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Making Tracks

The Newsletter of the Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex

Joyfully Connecting our Community with the Wonder of the Refuge


Visitor Center Gallery Wall Exhibit Currently Displaying the Winners of the Friends' Youth Art Contest with the Oregon Chinese Coalition


June 16, 2023 2:00 PM  Tualatin River NWR

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President's Perch

by Cheryl Hart, President

Did you miss us? We skipped a month with our newsletter. This doesn’t happen very often, except our “Christmas Holiday” each December. But this was a very special occasion as Bonnie

Anderson, our Executive Director and newsletter editor and her family traveled to Iowa to celebrate the college graduation of her daughter, Blair from Drake University.

Blair grew up on the refuge and has been a part of so many activities through the years, most recently assisting with the judging of the second annual Oregon Chinese Coalition/Refuge/

Friends Art Contest. It is hard to believe that Blair has fledged and is off making an impression in an even larger world. Congratulations! We wish her all the best!

The end of April and first of May was important for another reason. It was the National Friends Workshop at National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV. Four of our Friends leaders attended the workshop: Board members Sharon Miller, Phyllis Millan, and me, and our Executive Director, Bonnie Anderson. We were joined by Refuge Project Manager Rebecca Chuck. This was the first national get together for Friends since 2016 so it was wonderful to have an opportunity to join over 200 Friends and FWS Staff from all over the country to learn, share ideas, and grow. There was a full agenda of informative plenary and breakout sessions as well as lots of informal get-togethers (where we all know the most learning is done). Topics were varied and session facilitators included Friends, FWS Staff, and others with expertise in nonprofit management, governance, fundraising, collaborating, and a wide variety of other topics. It was hard to choose which sessions to attend.

 Looking ahead, we hope that all Friends members and their families are planning to attend our 30th Anniversary Celebration. Yes, it’s hard to believe but our Friends group is 30 years old this

year! Members should have received your invitation via email. If you haven’t sent your RSVP yet, please do. There will be good food, under the direction of Chef Walter Chuck, husband of

our Project Manager; live music with refuge biologist Curt Mykut and The Dudes; door prizes; and fun for all ages. We are looking forward to seeing you all and enjoying an evening of celebrating all that has been accomplished through the partnership of FWS and Friends.

 And don’t forget to mark your calendar for the BEST NEW EVENT OF THE SUMMER, BREWS FOR THE BIRDS! Beer & Music Festival August 5-6 at Langer’s Entertainment Center in Sherwood. This is a family-friendly event

and a fundraiser for Friends. Thank you to our partner, Langer’s Entertainment Center! Look for more information as the date for this great event gets closer.


Summer is here. See you on the refuge!


Focus on Friends

by Bonnie Anderson, ED

A special recognition to all of the recent graduates that Cheryl and I have had the pleasure of getting to know this year working on the Oregon High School Youth Summit- Alan, Emily, Mathew and Leah- I know that your future is bright and I know the world will be in capable hands.

On Tuesday Greenway Staff invited . volunteers and partners to a celebrations of another inspiring school year. Principal Witten spoke about the amazing partnership that continues to grow between USFWS, the Friends, the dedicated volunteers and this community.

The Friends support many of the Greenway activities including the mini Bird Fest and grade Pre-K-5th grade Changemaker Project each year. We also funded the all school Fieldtrips last week and the special 5th grade fieldtrip to Horning's Hideout to go fishing! When a 5th grade teacher tells you that her student were 100% engaged in an activity and that it was the "BEST DAY EVER!"- you can't help but know what an impact the Friends are making in the community. A huge THANK YOU to Wil Warren and everyone at I'm Hooked for making this day so special for the students.

Brews for the Birds Beer & Music Festival: A Benefit for the Friends

We hope to see everyone out at our first every Brews for the Birds Festival fundraiser from noon- 9 on Saturday August 5th and noon- 6 on Sunday August 6th.

We are looking for

Volunteer needs include

  • Auction and Raffle Sub-Committee
  • Vendor and Exhibitor Sub-Committee
  • Alcohol Monitoring Support Crew
  • Set up/ Clean up Crew

Please email me for details

We hope to see everyone at Langer's Entertainment in Sherwood, Oregon in August- and a huge thank you to Langer's for their support of the Friends and the Refuge.

