The Monday Connector

March 17, 2025



Our first teacher is our own heart.

Cheyenne Saying

The Body Together: Learning and

Growing in our Faith

Whether you are brand new to the Episcopal faith, a “cradle Episcopalian”, or somewhere in between, you will want to mark your calendars to join your fellow St Markans for this series coming up in March.

We will learn and explore together the history of the Anglican church, the Book of Common Prayer, the Sacraments and finally, what it means to be a Cathedral. The unique format features four consecutive Sundays, ending with a lively Saturday session in April.


Who is this for: everybody

On each of these days, you’ll hear from a variety of voices from our body, with plenty of time for questions and interaction.


Sundays, 9:15 am

March 23 – NEW: Benedictine focus on Migration ministries

March 30 – The Sacraments


Saturday, April 12, 9 am – 12 pm – Our Cathedral and the Culture of Saint Mark’s

This session will include a guided tour behind the scenes with time for questions and spilling the tea with various leaders, discussion of using your personal gifts for the common good and concluding with an instructed Eucharist.

Easter Flower Ministry

The Altar Guild would like to invite all who are interested to participate in the annual Easter Flower ministry of remembering their loved ones by contributing to the Easter flower fund. Each memorial - or in honor of - is $35.00.

You can send a check to:

Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral - Attn: Flowers

519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, MN 55403

There are order forms available in the pews and at each door as you enter the Nave that will give you the opportunity to order specific plants. Easter lilies will be ordered if you do not specify otherwise. Please remember to include the names of the persons being remembered or honored. You are welcome to take the flowers home after the 10:30 am service on Easter Sunday, April 20. Any plants left over will be donated to the Saint Mark's landscape ministry.

In order for the names to appear in the Easter bulletins, requests must arrive at the church office by Palm Sunday, April 13, 2025

Thank you for participating in this valued ministry.

Facing Mortality with Hope

We all find ourselves on the journey to the end of life. It may be our own journey towards death or a journey accompanying a family member, a relative, a friend, or a member of our own community. Planning for the end of life can be a gift to oneself, one's family, and the faith community that has loved you.

The FACING MORTALITY WITH HOPE series addresses three dimensions of end-of-life planning. Our first meeting features the moving story of a family's experience when a loved one is brought home to die and the role hospice played in supporting the dying person and her family. Our second gathering centers on the exploration and discussion of spiritual needs, as well as questions at the end of life. Our third session offers valuable guidance for planning one's own death, funeral, and disposition of remains.

You are invited to participate in one, two, or all three sessions. There is no charge for the FACING MORTALITY WITH HOPE series. Register by emailing Joan Olson at

Dates: March 20 and 27, 2025

Time: 9:30-11:30 am

Place: Community Room

Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral

519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, MN 55403

Lenten Liturgy and Learning: Liberated Love

Join us as we learn about traditions of liberation theology and explore what they mean for our community in this moment. We will integrate songs, readings, and prayers, and our final session will include Holy Eucharist.

When: Wednesday evenings, March 19, 26, April 2, 6-8 pm

Each session begins with song, prayer, and scripture reading. Following will be a time of learning, reflection, and discussion, closing with Compline. Each week will focus on the embodiment of liberation theology in different traditions:

March 19: Latin American liberation theology and influence

March 26: Queer theology—including stories of LGBTQ+ activism at St Mark’s

April 2: Brief overview of other liberation theologies, such as Palestinian, Indigenous American, disability theology, Black theology, etc.

All are welcome! Mark your calendars and make plans to gather with your St Mark’s community as we explore and experience Lent through the lens of liberation theology.

Questions? Contact Clara Sanders at

Racial Justice & Healing Retreat

March 22, 8:30am-5:30pm

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Paul

ECMN’s Racial Justice and Healing Commission, the Community Conversations Ecumenical Consortium (CCEC), and Holy Trinity will host a retreat for racial healing and justice-making on March 22 at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in St. Paul.

This in-person retreat utilizes our Eucharistic liturgy as a frame for understanding ministries of racial justice and healing as an integral element of our ongoing spiritual formation and discipleship. The retreat will interweave components of prayer, somatic (body) work, lecture, small group sharing, and tools for how to respond to what you will learn.

