcare, childcare, technology and transportation. This makes saving for a rainy day difficult and saving for a downpayment on a house nearly, if not, impossible.

Click here to read the full column from the Daily Sun.

Wine and friends are a great blend!

It takes more than a hurricane to sour our signature tapas and wine-tasting event. Despite a delay, the event came together under a beautiful starry evening in the gardens with the popular sounds from The Mellow Music Club.


Thank you to our sponsors, guests, volunteers, Charlotte Technical College Culinary Program students and Chef Jason Osborne, Patti Haley-Herdon and her team from Punta Gorda Chocolates and Wine, Certified Sommelier Daniel Dau, Cassata Sonoma Wines and Peace River Botanical and Sculpture Gardens.


March turned out to be a perfect time of year to raise a glass with friends, so please save the date for next year’s Beaujolais: March 1, 2024.

Grateful for our VITA Partnerships

March 20-25 was Publix Appreciation Week! However, one week is never enough to express our heartfelt gratitude for Publix's support of United Way of Charlotte County.


If you stop in Publix, tell them THANK YOU for supporting our community through their commitment to United Way of Charlotte County!

Save the Date

March 31 - End of fiscal year

April 6 - Last day for VITA appointments

April 21-30 - Remake Learning Days

November 28 - Giving Tuesday

March 1, 2024 - Beaujolais
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