See you on the trails!


Friends Welcome Bella

Bella Padgett is the newest Habitat Restoration Specialist at the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex. She received her B.S. in Biology with a focus in ecology from Oregon State. She sits on the board of directors for the Vancouver Bee Project and is currently serving as an AmeriCorps member with the City of Vancouver's Urban Forestry and Naturespaces Programs, working with volunteers to restore wildlife habitat in public spaces. She previously conducted and assisted on research through Oregon State University pertaining to the wild bee communities of the Oregon Coast Range. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, birding, and observing the many bees in her backyard. Bella is currently working part time for the Friends until she finishes her AmeriCorps term in August.

Richard Scheideman- Kildeer Chick and Egg

Calling All Photographers

By Phyllis Millan

Are you a budding Ansel Adams, or more of a point and shoot type of person? Doesn’t matter if you like taking photographs at this Refugee (TRNWR) or other Refuges, National Parks and other outdoor places we want your photographs. We are going to publish a photo a month highlighting the diverse beauty of TRNWR, and other “wild” places. The photographs can be of animals, birds, plants, or just a beautiful scene. We only want people photo’s if you are wearing your TRNWR gear and we can see (a sign) where you are visiting. This is not a space for “professional” photos, but a place where we all can share the beauty, and diversity of our beautiful Refuge, and other public nature spaces.  

We ask that the photo’s follow the National Association of conservation photographers’ ethical

Standards (

 which strives to:

o Minimize negative impacts on animals, fungi, plants as well as the integrity of the landscapes and waterscapes. No baiting, luring or staging

o Honesty, authenticity, and accuracy in the representation

o Follow all appropriate laws, regulations, and customs.

o No political or sexual content on clothing worn by individuals in pictures

Photos submitted should be:

· Visually appealing

· Prefer a resolution of at least 3,000px on the shortest side of your picture (300 DPI)

· Main objects in focus

Let’s share the beauty of TRNWRC through your pictures. Submit via email to include your name, where the picture was taken and any pertinent information.

A Warm Friends' Welcome to USFWS Seasonal Apprentice

Stefan Dao is currently the Environmental Education Apprentice at Tualatin NWRC. Stefan was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. He has studied Environmental Science and Geography at Portland State University. His experience with nature is from recreational activities such as fishing/hunting, camping, overlanding and leans towards finding a career with the Fish and Wildlife Service. His goals are to add diversity to the Fish and Wildlife Service through his cultural background. 

Pictured at one of the pollinator gardens with an Earth Day bag are Refuge Executive Director Bonnie Anderson at left and Friends of the Refuge Board President Cheryl Hart.

Partnering with Rotary Club of Sherwood on the Environment

The Rotary Club of Sherwood and the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge have partnered on several environmental initiatives over the past year. Rotary is a lifetime member of the Friends and provides volunteers and funding for projects such as the purchase of native plants for 6 pollinator gardens, Earth Day events, and Second Saturday clean-up and planting parties. Rotary held one of their Friday morning meetings at the Refuge for a presentation led by Refuge volunteer Tom Hartz about the Chicken Creek Restoration program.

The Friends recently hosted a Youth Environmental Conservation Summit organized by high school and middle school students from 7 local areas which was attended by over 200 people. In addition to speakers and information booths, Rotary donated 60 Earth Day tote bags which were distributed to attendees. 

This Week at Interior

Jun 9, 2023

This Week: Interior leaders travel to Minnesota on "The Road to Healing"; Interior announces nearly $64 million to clean up more than 300 orphaned oil and gas well sites; the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season arrives, and USGS stands ready if a storm threatens American shores; this week marks World Ocean Day, and we're celebrating the precious resource that touches every aspect of our lives; Interior hosts the next generation of public servants at OPM's Intern Experience Program Launch; USFWS announces more than $24 million in funding for conservation projects to benefit migratory birds; NPS joins the U.S. Mint to celebrate the release of the new Eleanor Roosevelt quarter; Saturday, June 10 is National Get Outdoors Day; and we're heading to the Utah wilderness for our social media Picture of the Week!

Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex

19255 SW Pacific Hwy Sherwood, Oregon 97140

503.625.5944 x 15227