Dr. Cody Sauders, author of Microaggression in Ministry and faculty at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, will lead us through an exploration of microaggressions, what they are, and how to align our beliefs with our actions. CCEC members will assist with group discussion.

We will gather at Holy Trinity on Saturday morning at 8:30 am for coffee and breakfast, and conclude at 5:30pm (lunch will be included). Please do not register if you cannot be present for the entirety of the retreat. If you have questions, please contact Kelsey Schuster at

We are committed to making this retreat accessible to all. You are invited to pay what you can. Whenyou register, you will be given the option to either attend the event for free, pay $25 to cover the cost of food, or pay $50 or $75 to make this retreat as accessible to as many people as possible.

Migration with Dignity

March 22, 2:00pm

Saint Mark's, Community Room

Join us on Saturday March 22nd at 2pm for prayers and a community forum on Migration With Dignity within The Episcopal Church and The Episcopal Church in Minnesota. We will be meeting in the Community Room. 

If you have questions regarding our ministry with immigrant communities and our commitments as The Episcopal Church in Minnesota this will be a helpful conversation. 

The Reverend Rex McKee, Deacon at Saint John the Baptist Minneapolis and member of ECMN Immigrant Caucus, Episcopal Migration Ministries leadership team, will lead our conversation.

Lenten Retreat at Saint Mark’s

Rest, Inspiration & Tools for Living Your Baptismal Call

Saturday, March 29th 9am-noon

By way of our Baptism, we are all called to recognize our God-given gifts and put them to the best use possible. Join in a morning of reflection about what this call means to you and consider ways you might adjust habits, strengthen relationships, and build spiritual practices. Enjoy a time of conversation, prayer and reflection followed by the Eucharist.

Also available throughout the morning:

  • Tours of Lenten art in the Saint Mark's gallery
  • Healing prayer in the nave
  • Spiritual directors on hand for small group conversations

Contact Renee Sherman ( to register for this free event

We will be referencing the book Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer. The book is available for purchase at the Cathedral book shop as well as on the day of the retreat.

Purchase of the book is optional.

Saint Mark's Supports Walk for Homeless

On Saturday, March 8, members of Saint Mark's joined 150 others for the downtown Walk in the Life, organized by Agate Housing and Services to raise funds for their outreach to the homeless population. In addition to the walkers, other parishioners sponsored the Walk by donating to the cause, bringing the total to over $750. Participants learned about Agate's facilities , ranging from the Feeding Centre (714 Park Ave.) to a new shelter soon to open in the Longfellow neighborhood, providing supportive housing and on-site counseling.

Maundy Thursday Dinner

Thursday, April 17

Saint Mark’s will host a pre-service Mediterranean themed family style dinner before the 7 30 pm service on Maundy Thursday, April 17.

A reception at 6 pm in the banquet room will be followed by dinner at 6:30 with readings from scripture, and dismissal at 7:15 to attend the service at 7:30.

All are welcome, and the cost per person is $15. Registration online here.

If you would like to help with the dinner, contact Inez Bergquist at

Labyrinth Stations of the Cross

Come experience the Stations of the Cross as you walk the Labyrinth at St. Edward’s Episcopal Church. Every Friday in Lent from 1pm-7pm the Sanctuary will be open and available to the public. Our address is: 865 Ferndale Road N, Wayzata, MN 55391

Pocket prayer shawls

The Knitting Ministry has been hard at work creating pocket prayer shawls for you to use or to share. They are small (3-4”) knitted squares designed to keep in your pocket or purse. Our hope is that you will keep one with you as a reminder of God’s great love for you. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, these pocket prayer shawls will be in baskets in the common areas around the church. Please feel free to take one for yourself or give away to someone who might need a little comfort.

Saint Mark's Library


Sandy Longfellow and I have inherited the care and maintenance of the SMEC Library book collection . The books in the collection range from general topics such as fiction, biography, history , social justice, and poetry, to books more focused on church life such as church history, spirituality, prayer , grief, and theology. The collection includes books for adults, children, and teenagers. Visit the display for Lent and check out a book to deepen your Lenten experience and your call to serve!

Books check out for 4 weeks. If you currently have something in your home that belongs to the SMEC library, we ask that you return it at your earliest convenience.

Welcome to the Library and happy browsing!

Jen Long and Sandy Longfellow, Saint Mark's members

Wells Foundation grant spotlight:


The Wells Foundation is a philanthropic non-profit managed by Saint Markans to grant funds to organizations who serve the needs of our communities.

Read about one of them here:

Align Minneapolis is an interfaith collaboration of 18 Minneapolis churches, synagogues, and mosques, including Saint Mark's. Their services include an Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program that focuses on preventing homelessness from occurring following a short-term financial emergency. In 2024 the ERA program provided direct assistance to 132 households. Sunday Night Supper community meals held every Sunday at Minneapolis Churches, are hosted and provided by Align Minneapolis member congregations and are free and open to all.

The Wells Foundation is proud to financially support Align's mission through annual grants.

For more information, visit

More Wells Foundation grantee information can be found at

Sunday Morning Forums

Join in these adult learning opportunities Sundays at 9:15 am for a time for learning, questions, and connecting in community.

March 23 – Benedictine Focus on Migration Ministries

March 30 – The Sacraments

April 6 - Governance presents and discusses changes to the Cathedral constitution

April 13 - Palm Sunday

April 20 - Easter

April 27 - Discussion of Holy Cow Cat survey, led by Karen Olson and our Vestry

Reminders - Weekly

Fellowship on Sundays

Every Sunday, enjoy fellowship, coffee, and treats between 9am and 12:30pm in the Community Room.

Gospel Based Discipleship

Fridays, 12:15 pm, online via Zoom


Gospel Based Discipleship is a weekly online meeting to read a passage of scripture and reflect on its meaning. There is no curriculum, no instructor. This is not a class, but a space for thought and reflection, a sort of "mini-retreat" from the week's busyness.

Access the Zoom link here. The gathering lasts only 45-50 minutes, from 12:15 pm until about 1 pm. 

Knitting Ministry

Saint Mark’s has had a group of dedicated knitters for many years. We make prayer shawls, scarves and baby blankets to bless and give to those in need. We welcome new knitters, no matter what your skill level is. We meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 10:30 am to noon in the library. Please join us! Questions may be directed to

Reminders - Monthly

Gathering Groups


As a way to connect and to grow as disciples of Jesus, Saint Mark’s has a variety of groups based on interest, affinity, or time. Two groups that meet monthly, with a set schedule, are these:

Women’s group: Second Thursday of the month, 6:00 pm, in the Library.

Men’s group: Fourth Saturday of the month, 9:00 am, in the Library. 

Please join us whenever it fits your schedule!

Building hours for Winter:

Sunday 8am-6pm

Monday 9am-4pm

Tuesday 9am-4pm

Wednesday 9am-8pm

Thursday 9am-4pm

Friday Closed

Saturday 9am-2pm

On occasion, building hours will vary.

Worship & Prayer

Worship & Prayer Schedule


5:30 p.m. Santa Misa en Español (Worship Service in Spanish)


8 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I (Traditional Language)

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II (Contemporary Language)

5 p.m. Choral Evensong


12:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist


9 a.m. Contemplative Prayer


Special Needs 

Michael Baggett, Elizabeth Campbell, Lamarr Doughty, Penny Johnson, Patricia Karlgaard, Steven McBroom II, Tom Specht, Christopher Walston, Julie, Pope Francis, Ying and Maile Thao Vue, the homeless in our community, people of the Philippines.


Emily Pike, Geraldine “Gerry” Schmidt, Nancy Foster

Ongoing Prayers

Cindy Beukema, Mary Jo Browne, Shereese Clark, Bob Collier, Cullen Creel, Karen Evans, Richard Evans, Ed Farrell, Eldon Feist, Mary Grover, Susan Jacobsen, Carol Adele-Jewett, Ann Maas, Sara Roland, Dianne and Don Sutton.


For the Migration with Dignity movement

The Call to Serve

For Agate, Align, and Great River Landing, our partners in the common good for securing safe and dignified shelter for the homeless in our community.

From the Book of Common Prayer: For the Absent

O God, whose fatherly care reacheth to the uttermost parts of the earth: We humbly beseech thee graciously to behold and bless those whom we love, now absent from us. Defend them from all dangers of soul and body; and grant that both they and we, drawing nearer to thee, may be bound together by thy love in the communion of thy Holy Spirit, and in the fellowship of thy saints; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



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